Seveneves: A Novel

So most of Endurance came prerigged for higher acceleration. Provided that nothing had broken during the last three years, she’d hold together, albeit with a lot of loose junk sliding around her interior spaces the first time they hit the throttle.


They hadn’t planned, though, for the last-minute addition of the heptad from the Swarm. This was awkward. It would be connected to the Stack by a docking port, which wasn’t designed to take a lot of mechanical strain. It was heavy, because A?da and her crew had crammed it full of supplies and strapped even more to the outside of it. For the same reason, Ivy didn’t want to just ditch it—they could use those supplies. So the plan had been for three spacewalkers to greet the heptad and lash it into place with cables as soon as it arrived.


“We’ll just have to see what we can do with robots,” Ivy said, looking toward Dinah and Bo. “Just about everything we have out there is Grimmed, correct? So it can operate even in heavy radiation.”


“We’ll get ready for that,” Dinah agreed.


“As soon as the heptad docks, the robots get to work,” Ivy said, “locking it down as best we can. We open the hatch and get the eleven down through the hamster tubes as fast as possible—they’ll have no protection whatsoever while they’re moving through those tubes. We’ll have storm shelters waiting for them. They can climb into those and ride out the rest of the journey. The flight crew will operate out of the Hammerhead.”



THE NEXT TWO DAYS REMINDED DINAH OF THE NEW CAIRD EXPEDITION, in that there was a lot to do but no way to affect the schedule. They were at the mercy of astronomical events. Part of her wanted to pull all-nighters until this thing was finished, but she knew she had to be well rested and fed when it counted, and so she forced herself to eat and sleep on the usual schedule. When awake, she worked on preparations for the arrival of the heptad, pre-positioning Grabbs near the docking port that it would use, connecting cables to suitable anchor points, tuning up the programs that the robots would execute when it came time to snap the other ends of those cables onto the heptad, rehearsing them to check for places where the cables might snag.


The timeline gradually came into clearer focus. A?da sent out a sharp request for amifostine and water to fill their storm shelters. Of course, it was impossible for Endurance to comply. They had plenty of both, but they had long since cannibalized all of their MIV parts and so they had no way to transport them.


A?da decided to roll the dice by committing all the water she had left to a large burn that would bring them to the rendezvous with Endurance a little earlier than they’d originally planned. Meanwhile Doob’s space weather forecast was becoming more precise; he had a better idea now of when the radiation storm would break over them and thought that the timing was looking favorable. The heptad might arrive before things got bad. It might be okay after all to have some spacewalkers out there to cooperate with Dinah’s robots.


Dinah didn’t know how to feel about that. The schedule had been accelerated, and now she had to take into account the vagaries of human spacewalkers. If A?da’s heptad docked soon enough, Doob pointed out, they might be able to transfer many of her heavy supplies through the docking port into the Stack and thereby reduce the awkward strains that all of Dinah’s cables were meant to take up.


Meanwhile Ivy and Zeke, the pilots, were addressing similar last-minute convolutions in their mission plan. As they got nearer, they got better information about the part of the debris cloud that they’d be maneuvering through. They could clearly make out Cleft’s radar signature, as well as those of many other big rocks that traveled in its vicinity. A clutter of faint noise and clouds on the optical telescope gave them data about the density of objects too small and numerous to resolve. All of it fed into the plan.


Neal Stephenson's books