Not What She Seems

chapter 19

Sylvia was true to her word and seemed to content to laze the day away with Keith inside the apartment. He grew visibly more agitated as the time for her to go out with Mason approached.

“And where are you two going again?” he asked her for what felt like the fiftieth time.

“I told you, dinner. He wouldn’t say where but he text me this morning that it would be ‘dressy’ casual. It’ll be fine,” she reassured him, giving him a quick kiss. “He’s picking me up, so it’s not even like I’ll ever be alone.”

Keith sulked while she prepared for her date. She tried on outfit after outfit in an attempt to find just the right look for the evening. Finally she settled on a red wool A line skirt that hung just above her knees, and a crisp looking white button up blouse. She threw on a pair of tall, supple calfskin boots and flat ironed her hair. Some simple gold jewelry and minimal makeup finished the look.

“Does this Innocent even know how lucky he is?” Keith asked as her as he looked her up and down, when she came back out into the living room.

Sylvia grinned. “I sure hope so, we’ll see.”

“He’s a fool if he makes you chase him much longer. Any other man in his right mind would be jumping through hoops, trying to get you to bed, and this moron’s busy playing romantic but not making any moves.”

Mason was a good man, and she bristled defensively at the insults Keith threw around about him. “You don’t even know him. He’s not a fool, or a moron.”

“Hey now, what’s this? Are you starting to get feelings for Mr. Pure-and-Virginal?” He tried to play the question off as a joke but it was too late. She had already seen the dark look that had come over his face when she defended Mason.

“Green’s an ugly color on you, Karl,” she snapped as she transferred items into the purse she had chosen for her date.

He stared at her silently, anger and hurt clear on his face.

“I’m sorry, just don’t insult him like that, okay? It’s not his fault he’s in the middle of this stupid Challenge, whether he knows it or not. He seems like a decent man and it’s too bad there aren’t more like him out there.”

Keith scowled at her without replying and she worried that he didn’t have as good a hold on his jealousy as he wanted her to believe. A glance at the clock on the wall proved there was no time left to mull it over, Mason would be arriving to pick her up any minute now. Without another word to Keith she hurried out the door. She had no time for his childish behavior.

As she moved through the building to the lobby Sylvia tried to keep her mind on her upcoming date to push thoughts of the Hunter aside. She felt exposed and vulnerable outside the confines of her apartment but to her relief, Mason arrived just as she stepped out of the elevator.

He arrived right on time, in his gunmetal gray Audi R8. Sylvia’s heart raced as he casually exited the sleek car, dressed in khakis and a button down shirt. His eyes lit up as he smiled at her when she came out of her building.

“Look at you,” he exclaimed after kissing her cheek in greeting. “I swear you get more beautiful each time I see you, though I don’t know how that could be possible.”

Sylvia giggled as he gently took her hand and twirled her around so he could admire her properly.



He opened the car door for her and settled into the driver’s seat once she was comfortably seated.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all day,” he confessed as he pulled out into traffic.

“Me too.” She studied him out of the corner of her eye as he drove. Her pulsed raced at the mere thought of locking lips with him again. As if he could sense her thoughts he grasped her hand in his, brought it up to his lips and kissed it softly.

Sylvia quivered inside as his lips brushed her skin. If only this man moved faster. She wasn’t used to taking it slow and waiting. As frustrating as she found it, especially given what was at stake for her personally, she had to admit she found the suspense of it all thrilling. Waiting to bed a man was a new experience for her. It was a nice change from the fast, detached sexual experiences she was used to.

“So where are we going, anyway?” she prodded.

“You’ll see when we get there,” he smirked at her playfully.

“I hate surprises,” she pouted, but the twinkle in her eyes betrayed that lie. She actually quite enjoyed surprises; she just hated the wait that led up to them.

Mason shook his head, signaling he still refused to divulge their destination, and quickly changed the subject.

“I’m sorry I haven’t had time to call you in the last few days. Work has been just crazy! How has your work week been going?”

“Fine, you know, same-old, same-old.” She didn’t know what ‘normal’ dating between humans was like, but she was willing to bet talking about psycho stalkers that wanted you dead was a no-no on the third date. “I’m glad you still had time to go out tonight despite your hectic week.”

