Sensual Danger (Venice Vampyr #4)

“Oh, God!” she cried out, her interior muscles clenching instantly.

Already he could feel the waves that hit his cock as she spasmed around him. “Not yet! Oriana! Fuck!”

But it was too late. She climaxed, igniting him as if his cock were made of dynamite and her arousal were the fuse. On his next thrust, he shot his seed into her, coming without warning. For a few more movements, his body thrust as if driven by an invisible force, then he collapsed onto her. Before he could crush her with his weight, he rolled to the side, pulling her with him, wrapping his arms around her to prevent himself from sliding from her body. This was where he belonged.

His breathing was ragged, and his cock still pulsed. His fangs were still extended and he now scraped them against her neck, hungry for her blood.

Oriana shivered when she felt his teeth connect with her skin. Yet her body felt too lethargic to be able to move, her sex still dealing with the aftershocks of her release. She’d never felt so good. So thoroughly pleasured. To her surprise, the spanking had added to her pleasure, the shocks the slaps had sent through her body traveling directly to her pearl and igniting it. It was the reason why she’d been unable to stop him, even though she’d tried at first.

“My love,” he murmured. “Was it so bad to be loved by a vampire?”

She hesitated, unsure how to answer, when she felt Nico’s hand slip from her belly farther down. He combed through her pubic hair until his moist finger slid over the spot where her center of pleasure was hidden.

A sigh escaped her. “Oh!”

Then she felt his hips move, delivering the tiniest of thrusts. “Tell me, is loving a vampire as disgusting as you thought?”

“No,” she finally confessed. “But will it always be this way?”


Her heart stopped. She’d feared as much. He would be the gentle lover now, but one day he wouldn’t be able to hold back his violent vampire side anymore and he’d hurt her.

“It’ll be better,” he whispered into her ear while his finger rubbed in circular motions over her pearl, stoking the flames that she’d thought had already died in her body. But the embers were still glowing, and now, with as little as a gentle caress and slow thrusts of his still hard cock, they were igniting again.

“Ah, my wanton wife, how I love it when you show such passion.”

His lips sank onto her neck, kissing her. Then she felt his sharp teeth scraping against her delicate skin. A shiver raced through her, making her tremble.

“Don’t be afraid! I’ll never hurt you. How could I? I love you.”

Surprised by this revelation, she turned her head to stare at him. A golden hew shimmered from his eyes, and there was nothing frightening about it, because all she could see was the affection he held for her.

Their eyes locked.

“Yes, Oriana, I love you. And by God, I had no intention of falling in love. It happened nevertheless. I’m at your mercy now. Because if you can’t love me and accept me for what I am, I have no life worth living. I need you. As my wife, my lover, my companion. I have no intention of robbing you of your freedom or the things you enjoy, but I’ll do everything to protect you. Because you’re precious to me. Without you, I’m simply an empty shell.”

Oriana turned fully to him, making him slip from her body. Nico didn’t move and let it happen. Her hand came up to touch his cheek.

“Can a vampire truly love?”

He closed his eyes in lieu of a nod. “As intensely as a human. And our hearts can just as easily be broken.”

She dropped her hand to his chest and laid it over the spot where his heart was. It beat into her palm, strongly and evenly.

“It beats for you now.”

She lifted her lids, looking into his eyes. “The bite. Will it hurt?” She was crazy even asking such a thing, but when he looked at her like this, love shining back at her, nothing else mattered. She wanted to be his in every way, even if it meant accepting him as a vampire.

“No. There’ll be no pain.”

“Will it turn me into a vampire too?”

“No. You’ll remain human. But you don’t have to make a decision now. As long as I know that you’ll think about it, I won’t make any demands on you. I won’t push you. I won’t force you. When you’re ready, you’ll tell me. Then, and only then will I drink your blood. Because once you do accept me, once you let me bite you, there’ll be no going back.”

Oriana felt her eyes grow moist. Nico was giving her a choice. He wasn’t going to force this on her now, despite what he’d said earlier. He loved her enough to give her the freedom of choice. Overwhelmed by his words, she could barely choke out her next words. “I love you.”

Then she pressed her lips onto his and kissed him.


Tina Folsom's books