Not What She Seems

chapter 14

Sylvia’s breath caught in her throat as an immaculate white stretch limo pulled up to the curb in front of her building. It was going to be a very high brow evening, she realized, and then chastised herself for not thinking of it sooner. Even though Mason hadn’t told her it himself, she knew he was a millionaire, so why would she expect anything besides top-notch treatment this evening? This date was going to be a far cry from meeting in a bakery in Harvard Square. The mere thought excited her immensely as it had been a long time since she had been treated so well by a man. She headed out onto the street to meet him with a warm smile on her face.

The driver opened Mason’s door so he could come out to greet her. He was wearing a tuxedo, with every hair in place and a smile on his freshly shaven handsome face.

“Wow,” he said, admiring her, “You look fantastic!”

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” she replied coyly.

“Shall we?” Mason held out his hand and she took it as he escorted her into the limo. The driver went back to his seat and she was pleased to see the partition was already up, so she and Mason had some privacy.

“Would you like a drink?” he asked, gesturing to the expansive wet bar.

“Please. I’ll have whatever you’re having.” It was good news to hear he wasn’t opposed to alcohol. In her mind she was already trying to calculate how many drinks he’d need before he got tipsy enough for her to take advantage of him.

“Well, I’m having a martini, will that work for you?” She nodded and watched in silence as he prepared the drinks and handed one to her.

“I’m so glad you could come tonight.” His blue eyes shone above his glass as he sipped his martini and watched her intently.

“I’m so glad you invited me,” she replied demurely. “I love the limo, by the way.”

Mason nodded. “It’s a new model, my driver just replaced the old one recently.”

“Your driver?” She pretended to be surprised by this news. “I thought you were a student.”

“Yes, but I also own my own business, which does well,” he explained. “Having a driver beats taking a cab, and as I’m planning to indulge in a drink or two tonight I didn’t want to drive myself.”

She was impressed. The men she met usually went out of their way to try to impress her with whatever wealth they had, if any. Mason didn’t go out of his way to brag about nor hide it. He just presented himself to her as he was, without a lot of testosterone driven chest-thumping. She found it refreshing.

Mason glanced at his Patek Philippe watch. “We’ll be there in a bit, if traffic stays light like this.”

Her cell phone rang and she managed not to grimace as she looked to see who was calling. It was Keith, of course. It seemed he had just missed her. She smiled apologetically to Mason and shut the cell phone off. It wouldn’t do to have him calling all night, intruding on their evening.

“Are you a fan of art?” Mason asked, looking to engage her in conversation.

“I like it, though I must admit I’m pretty ignorant about what makes a good piece. I just like what I like, what speaks to me.”

He chuckled at her honest answer. “I’m not a big aficionado myself, but there will be some important contacts for me at this show, so I accepted the invitation. I’ll try not to be too boring tonight, though I must warn you there may be some ‘shop talk.’”

“I don’t mind a bit, I think it will be fascinating.” She boldly lay her hand on his. He looked startled for a split second but then took her hand and brought it up to his lips for a kiss.

“I don’t think too many people will be looking at the artwork once you arrive.”

Sylvia blushed, much to her surprise. His openness and sincerity were disarming to her. Before she could reply the limo stopped in front of the gallery and the driver came around to open the door for them.

It was a surprise to see the paparazzi lining the red carpet rolled out in front of the gallery. Photographers began yelling to Mason, and to her, trying to get their attention. She raised an eyebrow quizzically at him.

“Some people have the wrong impression that I’m some kind of big deal,” he said huskily in her ear as he wrapped his arm around her waist and began heading for the entrance. Her body energized at his proximity and touch. Never had a man set her off so. She made a mental note to hunt for Innocents more often. They hadn’t even had sex yet, and already she understood the fascination among her kind with Innocents.

Flashbulbs went off amidst the paparazzi’s cacophony of calls and yells. They jockeyed for the best positions, each trying to get a good picture of the rich Mr. Kent and his gorgeous mystery date.

“Sorry about that,” he apologized as the doorman held the door for them. “It’s incredibly rare for me to go anywhere with a companion, so I guess it’s big news to them.”

Sylvia steeled herself for the evening ahead as they walked into the gallery. An attendant took her stole and she heard Mason’s breath catch as she bared her pale shoulders.

“If I were an indecent man…” he whispered to her playfully.