“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I think our date tonight is the only thing that’s kept me sane these last few days.”

He signaled and turned off of Huntington Avenue into a parking garage at the Prudential Center.

“No way! Are we going…”

“To The Top of the Hub? Yup. How would you like that, eating on top of the Tower? Is that okay?” He was eager to make sure she was pleased with the surprise.

“It’s fantastic! I’ve never been there, but I hear it has the best views in Boston.”

“Indeed it does. You’ll see for yourself in a few minutes.”

He parked the Audi and she waited in her seat as he came around and opened her car door for her.

Hand in hand they walked across the parking garage to the elevators. They had the elevator to themselves as they rode up to the top floor. Sylvia could contain herself no longer and before she had a chance to second guess herself, she pulled Mason into a gentle kiss. Her bold move surprised him but he quickly returned her interest, slowly exploring her mouth with his tongue as he lightly caressed her lower back, just above her ass, while his other hand buried itself in her golden locks.

They pulled apart just as the elevator chimed to announce they had arrived on their desired floor.

“You are a bold one, aren’t you Miss Evans?” he teased softly.

“From time to time,” she replied as she smoothed her skirt and ran her fingers through her hair.

Mason grasped her hand in his as they exited the elevator. She was glad for his steadying touch as their kiss had left her feeling dazed from the small amount of energy she had sapped from him. It had an almost intoxicating effect on her.

The maître

d’ greeted Mason by name and swiftly led them to a private table overlooking the city and all her glorious lights.

“The best seat in the house for you tonight, sir, madam.”

Mason thanked him and watched Sylvia as she gazed out over the city, enchanted by the view before her.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

A bottle of their best wine arrived and Mason’s eyes were on her as the wine was opened and poured. He scanned his menu briefly before setting it back down and she could feel his eyes upon her once more as she pondered her order. Everything sounded delicious and she was determined to pick the perfect item. It wasn’t often she dined in such a fine place, so she wanted to be sure to enjoy every moment of it. As soon as she settled on the braised short ribs and placed down her menu, a waiter came to take their orders.

“So,” Mason began once the waiter left their table, “Tell me about yourself. I feel like we haven’t had much of a chance to talk, with the gallery being so busy the other night.”

“What would you like to know?” She took a sip of her wine to try to quell the butterflies in her stomach. Their kiss in the elevator had left her wanting and made her mind wander, lost in sexual fantasies involving Mason.

“Anything. Everything.”

“I like to read, swim when the weather’s right, jog when I can, I love ‘B’ horror movies and cheesy chick flicks and Thai food. Ugh, I sound like some cheesy online dating profile, don’t I?” she chuckled, slightly embarrassed. It wasn’t often men asked her anything personal about herself and she was unsure what to tell him.

“Not at all, not at all. I happen to be a fan of Thai food as well.” He smiled kindly at her over his wineglass. “Any family?”

“My mother lives here in Boston as well.” Instantly she chastised herself for mentioning Lilith. Why? It’s not as though he would ever meet her. There would be no bring-the-new-man-to-Mom’s-for-Sunday-dinner in their future. “What about you?” She was eager to turn to spotlight off of herself. Talking about herself in such a personal way made her uncomfortable. It was rare anyone asked her to do so. He took another sip of wine and stared pensively at the glass before answering her. “My parents were killed in a car accident when I was only 11. My Grandfather raised my brother Jeffrey and I.”

“I’m so sorry.” She reached across the table and placed her hand over his. She could hear the pain in his voice.

“Thank you. My Grandfather did a wonderful job raising us, but my brother never got over my parents’ death and gave him a tough time when we were younger. They got along for a bit, but had a falling out a few years before my Grandfather’s death.”

“Do you and he get along?”

“Yes, most of the time. I wouldn’t say we’re close but we talk from time to time. We rarely get together even though we live in the same city. Enough about that.” His demeanor changed as he made it clear the topic was off the table for now. “I work a lot and haven’t much time for hobbies, but I read when I can, go to the gym religiously, and refuse to give up my Polo habit, no matter how busy work and school keep me.”

