The Long Utopia

The guy who’d robbed him faced him. ‘Muh-muh-mine, Bob-Bob-Bob? Who says so?’



‘Mm-mine … I tr-rrade … You want? Look, pretty mm-mirror, pretty jewel-ss …’


The guy held the sash out of the kobold’s reach. ‘Ooh, look at me, I’m Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob-Bob … Hey, Fred, what do you think? Maybe LETC should employ this guy.’


‘Yeah, Mario, he’s smarter than Jim Russo.’


‘You’d make a damn fine CFO, Bob-Bob-Bob …’


And there was Stan, right in the middle of it all, just where Rocky knew he would be.


‘Give that back.’ Stan strode up to the worker, Mario, grabbed back the sash, and handed it to the kobold, who clutched it tight to his chest. Now Stan faced Mario. ‘What are you doing here?’ Stan turned to the crowd, whose noise was subsiding into a kind of confusion. ‘What the hell are you doing, all of you?’


‘Rocky.’ Martha Berg was at Rocky’s shoulder. Stan’s mother was about forty, prematurely greying, careworn, wearing her own LETC coverall. ‘I heard the commotion. I just knew it was Stan, I knew it.’


‘You should have seen the poker game.’


‘What poker game?’


‘Never mind.’


‘We have to get him out of there.’


Rocky feared she was right. But he also feared the consequences if they tried. ‘Maybe it will blow over.’


‘It doesn’t look like it,’ she said wearily.


Now Mario, who was twice Stan’s size, shoved Stan’s shoulder. ‘What’s your problem, you little snot? We wasn’t hurting him. Just a slap to keep him here. A little fun, that’s all.’


‘He’s just a damn kobold,’ somebody called from the crowd.


Stan turned that way, fiery. ‘Who said that? Just a kobold? He’s not as smart as you are, so it’s OK to pick on him, right?’


‘No kobold is as smart as a human, dipstick.’


‘Sure. So suppose somebody came along who was as categorically smarter than you, as you’re smarter than Bob-Bob here. Would you say it was right for that person to humiliate you? Would you?’ He faced Mario again. ‘Here. Use me.’




‘I’m evidently not as smart as you either. Otherwise I wouldn’t have walked into the middle of this, would I? So, go ahead. You’ve the right, according to you. What do you want to do, trip me up, strip me naked? Beat me to death?’ He turned to the crowd. ‘Come on – all of you, anyone. Who’s going to be the first?’


For about one second, Rocky observed, his moral authority held, one slim young man facing the burly worker, and the crowd of his buddies. For one second Rocky thought he might get away with this.


And then a lump of concrete came whirling in from the crowd, missing Stan’s head by inches. ‘Get the little prick!’


There was a roar, and everybody seemed to surge forward.


Rocky lost sight of Martha, and was swept forward with the rest. But he started to fight back, shoving and pushing his way towards Stan.


And suddenly those two Arbiters were at his side, flanking him, using their shoulders in a coordinated effort to bring him through the crush. In a moment they were over Stan, who was on the ground, having evidently taken a couple of punches, but grinning up at them.


The female Arbiter said to Rocky, ‘You’re his friend?’




‘Get him out of here.’


Rocky reached down and grabbed Stan’s hand.


But Stan, still grinning, said, ‘Leave it to me.’


And for Rocky the world fell away – the sunlight, the pressing crowd, the smell of dust and wet concrete, as if he’d tumbled down a rabbit hole – as Stan dragged him stepwise.









RESPONDING TO ROBERTA Golding’s summons, the four Next met in a farmhouse in another footprint of Miami, only a few worlds away from the LETC construction site. The house was just a few decades old yet long abandoned, and the marsh had already reclaimed the ground the vanished pioneers had roughly cleared. For Roberta Golding, at least it offered a welcome relief from the intensity of the sun.


Nobody knew they were here. The Next hid away, in the worlds of dim-bulb humanity.


They were due for a regular update meeting anyhow, which was why Roberta was in this part of the Long Earth, far from the Grange. But after the incident at the Bootstrap site with Stan Berg and the kobold, Melinda Bennett had requested an earlier session. Melinda was one of the two Arbiters who had come to the aid of Stan Berg and Rocky Lewis; the other, here too in his sweat-stained green uniform, was called Gerd Schulze.


The fourth person here today was Marvin Lovelace, the card sharp.


Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter's books