Soul Scorched

“I have.”



“Nay. You’re blinded by your hate. The fact that your first question was about what Darcy might have shared regarding Ulrik instead of asking if she was still alive or how Thorn and I were holding up against the Dark is telling.”


“Then tell me what happened.”


Warrick wasn’t deceived. Con was placating him, and it infuriated Warrick. “I did. I was attacked.”


“That’s no’ a surprise. The Dark will attack you to get to the Druid.”


“Thirty of them? Out on the streets? With only the rain to hide us?”


There was a pause, and Warrick could practically see Con frowning.


“Thirty?” Con asked.


“That were just the ones who surrounded me and were visible. There were more that I couldna take time to count.”


“When did this happen?”


“A few hours ago.”


“And you’re just now telling me?” Con shouted.


Warrick hadn’t been thinking of reporting to Con. His thoughts had been centered on Darcy. “Aye.”


“You were wounded.”


It wasn’t a question. “As I said, they surrounded me when I tried to return to Darcy’s shop. I blocked most of their magic, but some got through.”


“At least they didna take you.”


“They didna want me. They were too focused on Darcy. She was inside the shop watching. They hurt me to get her to come out since Thorn and I used magic on her building and the Dark couldna get to her.”


“How is Thorn?”


At least that was one thing Warrick didn’t have to worry about. “Thorn has remained hidden. The Dark doona even know he’s here. It’s allowed him to kill them without being seen by the others.”


“I didna have any doubt.”


“You should also know that the Dark didna just attack us today. They went after humans as well.”


“They know we protect the mortals,” Con said. “They’ll try to divide your attention between the Druid and the mortals. Perhaps I should send Kiril and Rhys back to Edinburgh.”


“I doona think that would be a good idea. The Dark were blatant in their attack today, and that was just with me. If they knew Thorn or any other Kings were here, I’m afraid we wouldna be keeping our secret from the humans any longer.”


“The Dark are that intent on taking Darcy?”


“Aye. They busted through her magic quickly enough. It was only our dragon magic that held them.”


“Then they willna stop until they have her. It’s just a matter of time before they get to her.”


“Unless she’s on Dreagan.” Warrick had no idea where that thought came from. Once said, however, he knew it was the only place for Darcy.


His mind was going through how to get her to Dreagan when Warrick realized Con hadn’t uttered another word. That’s when Warrick comprehended that if Darcy was at Dreagan, she would be at the mercy of Con, and he would pester her for any and all information about Ulrik.


“Perhaps you’re right,” Con said.


Warrick closed his eyes. “You need to know now that Darcy willna give us anything on Ulrik.”


“She sides with him?” Con asked coldly.


“She doesna side with anyone. Ulrik didna try to turn her to his side. The fact we are makes him look good, and doesna shed us in a pleasant light.”


“Have you learned anything from her?”


“I know she saw his memories.”




Was that a note of anxiety in Con’s voice? “Aye. She saw what happened when we banished him and bound his magic.”


“Of course Ulrik would willingly share such things.”


“He had no idea. He still doesna. Darcy saw more than that as well.”


“It looks like the best place for the Druid is on Dreagan. Get her here as soon as you can.”


Warrick knew it was the only safe place for her, but that didn’t mean Darcy would readily go. Even with sixty thousand acres, it was still a sort of prison. Not to mention there was Con.


But all of that paled with the knowledge that she would be out of reach of the Dark.


“Warrick?” Con asked.


“I heard you.”




“Nothing.” There was no point in asking Con why he wanted Darcy at Dreagan. Warrick knew it was because of her association with Ulrik, and the fact she’d seen Ulrik’s memories.


“I’ll see you soon then,” Con said and terminated the link.


Warrick opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling again while he tried to figure out a way to give Con limited access to Darcy. Every plan fell apart, because Con wasn’t the only King who wanted to bring Ulrik down. Warrick would be up against most of the Kings.


It put him in a difficult place, because he didn’t want to help Ulrik. Yet in order to protect Darcy, Warrick was doing just that.




Rhi knew she was going to get shit from Thorn and Warrick for not coming when they called. She would take whatever they had to say, because they couldn’t know where she had been.