“Polo? You play Polo? I adore horses! I used to ride when I was a girl.” Centuries ago, she had spent some time working as a farmhand and had fallen in love with the beautiful creatures.

“Do you ride now?”

“No, I haven’t in years. I’d love to get back into it, but with work and all…”

Mason held up a finger as he pulled out his iPhone. “Excuse me for just one moment, please.”

She watched in silence as he sent out a text, waited for a reply, then sent one back again. What was he doing?

He tucked his iPhone away and turned his attention back to Sylvia. “I normally wouldn’t be so rude as to send out a text in the middle of dinner like some kind of obnoxious teenager, but I had an idea.” He gave Sylvia a sly smile as his eyes danced mischievously. “That was Marjory Bennett I was contacting. She has a stable at her place in New Hampshire. If it’s agreeable to you, instead of just going up there for brunch on Sunday, we’re welcome to go up Saturday morning, go riding for the day, and stay over. I’d be happy to stay in the main house with the Bennetts and you could use the guest house, or I’ll stay in the guest house if you’d be more comfortable in the main house instead,” he added hastily.

Sylvia couldn’t believe her ears. “We can stay the weekend, ride her horses?” The part about sleeping in different houses didn’t sit well with her, but there was time to work on that. A romantic weekend away could be just the thing to move along her progress with him in the bedroom department.

“Yes, of course. All I had to do is ask. Marjory is like family to me. I’m welcome there anytime, and she’s quite impressed with you, which is no small feat when we’re talking about Marjory Bennett! So what do you say? Would you like to go for the weekend, go riding? If it’s too soon to spend a weekend together I’ll understand,” he said. “Please don’t feel pressured about this. I want to take you for the weekend only if you truly would like to go. It won’t hurt my feelings, or Marjory’s, if you decline. I know I’ve sprung it on you out of the blue.”

“I’d love to, if you’re sure it’s not an imposition for you, or Marjory.”

He pulled his iPhone out again and read Marjory’s text back to him out loud. “‘Yes, you are both welcome to stay as long as you like and take out the horses. Looking forward to seeing you both.’ Doesn’t sound like an imposition to me. You don’t know Marjory yet, but rest assured her offer is genuine. She would let me know if it would impose; she’s very straightforward. So what do you say?”

“I say yes.” It was hard not to seem too eager to spend a weekend away with him, but she was unable to keep all of her excitement out of her tone. The buzz of her cell phone interrupted the moment and a quick glance at the screen revealed a text from Keith.

All okay there? You safe?

“Pardon me, I just need to answer this,” she mumbled apologetically. Damn it, if only she hadn’t agreed to respond to Keith’s hovering.

All’s well, don’t interrupt again! She sent off the text and put her phone away.

“Everything okay?” Mason asked, picking up on the tension on her beautiful face.

“It’s fine, it was just my cousin.” She waved her hand dismissively. “He gets a little needy sometimes. Sorry about that.”

“It’s no problem. So we’re on to spend the weekend at Marjory’s?”

“You bet. I just hope you can keep up with me on our ride.” She stared boldly into his eyes, waiting to see if he read more than one meaning in her comment.

He gazed right back into her eyes and chuckled softly. “Sylvia, when the time for our ride comes, I just hope so too.”

Much to her surprise, she blushed when she realized not only did Mason pick up on the sexual implication she had thrown out to him, he was agreeable to having sex with her- eventually.


After a lovely dinner spent chatting and enjoying the Boston night skyline, Mason drove her home. The Audi was barely in park before he reached over and pushed both of his hands into Sylvia’s blonde tresses, pulling her to him. Their lips met and she moaned softly as her body came to life from his simple kiss. Mason’s kiss was firm and aggressive, but not unpleasantly so. She fought hard against her own instincts to move things along, fearing scaring him off if she was too pushy to take it to the next level.

It was Mason, not Sylvia, who progressed their intimacy when he hesitantly removed a hand from her hair and began lightly stroking her breasts. She arched her back to rise up to meet him and unbuttoned her blouse a few more buttons before guiding his seeking hand under it for better access. His touch became more confident, bolder, as he explored her bare skin before dipping a few fingers beneath her bra and gently rubbing her nipple. She broke their kiss and leaned her head back against the seat as she parted her legs in anticipation and need.

