The Coveted (The Unearthly)

“Andre!” Oliver exclaimed, fanning himself. “Oh baby Jesus, please tell me you took advantage of that situation.”



I stared at him, then cast my gaze over to Leanne. “Do I have to answer that?”


She said no at the same time he said yes.


I closed my eyes and shook my head. “That’s beside the point. An incubus showed up last night. A demon. You guys might not be safe sleeping in the same room as me.”




Oliver cocked a hip. “You better not be kicking me out.”


“I’m not going anywhere either,” Leanne said. “If some naked dude comes, I’ll drop kick him.”


“Well, I might not do that,” Oliver said, “but I’ll happily take care of the problem.”


And then Oliver and Leanne went on as though I hadn’t just told them that a demon might show up tonight.


I seriously loved my friends.






The smell of seaweed and salt water woke me. I sat up in bed as the ocean’s surf licked the edge of my mattress. Above me the moon and the stars glowed in the night sky. I threw off the sheets and turned to get out of bed.


A hand wrapped around me. “Stay in bed,” a voice whispered in my ear.


I tugged against the hand, and the arm thrown around me tightened.


I looked over my shoulder. An angelic face peered back at me. He had long lashes, green eyes, tan skin, hair the color of wheat. “Stay with me,” he pleaded.


For a moment, I almost agreed with him. And then a feeling of déjà vu came over me.




This has happened before . . .


Dream. Incubus. Crap.


My eyes snapped open and sure enough, the man was still in my bed. Ugh, I was going to have to wash my sheets again.


“Get out of my bed!” I used my feet to push the incubus off of my mattress.


“Hey!” he shouted as he rolled off.


I heard skin smack skin. “Aaaiiieeeee!” Oliver yelped. Whoops, I forgot he was there.


“No,” Leanne groaned. “This is the third day in a row my sleep has been interrupted. Now I’m going to have to maim this dude.”


I got out of bed, picked up the man from where he lay next to Oliver, and threw him across the room. His body hit the wall, shaking the building and cracking the drywall.


Leanne watched this unfold. “Never mind.”


It was a good thing we lived on the third floor and our housemother lived on the first. Amazing what acoustics the extra floor muffled.


I heard the demon mutter to itself, “These wenches are crazy.”


“Excuse me?” Oliver said, getting up out of bed.


The two eyed each other.


When we didn’t immediately attack him, the demon straightened up and threw his shoulders back. I noticed now that he was a different man than the one who showed up the night before.




The incubus had now focused his attention on Oliver. He cocked his head. “You are remarkably handsome,” he said to Oliver, his voice husky.


Oliver put a hand to his chest. “Oh my!” Oliver said. One little compliment and he’d forgiven the incubus for calling us wenches. Fairies. “You’re not too hard on the eyes eith—”


“Listen Casanova,” I said to the incubus, not amused, “you have three seconds to get your ass out of here before I help you.”


His eyes became hooded. “I’d very much like you to help me out.” I wanted to puke at the sexual undertones of his statement.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Oliver interrupted. “I can do the escorting.”


I gave Oliver a look. “You’re not really trustworthy when it comes to these things.”


Oliver cocked a hip. “I’m extremely trustworthy.”


“That’s a demon!” I pointed to the naked man.


“I promise I don’t bite—much,” the incubus said. Considering Oliver’s hungry look and my penchant for blood, if anyone was getting a nibble tonight, it wasn’t going to be Birthday-Suit Boy.


“Why are you here?” I asked the incubus.


He smiled slyly. “I wanted to meet the devil’s consort.”


Goosebumps broke out along my skin. That name again.


“That’s what you call meeting someone?” I asked. If that was how people in hell introduced themselves, I was really going to have to worry about this whole “being damned” thing.




“It usually works.” He glanced at Oliver. “I’ll see you again soon.”


And then, just like the previous incubus, he disappeared.






“Cock blocker,” Oliver said to me the next morning as we got ready for school. He flipped through the sprays and balms resting on top of Leanne’s dresser.


“He was a demon.”


“Says the vampire,” Oliver huffed.


“Did he not give off rapey vibes?” I asked while I slipped on my boots. “You should be worried about your dreams. He’s coming for you next.”


“Yeah right, we probably scared him off for good.” Oliver said that like it was a bad thing. “I’ll be right back.” He sashayed out of our room, muttering something about our inferior hair products.


The door clicked shut. “The bed and Oliver need to go,” Leanne said. “I can’t take either of them in large doses.”


Thalassa, Laura's books