Night's Blaze

“Rhys!” Con’s voice reverberated in his head.


Blowing out a breath, Rhys opened the link and answered, “You’re no’ going to get me to turn around. I have to see the bastard.”




Rhys blinked, unsure if he’d heard Con correctly. Since when did Con want them communicating with Ulrik? “What’s the trick?”


“We think he knows where Henry is.”


“That son of a bitch,” Rhys said and swerved to pull the car off the road.


Warrick shifted in his seat. “I was hoping we’d have heard from Henry by now.”


Con’s sigh was audible. “A human in the company of traitorous MI5 agents, Dark Fae, and Ulrik? How was he ever going to come out of it alive?”


Warrick shook his head. “He was trying to help.”


“He’s a fucking human!” Rhys said. “He should’ve stayed out of it!”


Warrick’s cobalt eyes grew icy with rage as he stared at Rhys. “He’s a friend to us. How many others are willing to help?”


Rhys knew Warrick was right, but that didn’t mean he had to like Henry putting his life on the line for them.


“It’s because of Lily,” Warrick said so the conversation was between the two of them.


Rhys looked out the windshield and felt the familiar pang in his chest whenever he thought of Lily. He’d never been more conscious of the fragility of a human’s life than with Lily. It was no wonder the Kings who were mated wanted to have the ceremony done quickly.


Until the human was officially mated, she could die. Once she was bound to a King, she would never age, nor would she die unless her King was killed.


Con said, “Go to Ulrik, Rhys. See what you can find out about Henry. Do whatever it takes to get the information out of him.”


“I doona plan to leave Perth until I have my answers.”


“Good,” Con said and disconnected their link.


Warrick chuckled as Rhys pulled back onto the road. “I guess we’ll be staying in Perth for a while. You know as well as I that Ulrik isna going to give up that information easily.”


“I hope he doesna,” Rhys said coldly. He was itching for a fight, and who better to take his rage out on than the one responsible for his predicament?


“I’m looking forward to it.”


Rhys shook his head. “I doona want Ulrik to know you’re with me.”


“Have you lost your mind?” Warrick asked angrily.


Rhys grinned. “Perhaps.”








Henry wasn’t sure if Rhi was a figment of his imagination or real. Since he was in Ulrik’s home, he didn’t trust anything he saw.


Rhi stopped next to the stuffed chair to his right and leaned an arm along the tall back. “Wow. And here I thought I’d get at least a smile from you, handsome.”


“You aren’t real.”


She looked down at herself, then back up at him. “Pretty sure I am.”


Henry lowered his gaze from her ethereal face to the white shirt that plunged low enough for him to see the swell of her breasts. He swallowed hard, his blood pounding. The shirt hugged her frame down to her small waist and the black jeans that fit her like a glove.


“If you’re going to look me over, don’t forget my new shoes,” she said as she lifted her foot so he could see them.


He glanced at the tall heels with silver spikes. “Nice boots.”


“Booties,” she corrected. “They’re Louboutins. The red sole is their trademark. Keep up, sexy.”


Henry nodded in response. He couldn’t care less about the damn shoes. “Why are you here? If it really is you.”


“Trust me, stud. It’s me,” she said as she pushed away from the chair and gently sat beside him. Her face scrunched as she looked him over. “You look like hell. What did they do to you?”


“I don’t recall much once the beating commenced.”


“You’re lucky to be alive,” she said in a serious voice.


Henry shrugged then immediately regretted it. He gritted his teeth until the worst of the pain passed. “It was worth it if I can get the information I have to Banan.”


Rhi set her hand atop his. Henry’s skin warmed where their flesh met. In all his dreams, he would never have expected her to touch him. She was so far out of his league that he was content to just look at her. Oh, but to feel her. His pain was forgotten as desire flared thick and heavy.


“You’re very brave,” she said in a gentle voice.


Henry became lost in her silver eyes. He was floating, drifting. Soaring. “I did what I had to.”


“No. You did what you could for your friends. You put your life in jeopardy for them.”


“They deserve no less.”


Rhi’s smile held a hint of sadness. “You deserve life.”


“I won’t side with Ulrik,” Henry said tightly. “It goes against everything I am.”


“Of course you won’t side with Ulrik.”


Henry looked down at her hand atop his. “I’m prepared to die.”


He wasn’t just saying that because it was Rhi. Henry meant every word. Although having the Light Fae beside him bolstered his courage as nothing else could.


Donna Grant's books