Soul Scorched

Warrick didn’t have time to grasp what was happening as Fallon MacLeod suddenly appeared in front of him, his dark green eyes smiling as he laid a hand on Warrick.


The next thing Warrick knew, he was in the kitchen of Dreagan Manor right as his legs gave out.










Darcy tried to get to Warrick. She was so happy when he appeared in the kitchen she could barely contain herself. He hadn’t even seen her before he collapsed.


She gasped and started to go to him. The other Dragon Kings immediately surrounded Warrick and got him upstairs while Thorn was talking to them. Leaving Darcy behind.


“A shower or food?” asked a female voice behind her.


Darcy turned and focused on the three women standing there. They had been trying to talk to her after some man touched her. One moment she was in Edinburgh atop the roof, and the next, she was standing in a large kitchen.


“She looks shell-shocked,” said the petite woman with long inky hair and dark eyes.


Darcy blinked. “I am. Am I at Dreagan?”


“Yes, you are,” said another woman with wavy blond hair and kind brown eyes.


Darcy didn’t quite understand. “How?”


“Fallon teleported you.”


Darcy moved her gaze to the third woman who was stunningly beautiful with her black hair and the silver stripe running along the side of her face.


Dark Fae.


Darcy knew it instantly. She backed up, gathering her magic as she did. She ran into something and looked over her shoulder to see a tall man with wheat-colored hair and shamrock green eyes.


“Is something amiss?” he asked smoothly.


Darcy looked back at the woman. “She’s Dark.”


“Was,” the man said from behind her. “Shara is my mate, Darcy. She was born to a Dark family, but she’s now Light.”


Darcy recalled Warrick saying something about that, but after all she’d endured at the Darks’ hands as well as witnessed, she was slow to let it all go.


“You’re safe here,” the petite woman spoke again.


The Dragon King walked around her and went to stand by Shara. “I’m Kiril,” he said. “I came to let you know that Warrick is fine. He took too much Dark magic.”


“I knew it would happen again,” Darcy said more to herself than those around her.


Kiril’s brow rose in surprise. “Again?”


“It happened yesterday as well. The Dark surrounded him on the street.”


“In the middle of Edinburgh?” Shara asked, her shock evident.


Darcy nodded, suddenly very weary.


The tall blonde hurried to Darcy and gently pushed her down into a chair. “I’m Iona. Shorty over there is Lily. It looks like you need food first.”


Food and sleep, but Darcy wasn’t sure she could do either. Now that she was free of the threat of the Dark, the realization of how close she had come to death descended. She clenched her hands to stop them from shaking, but it didn’t help.


Shara took the chair next to her at the round table, her gaze sympathetic. “I know what you witnessed must have been horrific.”


“I have no words,” Darcy said.


Lily set a cup of tea in front of her. “The best thing you can do is relax and let your mind grasp that you’re safe.”


Safe. It was a word Darcy had always thought pertained to her. She had magic enough to protect herself against too-frisky dates and anyone attempting to rob her. Yet, she discovered how little her magic helped when facing the Dark.


Iona closed the fridge and looked at her. “I’m not the best cook, but I make great sandwiches.”


Darcy smiled, but with the way her stomach felt, she wasn’t going to chance eating anything right now. “Thanks, but I think I’m going to have to pass.”


“Why don’t I show you to a room?” Lily asked. “I’m sure you’d like some time alone and a shower.”


Darcy got to her feet with a nod. “I’d like that very much.”


She briefly looked at Kiril, Shara, and Iona before she followed Lily out of the kitchen and to the stairs. Darcy looked around, noting all the dragons. Most were made of iron. She loved the dragons that seemed to come right out of the wall, one claw holding a lantern with a light inside.


There were dragon pictures of various sizes. Some of the dragons were prominent. Others you had to search to find.


Then she reached the staircase and marveled at the beauty. There was a dragon newel post that was carved out of a huge piece of wood and looked as realistic as the dragons in her dreams.


“It’s a beautiful place, isn’t it?” Lily asked.


For the first time Darcy realized her accent was British. “It is. I could spend hours looking around.”


Lily smiled over her shoulder. “I’ve only been a mate for a short time. I worked for Dreagan, but I didn’t see the manor until after Rhys and I had our ceremony. I know I walked around with my mouth hanging open for days.”


Darcy couldn’t help but smile at Lily’s exuberance. “How is it being mated to a Dragon King?”