He made a trail of soft kisses beginning at her earlobe and working his way down her neck, down her sternum, finally reaching her cleavage where he kissed and licked her lightly while still exploring the contents of her bra with his hand.

“I want to stay in the guest house,” Sylvia whispered huskily.

He paused. “Okay, I’ll stay in the main house.”

“No,” she shook her head violently. “I want to stay in the guest house, with you.”

He resumed his exploration of the top of her breasts and her cleavage. “I would like that, as long as you don’t have expectations I’m not ready to fulfill yet,” he replied in between kisses, licks and nibbles. He stopped suddenly, pulled his hand out of her bra, and slumped back in his own seat.

“I’m sorry, Sylvia, what must you think of me? I’m telling you we have to take it slow, and yet here I am, enjoying you like this, then reminding you I’m not ready to have sex with you yet.” He ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “I don’t mean to be giving you mixed signals like this. I’m just not sure what the hell I’m doing. I know myself, and I know I’m not ready to have sex with you, yet here I am acting like a jerk, acting like that might happen sometime soon.”

“It’s okay, Mason, you were feeling me up, not slipping on a condom or something.” She tried to casually shrug it off but her body screamed for more of his touch. She wanted more of his energy, more of his touch, more of his everything. He was becoming a drug of sorts and she the addict, and she didn’t even care. She had thought she needed him simply to win the Challenge, but she now knew she couldn’t walk away from him even if it was called off. What he did to her with his mere touch was beyond compare, like nothing she had ever experienced.

It wasn’t just the physical chemistry between her and her Innocent that left her yearning for more. He made her feel good inside, like she actually mattered to him. The sincerity in his interest in her was genuine and not the usual transparent crap men tried to pull with her, pretending to have an interest in her as a person so they could get in her panties. It was a new experience for her, and she was startled to realize she really was beginning to develop feelings for him as well. It was no longer just about the Challenge. Mason made her feel valued for more than just her stunning looks. His company brought her the companionship she had been missing for so very long.

“You’re right; I guess I’m blowing it out of proportion. I just don’t want to disappoint you, or myself. I really like you, Sylvia, and I haven’t been able to say that about a woman in a long time. I don’t want to blow it between us. I want you. You have no idea how much I want you, but that’s no excuse for me to act like some horny teenager at the drive-in.”

She leaned over and kissed him chastely on the lips. “I’ve got news for you, Mason, I really like you too, and what we just did was nice. I really enjoyed it but you’ve told me you don’t want to rush this, and I’m fine with that. I don’t want to blow it either,” she added softly. “I just want to be with you, even if it means I sleep on the floor in the guest house.”

“You’re not going to sleep on the floor,” Mason scoffed. “We’ll figure it out when we get there, there’s probably more than one bedroom.”

Sylvia silently hoped not. She would even be happy just to sleep next to him, if sex was off the table for now. She couldn’t bed him yet but she was quickly discovering that simply being with him was the next best thing.

“I best be going. Thank you for a lovely evening, Mason.”

“Hang on a sec.” He got out of the car and came around to open her door for her. “I can’t tell you how excited I am about our trip to New Hampshire this weekend.” He pulled her into a strong embrace and her eyes widened ever so slightly when she felt his erection brush her thigh.

She kissed him good night, savoring his warmth and his taste. It felt like she could stay there forever, standing on the sidewalk in the chilly city evening, lost in Mason’s strong arms.

“You coming in or what?” Keith’s angry voice caused her to pull away from Mason’s kiss abruptly. He stood in the open apartment building doorway, glaring at Mason.

To his credit, if Mason was surprised by Keith, he didn’t let it show. “Mason Kent, nice to meet you,” he said without missing a beat as he moved to Keith and extended his hand.

Keith crossed his arms against his chest and ignored him. “Let’s go, Sylv,” he commanded.

She intervened in an attempt to smooth over the awkward moment. “Mason, this is my cousin, Keith. He’s staying with me for a bit, because he just moved to Boston.”

“Your cousin?”

“Yes. I really should be going.”

“May I call you tomorrow?”

Sylvia smiled at Mason as she moved to join Keith in the doorway. “You’d better!”

T. R. Raven's books