The Cursed (The Unearthly)

I tightened my grip on the stick. “Oh Beautiful One with the sparkly, erotic wings, please may I have the damn cue stick?”



Begrudgingly Oliver let it go. Very begrudgingly. “I almost feel bad for Andre right now,” he said. “He’s got his hands full with you.”


I lifted my hand into the air and gave him the bird. As I did so, the air seemed to shift. I felt the ripple of awakened power along my skin. I sucked in a breath and straightened. Andre had woken up.



I panicked, turning to Oliver. “He’s awake.”


“Who’s awake?”


“The monster under the bed—who do you think?”


“Andre?” Oliver rolled his eyes. “So?”


“So,” I sputtered, “I’m drunk on his expensive liquor, and I’m supposed to fill him in on Caleb’s theory.”


“Bitch please—Caleb’s theory? I was the one who told you about the myth being a prophecy.”


“Not the point.”


“Then what is the point?” Oliver asked, pursing his lips.


I scrubbed my face. I could feel my mood slipping through my fingers, turning dark and despairing. I didn’t know if the alcohol had caused it, or if it had actually been holding it at bay all this time.


“I don’t want to tell him,” I whispered into my hands. And what would I say? That we might be soulmates, but I was destined to be the devil’s wife? My head began to pound at the thought.




I dropped my hands, and a bloody tear snaked down my cheek. I could feel Caleb’s curious eyes on it.


“Sweets,” Oliver said gently, his annoyance with me forgotten, “you’re going to have to.”


“What has Gabrielle so worked up?” Caleb asked coming over to us.


“I think the king of the vampires is awake,” Oliver said.


Caleb took a step closer to us. “How can she possibly know that?” he asked, eyeing me.


“It’s sunset,” Oliver said smoothly. He turned so that Caleb couldn’t see his face and winked at me. I gave him a small, tight-lipped smile in return.


I could feel the connection between Andre and me getting stronger, which meant he was getting closer.


“Oliver …” I didn’t know what I was asking for at this point. Maybe just someone to soothe my fear.


He squeezed my hands. “Sorry love, but you’re going to have to tell Andre.”


“Tell me what?”


My eyes fell on the door to the game room, where Andre stood, taking in the scene. In one of his hands was a small gift-wrapped box.


“What’s going on?” he asked, sauntering in. His voice sent pleasant skitters up my arms, but fear sliced through me. This was going to ruin his Christmas, and I’d already made a hot mess of his birthday.


I was a holiday wrecker.


Andre’s assessing eyes passed over me. “Gabrielle, your heart is beating much too quickly.” He took several steps towards me, looking scary as all get out. His nostrils flared. “And the room stinks of booze—you smell of booze.” His eyes hardened when they met mine. “I will ask one more time: what is going on?”




“Time to scram,” Oliver whispered to Caleb, grabbing his arm. Caleb hesitated, looking between Andre and me.


I too began to edge away from Andre.


“You are not going anywhere, Gabrielle,” Andre said, “so don’t even consider it.”




Very slowly Andre turned to stare at Caleb, who had taken a step closer to us. “I will need to ask you to leave us,” Andre said. “I would like to speak to my subject alone.”


Caleb’s jaw tensed and the two stared each other down. I wanted to roll my eyes at the display. After a tense few seconds, Caleb jerked his head in acquiescence and backed away from us. Oliver, I noticed, had already bolted from the room. Smart fairy.


“No tricks, Caleb,” Andre called out after him. “If I sense you lingering, I will not be pleased.” That was a euphemism if I ever heard one.


Caleb gave a wave of acknowledgement and left the room. The door clicked shut behind him, and then Andre and I were alone.


For a beat Andre stared at the door, and then, painfully slow, he turned his attention to me.


Ho, was he scary when he wanted to be. Like right now. I was sobering up real quick.


He stalked forward and I backed up until I bumped into the pool table. Andre didn’t stop until his chest brushed mine.




Once he reached me, he set the small gift on the edge of the table. Then he ran his knuckles down my cheek. “Why does my soulmate fear me right now?”


My throat worked, but I didn’t respond.


He tilted my face left and right, assessing me. “I can smell the alcohol in your blood, and I’ve never seen you drunk. I’m guessing it’s not Christmas that has you worked up?”


I closed my eyes and shook my head. Oliver was right; I had to tell Andre. “Caleb discovered something about the murders,” I admitted.


Andre took my hands and held them between his own. “This is a good thing, is it not?”


“No,” I choked out. A bloody tear dripped down my cheeks, and then another.


Andre’s brows furrowed, and his hands left my own to cup my jaw. Frowning, he wiped away my tears with his thumbs. “Please don’t cry,” he said, his voice gravelly. “I can’t stand the sight.”


That only made me cry harder. After a moment, Andre pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly to him. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair, murmuring gentle words to me in Spanish. It would’ve been incredibly sexy if I weren’t such a wreck right now.


I hadn’t fallen apart when I was kidnapped, nor when we got into an accident. I’d held it together when I’d visited the devil and again when he dropped in on Andre and I. I’d even stayed strong throughout the day, thanks to the alcohol.




I’d bottled up my emotions for too long, and now they were spilling out all over the place.


When I finally got myself under control, I stepped away from him. The arms that had encircled my back now dropped to my waist.


“Are you ready to tell me what has you so worked up?” Andre asked.


I stared at his chest. “Yes.” Then I took a deep breath and told him.

Laura Thalassa's books