Soul Scorched

It was his turn to look at her as if she’d sprouted wings. “You can no’ be serious.”



“I am. I’m not going to bring this,” she said, gesturing to the front where the Dark were, “to Skye. I’m also not going to be responsible for the Dark taking you or Thorn.”


“Remaining here is our decision. No’ yours.”


Darcy shook her head in dismay. “You have no idea how it felt to watch them surround you as you stood out there alone against them. I thought you were gone!”


Her words hung in the air for long moments as they stared at each other. Warrick’s cobalt eyes were bright, his gaze intense.


All Darcy could think about was his kisses. The rest—Con, Ulrik, the Dark, the elders on Skye, and even her family—faded away.


“I promised I would keep you safe. I’ll no’ leave until you are.”


Darcy rushed to him, throwing her arms around his neck as she planted her lips against his. He enfolded her in his embrace, holding her tight as he tilted his head and parted his lips. A low, deep moan rumbled his chest as they kissed. She slid her hands into wet hair and sank into the kiss until she was living, breathing him.


It didn’t take long for the flames of desire to overtake them. Darcy was teased by the bits of his skin she felt against her from his torn shirt. She reached between them while they kissed and ripped his shirt in half. There was a smile on his lips as he let it fall to the floor.


Their kisses became heated, frantic as they sought to get closer to the other. With a flick of his hand, he unbuttoned her jeans and had them unzipped. Then his hand was down her pants cupping her sex.


Darcy gasped for breath as he kissed across her jaw and down her throat as his fingers began to lightly stroke her through her panties.


She clung to him, her breath locked in her lungs at the force of desire that tightened low in her belly. His tongue was hot against her skin, his lips soft.


In the next instant, his hand was gone, leaving her squeezing her legs together to hold back the tide of need that enveloped her.


Her shirt was pulled over her head so quickly she had no idea what he was about. There was a ripping noise as her bra followed. Then he jerked her against his chest, skin to skin.


She looked into his eyes and recognized the same longing, the same yearning she felt within herself. He bent, grabbing her bottom, and then stood. With her legs now wrapped around him, he claimed her mouth in a wild, fiery kiss.


Darcy didn’t have long to wonder where he was going as he began to walk. He leaned over, holding her firmly with one hand as he swiped her desk with the other, clearing it of everything.


He pressed her against the top of the desk, his thick arousal rubbing against her already swollen sex. He rocked against her several times before he pulled back, ending the kiss.


“I need you, lass,” he whispered.


Darcy opened her eyes to find him over her. “How fast can you get out of those clothes?”


A grin started right before he straightened and kicked off his boots while pulling down his pants. Darcy wasn’t having as much luck with her own attire. She only got one boot off in the time it took him to get undressed.


He yanked off her other boot. Then he grabbed her jeans and pulled. For him, they slid right off, leaving her in nothing but her black silk panties.


His gaze wandered over her, beginning at her feet and working upward. As soon as his eyes landed on her breasts, her nipples hardened. He smiled in anticipation as he stepped between her legs once more.


Then he lightly ran the pads of his fingers up her legs to the juncture of her thighs. At her sex, he paused and skimmed his hands over the silk. Then one hand moved upwards to her breasts where he circled one nipple with a finger before moving to the next.


She hoped he would ease her suffering and touch her when his mouth came down on her other nipple. Darcy gasped, her back arching as he suckled the tiny peak hard. At the same time, one of his hands returned to her sex. He shoved aside the silk and mercilessly, ruthlessly teased her clit until she was shaking.


The orgasm slammed into her unexpectedly, the force of it taking her breath. Her mouth opened on a silent scream as her body jerked and pleasure poured through her.


Just when she thought it might end, Warrick knelt between her legs. Her body was still pulsing from the orgasm when he ripped her panties in two then slid his tongue over her clit.


The pleasure was almost too much. She tried to scoot back, but Warrick had both hands on her hips, holding her in place. With his hot tongue teasing her flesh, she was soon writhing as another climax took her.


Then he was over her, his big body pressing against her as the head of his arousal slid inside her. Darcy spread her hands over his chest as he slowly entered her, stretching her, filling her.