The Black Parade

Jared sighed. “Yep. Under the bandages, you’re still the same hardheaded moron as always. Guess I’d better get out of here.”



He started to leave, but then pointed at me with a stern look. “Don’t call me until you’re cleared with him, y’hear?”


I saluted him. “Sir, yes, sir.”


Jared shook his head and headed towards the locker room. Michael rounded on me as I grabbed my water bottle from my corner of the mat. “How long have you been doing this behind my back?”


I drank about half the bottle before answering. “Why? It’s only going to make you madder when you find out.”


“Jordan, I told you that you would have to take it slow for a while. Forcing your body to recover is only going to make things worse.”


“I’m not forcing anything. I’m preparing.”


He narrowed his eyes at me. “For what?”


“For whatever the hell is coming for me next. I don’t want to get my ass handed to me again, thanks.” I turned away, heading towards the locker room as well. Usually, I’d take a shower because the gym here had pretty nice facilities, but the stitches couldn’t be under a showerhead until my skin healed. I’d have to head home and take a bath.


Michael followed me. “So what? Do you not understand the concept of a bodyguard?”


“I don’t want to be saved. I can take care of myself.”


“Yes, because it worked so well last time.”


I whirled on him, poking a finger in his chest. “Don’t go there. You’re not gonna like where it ends.”


“And where is that? A hospital? Because that’s exactly where you’re headed at this rate.”


I threw up my hands. “You don’t understand anything, do you?”


“No, I don’t. So explain it to me.”


“This isn’t the time or the place, okay? Let me get my crap and then you can continue lecturing me on the way home. Sound good?”


“Sounds perfect,” he growled.


I stalked into the locker room and let out a groan of pure frustration. My anger distracted me enough that I couldn’t remember the combination to the lock, so I just stood there and pressed my forehead against the cool metal, trying to calm down. I hadn’t wanted him to find out. I really hadn’t. He was supposed to be at band practice all night, so I’d snuck out of the apartment for a quick lesson. He must have gotten back early. I was never going to hear the end of it.


“Man trouble?”


I glanced to my right to find a blonde girl looking at me with a mix between amusement and sympathy. I let out a snort.


“You have no idea.”


One frosty, silent bus ride later, Michael and I arrived at my apartment. I took the longest bath possible to avoid the upcoming argument and redid my own bandages. They weren’t as neat and perfect as when Michael or Raphael did them, but they did the trick. The time alone gave me a moment to cool off and at least attempt to act like an adult.


A succulent smell greeted my nostrils when I left the bedroom. Something with tomatoes and broth. My stomach growled comically loud in response.


Michael stood in front of the stove where a big silver pot sat. He ladled some kind of soup into a bowl. Even though I was sort of mad at him, I still wanted to eat the food he’d made.


“Is that for me, or do I have to apologize first?” I asked.


“The great and powerful Jordan Amador knows how to apologize? I’m shocked.”


I contemplated kicking him in the shin. No. I was going to be mature about this if it killed me. “Well, if you get down off your high horse, maybe you’ll be able to hear it.”


“I really should have believed you when you said you weren’t a people person.”




Sighing, Michael handed me the bowl. I dug up a spoon from the drawer before heading to the kitchen table to eat. The soup was indeed tomato-based, but I tasted a hint of basil among the shrimp, clams, and mushrooms in it. I hadn’t tasted anything this good in months. Maybe I should apologize.


Michael sat across from me and we both ate in stagnant silence. When the last bit of soup disappeared, I decided to make the first move.


“How’d you find me?”


“Your phone went straight to voicemail, so I checked the grocery store and the surrounding area. When you didn’t turn up, I thought about where you might go to blow off some steam. Then I remembered you had a gym membership.”


“Am I that predictable?”


He allowed a small smile to grace his lips. “Only to me.”


I glared at him. “Ego isn’t a good look on you.”


“Thanks, that’s sweet.” The amusement bled out of his face, leaving it serious but with a softer look than before. One thing I did like about Michael is that he didn’t seem to hold grudges, even when I was in the wrong. Not that I’d ever admit it out loud.


“So what’s really going on here, Jordan? You know it’s dangerous to put that much strain on your body.”


“I don’t think it’s something I can explain to you.”


“Try me.”


Kyoko M.'s books