No Mercy

Dev flashed her a grin before he turned his attention back to their task. "Sun's setting. Anyone see anything?"


Just the research building and Lake Oaks Park across the street. The parking lot on her left for the university and fitness center and the houses behind them. It all looked completely normal and the traffic was getting heavier.


We are so going to jail....


Would Ash bail them out?


Fang turned around slowly.


And true to her prediction, she heard police sirens in the distance, drawing closer.




"Gods, I hope that's not for us," Fang mumbled.


Dev snorted. "Oh, you know it is. That's our luck, mon frere." He glared at the horizon. "C'mon sunset. Don't fail us."


Fang scoffed at his words. "Fail us, hell. The police show up and I'm flashing home. I say we leave the Dogs here to get their own butts out of the sling."


"Screw you, Wolf," Ethon snapped.


Dev held his hand up to silence them. "Look."


Sam didn't see anything until the last ray vanished. Then there was a slight shimmering just a few feet in front of them. The kind that most would dismiss as a summer haze. Heat coming off the pavement.


But it wasn't that.


"Dev..." Fang's voice was stern as the sound of speeding cars drew closer.


Sam saw the police lights.


"Hunters, rise!" Dev ordered.


Ethon and Scorpio rolled out from under the blanket at the same time the police shouted at them to freeze. Ignoring them, they ran forward.


Sam heard the sound of guns firing. One second she was shouting at Dev to dodge the bullet headed at his back, the next everything was different.


The terrain remained the same. But the street and buildings were gone. A bright, piercing light bathed everything in an overexposed glow. What ever the source, it obviously wasn't sunlight since neither Scorpio nor Ethon were blistering from it.


Sam lifted her hand to shield her eyes as she looked over the men to make sure they were all right.


They stood like fighters in front of her. Dev with his hip cocked and the others ready to battle. Only there was nothing to fight.


Dev walked a slow circle, taking in their new landscape. "Anyone want to hazard a guess as to which way we should try?"


Ethon wiped his hand over his chin. "I'd say we try GPS tracking, but I'm going to bet we don't get any satellite reception here. What do you think?"


Scorpio answered by releasing the spikes in his vambraces so that they stood out like a porcupine's quills. Without a word to any of them, he headed for the black water that lapped against a light gray beach.


"Guess we're going north," Dev said slowly. "Everyone, follow Lassie. Timmy's in the well."


Scorpio raised his left arm. Interesting that with the blade extended, it looked like a vicious "FU" to Dev.


Ethon clapped Dev on the back. "Careful, Bear. I think you made Lassie mad. Remember in his case the bite is definitely more fatal than the bark."


Just as they neared the water, the ground under their feet started shifting. Fang cursed as it split apart and he started to fall into a ravine. Shifting forms from human to wolf, he leapt clear while Dev and the others ran to stable ground.


With her current form, Sam was in no danger. She floated over the shifting ground to hover near the men who were watching their feet suspiciously.


"That was close."


The men ignored her.


Frowning, Sam waved her hand to get their attention. They all four acted like she was invisible.


What in the world?


Irritated at them and scared that she was becoming even more of a ghost than she'd been before, she opened her mouth to chastise them. But the moment she did, she heard a deep, vicious growl coming toward her.


Turning her head, she gasped. It was a herd of leucrotae. Ferocious wolf-dogs who could feign the voice of people in order to lure their prey into closer range. The Greek historian Photius had once described them as "brave as a lion, swift as a horse, and strong as a bull. They cannot be overcome by any weapon of steel...."


And they were headed straight for them.






Chapter 15






Ethon passed a friendly grin to Scorpio. "Hey, cabron, they're not really dogs. You can kill these without guilt, I promise."


Scorpio pulled two swords out from the top of his boots and extended their blades. "Lo que son?"


Ethon unsheathed a sword of his own. "They're what happens when the gods get frisky with the wolves. Their offspring make all kinds of sickening things. Right, Fang?"


"Blow me, Greek."


"You're not my type."


Dev rolled his eyes. "The leucrotae were created as guardians to the gods. Their hide is supposed to be so thick it's impenetrable to just about everything."


Fang made a sound of utter annoyance. "I guess it's too much to ask if anyone happens to know a way to kill them?"


Ethon laughed evilly. "Yeah, I think so. Ever play the old arcade game Joust?"




"Remember the invincible dragons?"


Dev grimaced. "The ones you had to stab in the mouth when it was open to kill them?"