Perfect Shadows

chapter 9

I stirred as the trance released me, then sat bolt upright; I was not alone, and it was not a servant with me. Hal sat on the foot of the bed, leaning back against the curtain-padded post.

“How did you get in here?” I snapped. No one was supposed to be allowed into my room while I was helpless, no one. Hal shrugged.

“Your servants asked me to wait downstairs, but I wearied of it. It was not long ere they were all occupied and ceased to notice me. Do you always sleep so?” he added, with a searching look.

“What do you mean?” I asked, cursing the tremor in my voice.

“As if you were dead, or dead drunk, or drugged senseless. It is a wonder that you have not had your throat cut, except for—” he indicated the large wolf resting by the fire, watching our every move through slitted eyes. “He was here when I came in. What sort of dogs are they? I cannot recall seeing any like them before.”

“Sybrian alaunts,” I answered promptly. “First cousins to wolves,” I added truthfully as the beast rose, grinned at us, and padded from the room. I stretched and rolled out of bed as Jehan appeared a few minutes later carrying large water cans to fill the linen-lined tub. “Will you wait downstairs? I will be there presently.” Southampton shook his head.

“I would rather watch,” he said thickly, his gaze roaming my naked and shameless body, and I realized that he had been drinking. I crossed to the tub, tossing a smile back over my shoulder.

“You could join me, if you like. There’s room enough, if we are very—friendly.” He shook his head, but stripped off his doublet and shirt, and came to trail his hand in the hot scented water. As I made to step into the tub he stopped me, his trembling hands catching at my arms, a mute look of entreaty in his eyes. I nodded, and allowed myself to be drawn back to the bed.

Siobhan Burke's books