She seized the opportunity and leaned closer to him, just lightly brushing him with her breasts as she replied in kind, “This is no place to be indecent, Mr. Kent.” Before she could continue flirting with him, various people began encircling Mason, eager to speak with him. Sylvia concentrated on making a good impression with them while her mind reeled over his forward comment. Such boldness from an Innocent so soon was certainly unexpected. Perhaps this Challenge would be easier than she thought.

The evening was a flurry of champagne and caviar, handshakes and smiles. She lost track of the people Mason introduced her to but met some key people in the city and state, including the Mayor and the Governor. Everyone was eager to speak with Mason and meet his stunning date, and they viewed the artwork in between introductions and formal conversations.

Mason kept an arm wrapped loosely around her slim waist for most of the evening and his touch was driving her crazy. She felt as if she’d explode if she didn’t have sex soon. She wasn’t even feeling the Hunger that plagued her yet, she was simply feeling randy. It was an unusual experience for her and confusing at best. She never wanted to have sex with a human just for the act of it, yet he made her feel wild inside. She was actually attracted to his good looks and sweet demeanor, and it was unnerving. Men were just a meal to her, but this one was something more. She found herself wondering if all succubi felt this way towards Innocents. Perhaps their energies always had this effect on creatures like her.

Finally she could stand it no longer and she excused herself to the ladies’ room. She gave the attendant a cursory smile before busying herself retouching her makeup. An older woman came and stood beside her to touch up her hair. She smiled kindly at Sylvia.

“You must be something else,” she said, not unkindly.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re Mason’s date tonight, yes?” Sylvia nodded, bewildered by this woman’s interest in either of them.

The older woman extended her hand to her. “Marjory Bennett. I knew Mason’s parents.”

“Sylvia Evans, a pleasure to meet you.” The woman’s grip on her hand was firm yet gentle.

Marjory studied her with frank interest. “Many would say they know why Mason’s with you, just looking at you, but I know beauty doesn’t turn his head as it does other men. Sure, he enjoys a beautiful woman, but for him to bring you here tonight there must be far more to you than your looks alone. You must be very special, Sylvia, to have pulled him out of his shell as you have.”

She gaped at Marjory, unsure of how to reply.

“Some stories are not mine to tell, dear. He’ll tell you in time, I’m sure. I hope to see more of you in the future. I can see how happy he is with you. Good for him. He deserves nothing but the best!” Marjory gently patted her arm as she made her exit.

Sylvia stood staring at her reflection in the mirror, trying to puzzle out her cryptic comments. Finally she went back out to find Mason. Whatever Marjory had been referring to, he would fill her in if he so chose.

Back in the gallery she found him chatting with a new group of people. All eyes turned to her as she approached and slid back into place by his side. His arm slipped around her again and she felt the familiar stirrings of lust once more.

“I wouldn’t let her out of my sight for one moment if I were you, Mason,” a portly balding gentleman boomed. “She’s simply lovely!”

Sylvia smiled politely as Mason introduced her around as guest after guest, both male and female, exclaimed how beautiful she was. She began to become a little bit irritated by it. While she was never one to refuse a compliment about her good looks, she was beginning to feel a bit like a dog at show. Mason’s warm hand on her hip was certainly making her feel like a bitch in heat. It was all she could do to keep smiling politely to the crowds of strangers all vying for his attention when all she really wanted to do was take him back to the limo and get naked, and not solely for the purpose of winning the Challenge against Elora.

At one point in the evening her eyes began to involuntarily glaze over with boredom when Mason was indeed ‘talking shop’ with a bunch of potential business partners. Marjory Bennett must have sensed her boredom because she immediately swept in to rescue her.

“Excuse me, gentlemen, might I steal Ms. Evans for a few minutes? We’ll leave you boys to your business.” Marjory smiled politely at the men as she took Sylvia by the elbow and led her away from the group. Sylvia glanced longingly over her shoulder, torn between her desire to be near Mason and her desire to have a break from the business chat.

“Come on, dear, let’s get you out of that snore fest,” Marjory joked as she led her away to a corner where a group of women were gathered.

Sylvia went along without comment, curious as to her intentions. Once they approached the ladies Marjory made the appropriate introductions and within minutes Sylvia was at ease chatting and joking with the group. Their conversations were far less intimidating than the men’s business conversations and she found herself relaxing, no longer on display and finally able to participate in the conversations at hand. The women were all friendly and seemed sincerely interested in her. She wasn’t used to it. Most women hated her on sight, intimidated by her good looks and the competition she represented when it came to catching a man’s eye.

