The Black Parade

Gabriel spoke up, interrupting the uncomfortable silence. “I can see the two of you will need time to adjust to this change. We will be back tomorrow to check your wounds, Jordan.”



The two left the room in a hurry. Smart angels. I took a deep breath, licked my dry lips, and tried to figure out where to start.


“I’m not sure if you noticed, but I’m not much of a people person, Michael. It won’t be easy with you hanging around me all the time.”


He took a seat at the foot of the bed. “Do you want to know why I volunteered to do this? Other than the whole ‘there’s a demon trying to get you’ thing?”


“Yeah, that’d be nice.” I hadn’t meant to sound so mean, honest, but I suddenly remembered Michael’s words before I died. They rang clearly in my head, almost mocking me: What if I need you? As silly as it sounded, I felt embarrassed and defensive. Did he still feel that way or was that just the other Michael?


“I may have only been with you a week, but I feel I can do more here than I thought. Yes, it’s true that you are smart and tough and independent, but you’ve been alone for so long. I owe you my life. This is the least I can do.”


I wanted to protest, but I remained silent because he was right. I’d been doing things on my own as soon as I got old enough to leave my aunt’s apartment in inner city New Jersey. She had been cruel because I reminded her too much of my mother. She already had two kids and a distant husband to worry about. Nearly all of the growing up I had done as a person, I did so alone.


That didn’t mean I could accept it. “But I barely know you.”


Michael spared me a soft smile. “Then I guess we’ll have to get reacquainted.”


He stuck out his hand. “Michael the archangel, Prince of Heaven’s Army.”


I finally sighed and took it. “Jordan Amador. Welcome to my world.”






Chapter 9




The first order of business was calling work. The incident had caused me to miss two days. Gabriel came up with the cover story: I had been violently mugged and would be recuperating for two weeks minimum. Colton sent Lauren over to check on me (and probably confirm that I wasn’t lying) and she nearly fell apart when she saw my condition. She told me she knew relatives who would fly over here from Korea and hunt down my attacker, but I managed to convince her not to do it. Strangely enough, it was one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to me.


Michael posed as an at-home nurse assistant in the daytime hours. I told Lauren I was deathly afraid of hospitals, so they had discharged me. When he left to get me more food, Lauren asked for his number. I’d laughed so hard I nearly reopened my stitches.


Speaking of those, Raphael had actually treated me while I had been unconscious. It turns out that he couldn’t bring me to full health because of the massive strain I had already gone through. Raphael worried that using all of his healing powers might push my body past its limits.


At the moment, we were in my bathroom with the door shut—me perched on the side of the bathtub with Raphael sitting in a chair across from me. His hands were warm and firm against my skin as he tested my temperature, examined the bruises, and moved the joints in my injured hand. Everything still hurt, but not nearly as bad as when I first woke up. I probably should have felt more uncomfortable being shirtless in front of a man I had only known for two days, but Raphael kept me distracted with conversation as he worked. Plus, angels weren’t attracted to human beings so there was no sexual tension to be had, much to my relief.


“So does Michael have any of your healing abilities?” I asked.


He offered me a faint smile. “Michael is more of a fighter than a healer. I’ve had more experience in this area.”


I arched an eyebrow. “Aren’t all archangels sword-toting badasses?”


He chuckled—a warm, rolling sound. “Not exactly. He is the more proficient strategist when it comes to fighting. It has always been that way.”


“If that’s true, do you really think he’ll do a good job of taking care of me?”


I could tell the question surprised him. He paused, mulling the thought over. “Each archangel has strengths and weaknesses. As God’s Messenger, Gabriel interacts easily with human beings, but lacks the hardened nature of a warrior like Michael. As God’s Healer, I have extensive skills in treating the bodies and souls of humans so I lack the desire to harm others. Michael is the superior commander, but he has spent the least amount of time on Earth. I believe this is why Father sent him to return the Spear of Longinus to its proper place. I think that is also why Father agreed to let him stay on Earth with you. There is much more he can learn here than in Heaven.”


“You didn’t answer my question.”


Raphael grinned, tossing the small pile of old bandages in the wastebasket before standing. “Yes, Jordan. I think he will do a fine job taking care of you, and vice versa.”


I frowned. “How could I possibly take care of an archangel?”


Kyoko M.'s books