Passion Unleashed

“Then bring her to me.”

Relief flooded Wraith, but dread followed on its heels when he glanced at the altar. No way was Serena coming here, to be laid out like a sacrifice on the stone slab. He knew how the ritual worked. The human would be stripped and laid out before the Council. The members would inspect the human, touch them in whatever manner they wished until the sire, also naked, mounted them. Sex wasn’t required to make the change, but it went hand-in-hand, and often while sharing blood, the sire and victim fucked as the Council observed. Or participated.

“You’ll go to her,” Wraith said.

Komir steepled his fingers in front of him. “You don’t truly want this, do you?”

“Serena is too sick to move.” To be safe, he added through gritted teeth, “If it should please you.”

A draft of cold air circulated around the room, bringing with it the Key’s displeasure. He flashed from where he was standing to directly behind Wraith, pressed his chest to Wraith’s back as he leaned in and put his mouth to Wraith’s ear.

“None of this pleases me,” he murmured. “But that you would take a vampire as a mate after all you’ve suffered… perhaps it’s time that the Council gives you a fresh start. But Serena will be mine to indoctrinate into vampire life.”

Wraith wanted to wail with grief, but if this was the only way to keep her from dying, he’d have to deal with it. Somehow.

But the second she was released from Komir’s care, Wraith was bonding with her. She was his and he was going to make sure no male of any species touched her ever again.

“Yes,” he rasped. He cleared his throat and said louder, so everyone in the fucking room could hear. “Yes.”

Komir bared his teeth. “Then let’s go kill your woman.”


Wraith rushed into Serena’s room with Komir on his heels. Shade was sitting at Serena’s bedside, head bowed, fingers wrapped so tightly around her wrist that her hand had turned white. Shade’s dermoire was glowing fiercely, and Wraith knew he was burning a buttload of energy to keep her alive. Shade didn’t even look up at him. Didn’t say a word.

This was bad. Very, very bad.

Eidolon came in behind Wraith. He was in scrubs, his stethoscope looped around his neck, looking every bit the doctor he was—including his somber expression.

“I’m sorry, Wraith,” he said softly, “but the moment Shade lets go—”

“Then don’t let go.” Wraith turned to Komir. “It’ll still work, right?”

“Perhaps. If she is able to swallow blood.” Komir shook his head. “There’s always a risk—fully ten percent of turnings don’t take. And with her being this far gone…”

“Ah… what’s going on?” Eidolon eyed Komir. “Is this what I think it is?”

“If you’re thinking your brother wants me to turn this human into a vampire, then yes, it’s what you think it is.”

“Hell’s bells,” Shade muttered, still not looking up.

“I won’t argue about this,” Wraith said. E held up his hands and took a step back.

Komir moved to Serena’s side, and Wraith’s heart rate jacked up. Nerves and jealousy were going to tear him apart. Though the elder vamp must have felt the waves of heat coming off Wraith, he ignored them. He walked around the head of the bed and braced Serena’s face in his hands. Gently, he tilted her head to the side. His fangs extended, huge suckers that were, in a moment, going to be buried deep in Serena’s neck.

“It would be better if I were lying with her—”

“No!” Wraith shouted, and E grabbed him before he could do something stupid, like lay out the vampire. The writing on the walls began to pulse as the threat of violence grew.

“Idle down, bro,” E said, and Wraith backed toward the door, a terrible, possessive ache centering in his chest. Maybe if he didn’t watch…

Komir released Serena, and oh, fuck, Wraith had just ruined everything. The vampire brushed past him. “Come with me.”

Wraith had no choice but to follow, and once they were outside the room, Komir turned to him. “Strike me.”

The Haven spell prevented violence, but, like Serena’s charm, if the person wanted the violence, that was different. “Why?”

“Let your aggression out now, demon. The ritual cannot be interrupted.”

Wraith clenched his fists. “We don’t have time for this.”

“Then may I strike you?”

“Fine. Then let’s get on with—” Komir’s fist slammed into Wraith’s mouth with the force of a wrecking ball, knocking him sideways and splashing blood onto the wall. Another blow came at him, but Wraith spun out of reach and smashed his fist into Komir’s jaw.

Larissa Ione's books