At one point she looked up from a conversation with the wife of a key player in one of the area’s top sports teams and found Mason watching her from across the room. He gave her a contrite smile, trying to convey his apologies for being tied up with his business dealings. Sylvia beamed at him, trying to convey it was fine and she was having a great time with the ladies.

Eventually he broke away from his group and came to find her.

“I hope you’ve been keeping Mrs. Bennett out of trouble tonight?” He gave Marjory a playful look as he stood next to Sylvia, his firm hand on her waist once more.

“Oh, Mason, she’s such a delight!” Marjory exclaimed. The other women in the group murmured their approval as well and Sylvia felt odd being accepted into their little social circle so easily. She’d never had friends. Most women’s jealousy caused them to keep their distance, and all the men only wanted to bed her. She wasn’t used to being part of a group or having even casual acquaintances. She had no social life, just work with the service and hunting to fill her time.

“Isn’t she? I beg your pardon, ladies, but I think it’s time we get going- if it’s fine with you, of course, Sylvia.”

“Of course, it’s getting late, isn’t it? Ladies, a pleasure meeting all of you.” Before she could make her exit with Mason, she found business card after business card being thrust into her hands as the ladies gave her their contact information so that they might get together in the future.

“Mason?” Marjory tore away from the group and followed them to the door as the attendant retrieved Sylvia’s stole. “I’d love for you two to come for brunch at our country house next weekend.”

Mason looked to Sylvia before answering, trying to glean her reaction to the invitation. She was touched by his consideration and nodded oh-so subtly to indicate her approval.

“We’d love to, Marjory.”

“Good. It’s settled then. It’s a bit of a trip, actually, and it’s so lovely out there this time of the year- why don’t you plan to spend the day?”

“It sounds wonderful. Next weekend it is.” He took Sylvia’s hand in his and she fought the urge to kiss him then and there. Oh, what that man could do to her with a simple touch.

They bid Marjory goodbye and headed outside to the waiting limo. The paparazzi were still present, shouting out questions and snapping photos as they climbed into their ride.

Sylvia settled down on the seat and Mason slid in next to her. He was close, so very close, much closer to her than he had been on their ride to the gallery.

“So what did you think?”

“I think it was a lovely evening,” she replied simply as he slung his arm over her shoulder. Inspiration struck her and she feigned innocence as she removed her stole so her shoulders were bared.

“It was my grandmother’s and I don’t want anything to happen to it,” she explained by way of an excuse.

He slid his arm back around her and rested his warm palm flush against her naked skin. Tiny currents of electricity sizzled through Sylvia’s body from the skin to skin contact.

“It was a lovely evening, wasn’t it? I must admit, I wasn’t bored at all with you there, and I usually find these types of things extremely boring.”

Sylvia leaned forward and made a pair of martinis before passing one to him and settling back against him.

“Thanks. Are you in a hurry to get home? Feel like going for a drive?”

“I’m in no hurry at all. A drive sounds nice.”

Mason called the driver over the intercom and instructed him to just drive around the city for the time being. He turned his attention back to Sylvia.

“So next Sunday at Marjory’s is all right with you?”

“Of course. She seems like a wonderful woman. Where does she live? I know she mentioned her country house.”

“Yes, she and her husband live here in Boston, but they keep a home in Peterborough, New Hampshire, for quick getaways to take a break from the city. It’s gorgeous up there, out in the mountains.” He placed his drink down sat up to turn to face her. He kept one hand on her shoulder and began lightly stroking the tendrils of blond hair near her face with the other.

Sylvia’s breath caught in her throat as desire raced through her. She wanted this man, this Innocent, more than she had ever wanted any man before. Here she was, alone with him after the best evening out she’d had in a long time. The kiss was coming, she could feel it. She just had to be patient.

“Everyone loved you tonight. I wouldn’t care if they didn’t, but they’re a tough group to impress, and everyone loved you.”

“I liked them too,” she whispered, scarcely trusting herself to speak. Her desire for him was threaded with worry. What if she did something wrong, something that scared him off and blew her chances with him?

Mason gently took her drink out of her hand and placed it down before grasping her head with both hands. Time seemed to stop as they sat like that for a moment, with Sylvia holding her breath with anticipation, and Mason looking at her with genuine affection.

“You’re something else, you know that?”

She could stand it no longer. Her body sang with longing for Mason and she couldn’t take another moment without knowing how he tasted. Without thinking she leaned forward and planted her lips firmly against his.

T. R. Raven's books