Rides a Dread Legion (Demonwar Saga Book 1)

The newly summoned demon looked around with large, expressive brown eyes. Miranda was forced to admit she was probably the perfect male fantasy: long legs, round buttocks, a flat stomach, pert breasts and perfect skin. Thick brown hair tumbled down her lower back, and she had a flawless face. Her full lips parted in a delighted smile and she said, ‘Master! I love you!’



Sandreena said, ‘Darthea? Really, Amirantha, is this the time?’ Her expression was venomous and her cheeks flushed with anger.


‘Shut up,’ said Amirantha impatiently. He held up his hand and said to the demon, ‘Not now. I have a task for you.’ He took the beautiful demon by the elbow and pointed to the unconscious man. He whispered a series of instructions, then said, ‘Can you remember that?’


‘Yes, Master,’ she replied and with dainty steps, unmindful of the sharp rocks beneath her bare feet, she hurried to the sentry’s side.


‘When she reaches his side, wake him,’ said the Warlock. Miranda waited, then when the female demon knelt next to the unconscious man, Amirantha signalled it was time.


Miranda closed her eyes briefly, pointed her hand, and was rewarded with a groan from the sentry.


Amirantha waved the others out of sight and crouched down.


‘Oh, you poor man,’ said Darthea to the recovering warrior, ‘I’m so sorry. I did not mean to startle you like that, making you fall off the rock and hit your head. Here, let me help you up.’


The stunning nude woman helped the man to his feet and as his visibility returned, his eyes widened in disbelief. Amirantha spoke a short, quiet phrase, and suddenly Darthea was gone, vanishing with a tiny puff of smoke.


The blinking, confused sentry looked around, then on wobbly knees, sat down and rubbed his tender head.


Amirantha crawled back to where the others waited and motioned for them to follow. When they were far enough away to transport without being detected, Miranda said, ‘That was interesting.’


Brandos laughed quietly. ‘He’s certain now he slipped and hit his skull on a rock, because who in their right mind would think he was startled by a naked beauty in this gloomy backside of the universe? And I pity the man if he tries to tell the story to any of those cutthroats he’s in league with.’


‘He’ll keep quiet,’ said Sandreena grudgingly.


‘You’ve bought us three more nights,’ said Miranda. ‘What now?’


‘We return in four nights and see how much magic it’s going to take to ruin a very powerful summoning.’


‘We have as much as you’ll need.’


‘I have no doubt,’ said the Warlock, ‘but I’d like to see it done without you or I or anyone else dying in the process.’


‘There’s always a risk,’ said Miranda.


‘Let’s go somewhere to talk about it,’ said Amirantha.


‘Grab his arm,’ Miranda said to Brandos, who complied. She reached out and gripped Sandreena and Amirantha and suddenly they were back in the garden on Sorcerer’s Island.


‘I have got to learn to do that,’ said Amirantha.


‘It takes years,’ said Miranda.


He smiled. ‘I’m willing.’


‘Well, if we survive this, maybe. Right now you need to decide who or what we need, and how we’re best served to deal with this mess. I can manage perhaps a few more people when I transport that way.’ She seemed distressed as she said, ‘If Magnus was here, together we could get as many as nine or ten people to that spot. If he and Pug were here . . . well, if Pug were here I wouldn’t worry as much.’ She fell silent.


Brandos said, ‘Besides magic, there are a lot of swords and evil men willing to use them back there. I’ve been around magicians long enough to know you don’t have time to cast more than that first spell if someone’s busy trying to cut off your head.’


‘We need two plans,’ said Miranda. ‘One if we have to do this alone, and one if Pug and Magnus return.’


‘Are there others here that can fill in for your husband and son?’ asked Amirantha.


‘All the magicians I know who could help us in a fight like this are either dead or on the world of New Kelewan. Most of the students here have never been in a fight, let alone a battle.’ She thought for a minute, then said, ‘Sandreena, how many magic-using priests in your Order can handle demons?’


‘Some. I know banishment spells, as well as most of them. It’s part of our training.’


Amirantha agreed. ‘If she has a weakness, it’s to use her mace first, but when she’s able, she can banish a minor demon as well as I can. I’ve seen her do it.’


Sandreena scowled, not sure if she was being complimented or insulted.


‘You’re coming with us, then,’ said Miranda.


‘I wouldn’t miss it,’ said the Knight-Adamant.


Miranda said, ‘Rest, and get something to eat if you’re hungry. I have more plans to make.’


She hurried out of the garden, and Brandos said, ‘Well, food sounds good. Coming?’


‘In a moment,’ said Amirantha.


Brandos looked from the Warlock’s face to the young woman’s and nodded, turned and left them alone. Expectantly, Sandreena said, ‘What?’


He took a deep breath. ‘I have no idea what will happen in four days, and I know I can’t talk you out of coming.’


‘Why would you try to?’ she asked.


Raymond E. Feist's books