“God damn you, Jimmy,” Gillian whispers.
“Never speak ill of the dead,” Sally tells her. “Besides, we’re the ones who put him here. That piece of shit.”
Gillian’s throat goes dry as dust. “Do you think we should dig him back up?”
“Oh, that’s good,” Sally says. “That’s brilliant. Then what do we do with him?” Most probably, they’ve overlooked a million details. A million ways for him to make them pay. “What if someone comes looking for him?”
“Nobody will. He’s the kind of guy you avoid. Nobody gives enough of a shit about Jimmy to look for him. Believe me. We’re safe when it comes to that.”
“You looked for him,” Sally reminds her. “You found him.”
Out in a neighboring backyard, a woman is hanging white sheets and blue jeans on a laundry line. It won’t rain anymore, that’s what they’re saying on the radio. It will be beautiful and sunny all week long, till the end of July.
“I got what I thought I deserved,” Gillian says.
It is such a deep and true statement Sally cannot believe the words have come out of Gillian’s careless mouth. They both measured themselves harshly, and they still do, as if they have never been anything but those two plain little girls, waiting at the airport for someone to claim them.
“Don’t worry about Jimmy,” Sally tells her sister.
Gillian wants to believe this is possible, she’d pay good money to, if she had any, but she shakes her head, unconvinced.
“He’s as good as gone,” Sally assures her. “Wait and see.”
The toad in the middle of the lawn has come closer. In all honesty, it’s quite pretty, with smooth, watery skin and green eyes. It’s watchful and patient, and that’s more than can be said for most human beings. Today, Sally will follow the toad’s example, and will use patience as her weapon and her shield. She will go about her business; she’ll vacuum and change the sheets on the beds, but all the while she’s doing these things she’ll really be waiting for Gillian and Kylie and Antonia to go out for the day.
As soon as she’s finally alone, Sally heads for the backyard. The toad is still there; it’s been waiting right along with Sally. It settles more deeply into the grass when Sally goes to the garage for the hedge clippers, and it’s there when she brings them over, along with the stepladder she uses whenever she wants to change light bulbs or search the top shelves of the pantry.
The clippers are rusty and old, left behind by the house’s previous owners, but they’ll certainly do the job. The day is already turning hot and sultry, with steam rising from the rain puddles as they evaporate. Sally expects interference. She’s never had any experience with restless spirits before, but she assumes they want to hang on to the real world. She half expects Jimmy to reach up through the grass and grab her ankle; she wouldn’t be surprised if she clipped off the tip of her thumb or was toppled right off the ladder. But her work goes ahead with surprising ease. A man like Jimmy, after all, never does well in this sort of weather. He prefers air-conditioning and several six-packs. He prefers to wait until night falls. If a woman wants to work in the hot sun, he’d never be the one to stop her; he’d be flat out on his back, relaxed in the shade, before she’d even have time to set up her stepladder.
Sally, however, is used to hard work, especially in the dead of winter, when she sets her alarm for five a.m. so she can wake up early enough to shovel snow and do at least one load of laundry before she and the girls head out. She considered herself lucky to get the job at the high school so she could have time with her children. Now she sees she was smart. Summers have always belonged to her, and they always will. That’s why she can take her time cutting down the hedges. She can take all day, if need be, but by twilight those lilacs will be gone.
In the far section of the yard only a few stumps will be left behind, so dark and knotty they’ll be good for nothing other than a toad’s home. The air will be so still it will be possible to hear a single mosquito; the last call of the mockingbird will echo, then fade. When night falls, there will be armloads of branches and flowers on the street, all neatly tied with rope, ready for the trash pickup in the morning. The women who are called to the lilacs will arrive to see that the hedges have been chopped to the ground, their glorious flowers nothing but garbage strewn along the gutter and the street. That is the moment when they’ll throw their arms around one another and praise simple things and, at long last, consider themselves to be free.
Two hundred years ago, people believed that a hot and steamy July meant a cold and miserable winter. The shadow of a groundhog was carefully studied as an indicator for bad weather. The skin of an eel was commonly used to prevent rheumatism. Cats were never allowed inside a house, since it was well known that they could suck the breath right out of an infant, killing the poor baby in his cradle. People believed that there were reasons for everything, and that they could divine these reasons easily. If they could not, then something wicked must be at work. Not only was it possible to converse with the devil, but some in their midst actually made bargains with him. Anyone who did was always found out in the end, exposed by his or her own bad fortune or the dreadful luck of those close by.
When a husband and wife were unable to have a child, the husband placed a pearl beneath his wife’s pillow, and if she still failed to conceive, there’d be talk about her, and concern about the true nature of her character. If all the strawberries in every patch were eaten by earwigs, suddenly and overnight, then the old woman down the road, who was cross-eyed and drank until she was as unmovable as a stone, was brought into the town hall for questioning. Even after a woman proved herself innocent of any wrongdoing—if she managed to walk through water and not dissolve into smoke and ashes or if it was discovered that the strawberries in the entire Commonwealth had been affected—that still didn’t mean she’d be welcome in town or that anyone believed she wasn’t guilty of something.
These were the prevailing attitudes when Maria Owens first came to Massachusetts with only a small satchel of belongings, her baby daughter, and a packet of diamonds sewn into the hem of her dress. Maria was young and pretty, but she dressed all in black and didn’t have a husband. In spite of this, she possessed enough money to hire the twelve carpenters who built the house on Magnolia Street, and she was so sure of herself and what she wanted that she went on to advise these men in such matters as what wood to use for the mantel in the dining room and how many windows were needed to present the best view of the back garden. People became suspicious, and why shouldn’t they be? Maria Owens’s baby girl never cried, not even when she was bitten by a spider or stung by a bee. Maria’s garden was never infested with earwigs or mice. When a hurricane struck, every house on Magnolia Street was damaged, except for the one built by the twelve carpenters; not one of the shutters was blown away, and even the laundry forgotten out on the line stayed in place, not a single stocking was lost.