Tales from the Hood

“We’re back,” Little John bellowed with a grin. “Did you miss us?”



Robin Hood waved to the crowd. “For those of you wondering, the Sherwood Group is officially closed for business. Don’t worry about us, we’ll find other jobs. You know what they say, ‘do what you love and the money will come.’ I look forward to robbing all of you in the very near future.”


“That guy is so cool,” Puck said.


Nottingham pulled his sword. “I’ll kill you, Robin. This time I’ll make sure of it.” He dashed into the crowd, pushing and shoving in his eagerness to get to Robin.


The Merry Men rushed into the crowd as well, turning it into an enormous mob. Everyone was fighting—members of the Scarlet Hand even fought one another. Uncle Jake pulled Briar to safety. Then he found Granny and the girls and did the same. Puck, however, flew over the crowd, smacking the tops of people’s heads with his wooden sword.


“We have to get out of here,” Uncle Jake said, reaching into his pockets to arm himself with magical items.


“What about Mr. Canis?” Daphne asked.


Sabrina could see the huge man tossing people aside and roaring. “I think he’s OK.”


“Are we all here?” Granny asked.


Sabrina scanned the crowd. “Where’s Ms. White?”


In the chaos it was obvious that even a trained self-defense teacher like Snow could be seriously injured. Sabrina shouted at Puck. “Hey, dirtface. Find Snow White!”


Puck nodded and zipped away. A moment later he was back. “I found her. She’s in trouble. Follow me!”


The family raced after the flying boy. He took them a block away and down an alley. There they found Ms. White being dragged away by Bluebeard.


“Leave her alone!” Daphne shouted as they approached.


Bluebeard sneered. “You people run along. Snow and I are going to have a little talk about manners.”


Snow punched him in the face and he fell backward, but he sprang back to his feet almost immediately. He wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled a dagger from his pocket. He ran the tip along Snow’s throat.


“Stand back, folks. Let’s not get excited. I’d hate for someone to lose their head,” Bluebeard said. “Snow and I need to come to an understanding. I am a patient man but my patience has worn thin. I asked you out for a date and you rejected me. Do you know how that hurts?”


“You disgust me!” Snow cried.


“See what I mean? That’s just rude. I’m a very nice man, a pure gentleman, who wanted to take you out for dinner, and this is how you treat me.”


Sabrina heard someone running toward them. She spun around to find Charming approaching from the main street.


“Billy!” Snow cried.


“Charming,” Bluebeard said. “Have they captured the Wolf yet?”


“No, not yet,” Charming said.


“I was just having a conversation with Snow about how to respect other people,” Bluebeard said.


“I see. How is it going?”


“Not well. I wanted to give your ex a chance to redeem herself. She’s no friend of the Hand, what with her relationship with these lousy Grimms. I had hoped that if she were to get involved with me, it might save her life when the Master rises.”


“It’s hopeless,” Charming said. “I’ve tried.”


“Billy, what are you saying?” Snow cried.


Charming approached them and stared Snow hard in the face. “You’ve got yourself into another situation, Snow.”


“William, you don’t mind if I have a little fun with her?” Bluebeard asked. “If you’re done with her like you say you are, then you won’t mind.”


Charming was still, then he nodded.


He turned to walk back to the riot, but in a flash there was a sword in his hand. He whipped around and plunged it into Bluebeard’s side. The villain collapsed with the blade still in him. Snow broke free of his grasp and stumbled away. Bluebeard reached out for her, but then his eyes closed and he was still.






“I didn’t see that one coming,” Puck whispered to Sabrina.


Snow was trembling when Charming pulled her to his side. “You hate me,” he said. “I get that. And I would apologize, but I can’t. I did all of this—the betrayal, the cruelty, joining this wretched Hand—I did it all to save your life.”


Charming released her and turned to Granny. “Canis has fled.”


“What? Where did he go?”


“Robin told him about Hatchett. Canis was furious and he ran off,” he said. “Relda, he was injured and something inside snapped. I think the Wolf is finally in charge.”


“Mom, if the Wolf gets to Hatchett before we do, he’ll kill him,” Uncle Jake said.


Granny took Daphne’s hand. “Do you still have that kazoo?”


The little girl nodded.


“It might be our only chance.”




Michael Buckley's books