Soul Scorched

If Darcy didn’t feel like the biggest heel before, she certainly did now.


“Make yourself comfortable,” Lily said with a tight smile as she motioned into the room. “There’s an en suite. One of us will be up later to see if you want any food.”




Darcy watched her walk away before she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She leaned back against it and let out a deep breath.


“Way to go, Darcy. That was a catastrophe. Why didn’t I just keep my mouth shut?” she asked herself.










Con stood at the door of Warrick’s room as he lay upon his bed. It was all he could do to hold back his temper as rage burned through him.


The Kings couldn’t die by Dark magic, but that didn’t mean they felt nothing from it. The fact was, it debilitated them. Depending on how much of the Dark magic they took in, it could be anywhere from a few minutes to hours for the Kings to recover.


Thankfully, it didn’t happen often. Most times the Kings fought the Dark in dragon form. If he didn’t care that the mortals discovered them, Con could have urged Warrick to shift and put an end to most of the Dark in Edinburgh.


But he hadn’t.


“Where’s Darcy?” Warrick asked.


Thorn stood with his arms crossed against a wall across from the bed. “She’s fine, War. She’s with Lily, Iona, and Shara.”


“She willna understand Shara,” Warrick said and tried to rise.


Kiril put his hand on his shoulder. “I’ve taken care of it.”


Con had to be blind not to see the worry Warrick had for the Druid. Surely Warrick wasn’t foolish enough to feel anything for the mortal. She’d aided Ulrik, and in Con’s mind, that made her an enemy.


If only he could put the spell back in place that would stop the rest of the Kings from falling in love. It was only a matter of time before another betrayal happened.


That time could be now.


“You’re frowning,” Kellan said as he moved to stand beside him.


Con smoothed out his features. “I doona like to see any of us brought low by the Dark.”


“Horse shit. You’ve taken notice of how Warrick keeps talking about Darcy.”


Con didn’t bother to tell Kellan he was wrong. Kellan was the Keeper of the History for the Dragon Kings, and that allowed him to be privy to important incidents and happenings regardless of whether the other Kings wanted him to know or not. Kellan was shown what happened in his mind, and he then recorded it.


His job brought him and Con close simply because Kellan had information about a weapon hidden on Dreagan that could be used against the Kings. The Dark were after it, but Con had yet to share what it was with the other Kings.


Nor would he.


Kellan stared at Warrick who was talking to Guy and Tristan about the Dark attacks. “You can no’ keep sending Kings out to watch over females and no’ expect something to happen.”


“Of course I can.”


“Then you’d be an idiot. We’re no longer spelled, in case you need reminding.”


Con cut his eyes to Kellan and met his celadon gaze. “If I need reminding, all I have to do is look around at all the mates roaming Dreagan.”


“You really hate it, don’t you?” Kellan asked with a hard look.


Con returned his attention to Warrick. “Nay.”


Kellan issued a grunt. “Doona bother lying to me, Constantine. Remember. I know your secrets.”


“You know some of them.”


“I know the biggest ones.”


“Is that a threat?” Con asked and turned his head to Kellan.


Kellan didn’t bother to look at him. “Nay. Just a reminder. You know, you might no’ be such a wanker if you would but—”


“Doona even say it,” Con cut him off in a hard voice.


Kellan shrugged. “Denying it willna change things.”


Con walked away from Kellan to stand next to the bed. “Who sent for the Warriors and Druids?”


“No’ me,” Warrick said. “I didna even think of them. I wouldna have agreed to let Ulrik help if I knew they were coming.”


Con felt as if someone had just punched him in the gut. “What did you say?”


“Ulrik helped.” Warrick struggled to sit up and lean back against the wooden headboard. “He arrived and offered his services. Darcy accepted.”


“And you didna stop her?” Con demanded.


Thorn dropped his arms and moved to the other side of the bed. “It was Darcy’s life. She was the one to decide.”


“Nay,” Con said angrily. “We’re Dragon Kings. We decide.”


Warrick traded a look with Thorn. There was something in Con’s voice that told him he was barely containing his anger. “You didna see the Dark that were there, Con. Darcy decided to allow Ulrik to help, and since we wanted her out safely, I didna see another choice.”


“Neither did I,” Thorn added.


Con’s cold black eyes stared at Warrick. “You know what he is.”


“Aye,” Warrick agreed. “Darcy isna blinded, Con. She might have seen his memories, but she knows there’s more to him.”