Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

The Regent Lord continued to ask questions about Tomas and the Elf Queen for nearly half an hour, but then dismissed Gulamendis. As he and Tandarae left the Meeting, the Lorekeeper said, ‘You acquitted yourself well, my friend.’



Saying nothing, Gulamendis thought, A friend now, perhaps, but only so long as it suits you.




Two days later, the assembled members of the Regent’s Meeting stood in the central plaza of the newly christened city of E’bar, awaiting the arrival of the Queen’s Consort. Gulamendis had been invited to attend, but had been relegated to one side by those of higher rank. From a short distance away, Tandarae nodded a greeting to the Demon Master, a faint acknowledgement of his part in forming this negotiation between the Regent Lord and his titular Queen.


Gulamendis had purposefully neglected to mention Tomas’s most likely mode of travel, thinking it might serve the Regent’s Meeting well to be awed. They stood waiting for the signal from the outer garrisons that riders were approaching.


Instead a large shadow suddenly covered them as a massive flying silhouette loomed overhead. Most of the members of the Regent’s Meeting stood motionless, though Gulamendis noticed a few flinch until they were certain that nothing was about to drop down upon them. Then he saw their reactions as the recognition set in: a gigantic golden dragon was descending into the central plaza.


With a thunderous beat of its wings, the dragon halted its descent, then landed gently. The size of a building, the enormous creature was nevertheless a thing of grace and beauty in its movement. A head the size of a wagon lowered from a surprisingly sinuous neck to allow two figures to dismount.


Gulamendis’s eyes widened in delight as he recognized the second figure as his brother. Laromendis nodded ever so slightly in his brother’s direction, acknowledging his presence, but stayed close to the Dragon Lord.


Arriving with Tomas guaranteed that Laromendis would avoid any rash punishment the Regent Lord might otherwise mete out for his absence. Gulamendis had inquired about his brother after parting company with Tandarae, but no one had seen him since he had been posted to the defence of Tarendamar, which meant either that he was dead or had deserted his post. Gulamendis was certain it had been the latter, unless his brother had been terribly unlucky.


If Tomas had shown restraint when confronting Gulamendis outside the Holy Grove, now he withheld nothing as he dismounted the dragon. He used his mystic arts to unleash the full power of his Valheru aura. Even though Gulamendis had already experienced this in part, and Laromendis had ridden with the Dragon Lord from Elvandar, both were moved.


The members of the Regent’s Meeting were stunned. Several fell to their knees reflexively, some wailing and weeping. Others stood trembling, unable to move. Only the Regent Lord and two of his most senior advisors stood silently, waiting.


Tomas strode towards them, exuding power with every step, his left hand on the hilt of his sword. He wore golden armour, with a dragon-crested helm, its down-sweeping wings forming the cheek-guards. His tabard and shield were both white, with a golden dragon emblazoned on each, and his every movement was fluid and graceful.


He was beautiful and fearsome and a legend, come to life before their eyes. Whatever arrogance the taredhel possessed, whatever certainty they had of their own supremacy, fled before the magnificent power that was Tomas in the guise of a Valheru.


He came to stand before the Regent Lord and said, ‘My lord,’ and then waited.


Almost whispering, the Regent Lord said, ‘How should I address you?’


Tomas smiled and it was as if a huge cloud passed and he said, simply, ‘My name is Tomas. And before anything more is said between us, I must tell you this:


‘In ages past, when war raged across the heavens, the wearer of this armour sat astride a dragon like my friend Sarduna, and he proclaimed to the world that all who had once served, all among the edhel, were now a free people.’ With a slightly wry smile, he said, ‘Your ancestors fled this world before that voice was raised, so I say to you now, you are a free people.


‘Let it be clear that I make no claim upon you, nor are you obliged to serve because I wear this armour and this mantle. I come to you in the hope of friendship, on behalf of my lady, Queen Aglaranna, who also bids you welcome to your ancestral home, and wishes for nothing but friendship and peace between us.’


There was silence for a moment, then the Regent Lord said, ‘Fairly spoken . . . Tomas. You are welcome.’


Introductions were made and they then retired to the council chamber, where Tomas would discuss two things with the Meeting: the prospect of the Demon Legion following the taredhel to Midkemia, and an alliance with the established inhabitants of Midkemia.


Tandarae lingered for a moment as the brothers were reunited. ‘You both did well,’ he said quickly. ‘I must attend our masters now; soothe things should tempers flare.’


Raymond E. Feist's books