Passion Unleashed

“Stop.” He rolled over and propped himself on one elbow, so she was looking up at him. “I was totally fucked up and pissed off for so long. What my mother and her clan did to me… well, there are no words for it. But I blamed all vampires. Hell, I blamed the whole world. I’ve got a lot of apologizing to do. Starting with my brothers.”

She cocked her head, watching him, because something was different… “Your face! The tattoo is gone. And you have a new one—no, two—around your neck.”

His fingers feathered over his cheek where the markings had been, and then down his throat. “One means I’m post-s’genesis, and the other means I’m mated.”

She had no idea what the s’genesis thing was, but she had lots of time to ask about it. “Well, I think they’re better than wedding rings,” she teased. “You can’t take them off.”

“Smart-ass.” He nodded at her arm. “That’s what you get for being so smug.”

She lifted her left arm and watched in amazement as a replica of his tattoo began to set in her skin.

“You’re mine now,” he said. “No getting away.”

“You think I want to get away?”

“Hope not, because I’m a hunter, remember? I get what I want.”

She smiled. “And what do you want? Right this minute?”

He showed her. Right that minute.

Wraith waited until Serena fell into a deep, exhausted sleep before he climbed out of bed and left her to recover from the feeding, the sex, the bonding, and the little thing of changing from human to vampire

Leaving her was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but he had a few things to do, like arrange for his vampire torture and find his brothers. Considering what he needed to say to Shade and E, the torture sounded like fun.

He found them just down the hall in the staff break room, door open. They met him at the threshold.

“Everything okay?” Shade asked, and Wraith punched him in the shoulder.

“You know it is.” As incubi, they would have sensed sex taking place nearby.

“So Serena’s all fangy?”

“And bonded.”

E cocked an eyebrow. “Yeah, the lack of the facial dermoire was pretty much a dead giveaway.” He clapped Wraith on the back. “Congratulations, man. It’s good to know you’re happy.”

“Yeah, about that.” Wraith moved inside the room. “I owe you both an apology. More than that, but I don’t know how I can make up for a lot of years of hell.”

His brothers just stood there, either stunned or not buying a word. Probably the latter. He’d never given them a reason to trust anything he said or did.

“So, ah… I’m sorry. You guys have bailed me out of a lot of shit situations. I can never make it up to you.” Wraith had to smile at his brothers’ silence, because now they weren’t meeting his gaze. The male sappy crap was embarrassing them. Good thing, because he’d hate to be alone in that.

“It’s all good.” Shade’s voice was low and rough with emotion.

Eidolon nodded. “I think we’re all good.”

“Bullshit.” Wraith swiped a couple of oranges out of Gem’s basket on the counter and beaned his brothers with them. “I put you through hell for a lot of years, and a sixty-second suck up job isn’t going to erase that.”

“Well, hitting us with fruit isn’t going to help!” Shade shouted, returning fire. The orange veered to the left, splattering on the wall.

“Hello,” Wraith taunted. “Charmed.”

“Don’t you have more sucking up to do?” E said, but his mouth was quirked in a half-smile.

“I do.” Wraith made a beeline for the coffeemaker, needing to take his mind off how much it bit dick to beg forgiveness. “But it’ll take a lot of time. I’m willing to do what it takes to make it up to you guys.”

E and Shade had fallen silent again.

“Look, why don’t we change the subject?”

His brothers nodded vehemently.

“Okay, then. How’s Tayla?” More than a change of subject, Wraith really did care. He’d wanted to kill the slayer in the beginning, but he couldn’t deny that she was perfect for E. “The Aegis dudes didn’t take her demon thing well.”

“They wanted to execute her,” E growled. “Kynan made them see the light.”

Shade smirked. “Now that you made him the most important human on the planet, he threatened to walk if The Aegis didn’t let Tayla stay on.”

“Ah, blackmail. I always knew that human had it in him.” Wraith would have loved to see that scene. “So, did they welcome Ky back, too?”

“They made him an Elder.” Eidolon grinned. “That sonofabitch is now in charge of the whole damned organization.”

Now, that was funny as hell. “What about Gem?”

“She’s moving Kynan into her place as we speak.” Eidolon bent to retrieve the orange Wraith had thrown at him.

“Good for her,” Wraith said. “So what’s with the new brother? And why was he able to bring back Ky?”

“A mating with a human gone wrong,” Shade said. “His gift is all fucked up. He kills everything he touches, but apparently, he can bring the dead back within a brief time window—”

“And only if they aren’t dying of a demon-inflicted disease,” Wraith finished, still slightly bitter about that. “Where is he?”

Larissa Ione's books