Soul Scorched

She veiled herself and teleported to Dreagan, right into Con’s office. When she wasn’t immediately thrown out, she knew he had yet to carve the symbols found on the cottage doorway as he’d threatened.


The angrier he got when she popped into his office unannounced made her do it even more. She lived to irk him. It became an addiction, something she practiced and perfected just for the wanker.


Because she could.


Except, he wasn’t in his office. Rhi remained veiled as she walked around his desk and peered down at the reports neatly stacked and the pen beside them.


The only thing that would tear Con away from finishing his work was an emergency, and since Rhi could hear Ryder’s laughter from the floor above, there was nothing going on.


Curious, Rhi walked out of Con’s office. The last time she freely walked Dreagan Manor, she had been with her lover. Sure she appeared all over Dreagan, and even in the manor at times, but she hadn’t walked it in … ages.


She wandered the second floor, stopping at closed doors and putting her ear to them. Some were empty, but she found Cassie and Hal in one as well as Sammi and Tristan in another, though she didn’t bother either couple. The rooms that were left open, she couldn’t resist going into. She examined each before going up to the third floor.


Repeating the same process, Rhi made her way around the third floor until she came to the computer room. The door was slightly ajar, enough that she could easily squeeze into the room.


All the monitors were on, and each had something different on the screens. She watched Ryder open a new box of donuts, reaching for his favorite—jelly-filled. But her gaze was caught by the screen that had Ryder’s attention.


It held the picture of a pretty auburn-haired woman with green eyes. Darcy Allen was the name at the top of the screen.


“You left him in there with Darcy?” Ryder asked.


Rhi jerked until she realized Ryder was talking to someone through his headset. She leaned close to hear the response.


“Aye. You should’ve seen his face. I’ll catch hell later.”


Rhi knew that voice, but she couldn’t place who it belonged to. Which meant another of the Kings must have woken.


“You know, you could’ve used our link,” Ryder said.


The King chuckled. “Aye, but I like this little device. A mobile phone. Ingenious.”


“I didna get a chance to show you the computers. And your mobile is called a smart phone.”


“A smart phone, aye? We’ll see.”


Thorn. There was something in his speech, the confidence and cockiness that was all Thorn. He was another that got under Con’s skin almost as easily as she did.


Ryder chuckled. “Any more Dark show up?”


Dark? There were Dark Fae near? Rhi scanned the screen with Darcy’s picture that had all her information off to the side until she saw Edinburgh listed.


“Nay,” Thorn stated in a hard tone. “I suspect there will be more tonight.”


“Con really thinks we can convince her to help us against Ulrik?”


“Apparently. Warrick has his doubts.”


Rhi grimaced. Con had sent Warrick and Thorn to Edinburgh? That was like sending water and dynamite. More surprising was that Warrick agreed to a partner. Yet, it was the knowledge that the Dark were after Darcy that kept her attention.


She couldn’t figure it out, until she read the bottom of the screen—Druid. Then it all made sense. Ulrik had used a Druid to have some of his magic unbound, and Rhi would wager her best Jimmy Choos that Darcy was that Druid.


Rhi was about to teleport to Edinburgh to get a look at Darcy for herself when something on the screen caught her eye. Darcy was raised on Skye.


A Skye Druid? In Edinburgh? Alone?


Something certainly wasn’t right. Skye Druids didn’t normally leave the isle. They were the strongest there where their magic thrived and the elders kept the isle protected.


There was one other Skye Druid who had left the isle that Rhi knew—Aisley.


“Warrick will convince her to remain in Edinburgh,” Thorn said, breaking into her thoughts.


Rhi focused on the conversation between Ryder and Thorn once more.


“One of you will have to stay with her at all times to keep the Dark away,” Ryder said.


Thorn chuckled. “Have you seen her? That’s no’ going to be a problem. Shite. Even Warrick can no’ take his eyes from her.”


Their talk soon turned to all the modern amenities that Thorn was getting accustomed to. Rhi walked out of the computer room and searched the first floor for Con. She wanted to know why he would intentionally put a Druid in harm’s way.


She could ask Ryder herself, or even go to Warrick or Thorn, but she was never one to pass up the opportunity to infuriate Constantine.


But her search gained her nothing. Con wasn’t in the manor, on the grounds, or anywhere near the distillery. He was gone.


Rhi immediately teleported to Ireland and her queen’s castle. She kept herself veiled and appeared in the throne room. It was empty, and since Rhi knew Usaeil wasn’t off making a movie or doing a photo shoot, that meant her queen was in her room.