Soul Scorched

There were seven in total, and with each revelation, the more his anger grew and festered into hate.


Mikkel had put his hands into Ulrik’s life more than he was comfortable with. Ulrik added a mark next to each of the seven names. He wanted to fire them, but that would alert Mikkel that he knew of his uncle’s involvement.


Instead, Ulrik opted not to do anything. Let those seven others continue on as they were. Ulrik rarely told them much anyway, but now he would make sure not to tell them anything they could take back to Mikkel.


Ulrik put away the list and pulled out another. The next wasn’t as extensive as he would’ve liked, but it was growing by the day.


Every time Mikkel let him into one of his many residences, Ulrik discovered more and more of the people working for Mikkel—and not just those at the houses. With a little eavesdropping and diligence, Ulrik was able to learn one name from the mercenaries Mikkel used. From there, it was easy to discover who the mercs were associated with.


He wrote several more names down from his investigation, adding any relevant information that could help him in the future.


One of the things he was working on was figuring out who Mikkel’s inside man was with MI5. As far as the Dark, Ulrik wasn’t concerned that they were united with Mikkel. Ulrik’s alliance with them wasn’t as deep—and that would benefit him in the end.


The Dark did favors for him, and he gave them information on the Kings. However, now he knew the Dark were taking that knowledge straight to Mikkel.


If he were the trusting sort, his uncle would have backed him into a corner. But betrayals were a hard lesson, and ones that were never forgotten. Trust wasn’t something Ulrik could—or would—give anyone.


He pulled out another folder. This one listed all the mortals who worked for Dreagan. One of them was Mikkel’s spy, and he was going to find out who it was. If there was one thing Ulrik had learned to do—and do well—it was to turn a potential snitch.


Money was always the motivator. Ulrik was prepared to pay triple what Mikkel had given the spy, but Ulrik would go one step further and ensure the mole was indebted to him in such a way that the mole would never betray him.


There was a flash in his mind and Rhi’s face appeared as she teleported into his store. Ulrik closed the folders and tucked them into the drawer. Then he stood up from his desk and lifted his gaze to the second floor where Rhi stood looking at a painting of a noblewoman from the sixteenth century.


The first thing Ulrik noticed was the silent fury that swirled around the Light Fae. Her face was hidden by her position with her back to him as well as her long hair.


She stood still as stone in a thin shirt of soft taupe that draped sensuously over every curve to her hips. Her legs were encased in black pants tucked into tall black boots.


“Did you come back for another kiss?” he asked.


There was a long pause before she replied, “What would you say if I said I did?”


“I’d say you’re too far away. If you want a proper kiss, you need to be beside me.”


Rhi turned to face him, tempted to get closer and kiss him again. She had to know if Ulrik’s kiss was as powerful as she remembered. But she was too irate to think about kissing right now. “I want to know what you want from me.”


“I beg your pardon?”


Rhi sighed, her anger spiking again. She had to get it under control, and quickly. “You carried me out of Balladyn’s prison because you want something. What is it?”


“I doona know yet.”


She gripped the railing tighter and looked Ulrik over. His dark hair was loose, making him appear roguish. He was in a pair of jeans and a thin sweater. As always, he looked gorgeous.


“I’m tired of being used. Balladyn wanted to torture me and turn me Dark, and now he wants me in his bed. You want me for some untold thing whenever you decide to use it. Usaeil wants me at her beck and call and to know my every movement. Con wants to make sure I never step foot on Dreagan again.”


“What do you want, Rhi?” His question was spoken in a low voice as if she were some wild animal about to attack. Ulrik pulled his hands from the pockets of his pants and let them hang by his sides. He took a few steps toward the stairs. “Forget everyone else. Focus on you.”


Forget? How could she when she was surrounded? Ulrik, Usaeil, Con, Balladyn, and Henry were just a few who sought something from her.


She closed her eyes, and immediately the face of her lover appeared. He was the only one who didn’t want a thing from her.


Why did it continue to hurt so bad whenever she thought of him? Why couldn’t the pain dim as everyone said it would? Thousands of years, and the pain was as fresh as the day he called an end to their affair.


“Rhi? Tell me what you want,” Ulrik urged, his voice closer.