Night's Blaze

Rhys grunted as Denae drove off in the white Mercedes G-class SUV. “Surely those two are no’ driving to Edinburgh.” If so, he was going to follow.


Kellan walked up on Rhys’s other side. “They’re taking a helicopter I rented for my woman.”


“Helicopter?” Warrick gave a long whistle. “I’m surprised you are no’ trying to talk Con into buying one.”


Kellan shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest. “No need. I bought one myself. It’ll be here in a few weeks. Until then, I’d rather keep Denae off the roads if I can.”


Rhys knew it was because Ulrik’s men had sabotaged Iona’s father’s vehicle, killing him. “Our enemies could get to a chopper as well,” Rhys pointed out.


“No’ when they doona know which service she’s taking,” Kellan replied with a grin.


Warrick grunted. “You do know that since Denae is mated to you that she’s immortal.”


“That’s no’ the point,” Kellan stated in a flat voice. “I doona like to even think of her being injured.”


Rhys knew exactly how Kellan felt. But what nagged at him was the thought of not seeing Lily. “How long does Denae plan to be gone?”


Kellan dropped his arms and turned on his heel. “I’ve no idea.”


Rhys watched him walk to the garage and get into a Range Rover before driving off. “He’s following them.”


“As would I if my mate left on such a trip after all that’s been going on, immortal or not.”


Rhys fisted his hands. At least Kellan could protect Denae properly. He was all but useless. Thanks to Ulrik.


Except for his magic. He still had his dragon magic, and that in itself was lethal.


He turned his head to Warrick. “Fancy a drive?”


“No’ especially. You doona want to follow them as well, do you?” Warrick asked with a roll of his eyes.


“I’m headed to Perth.”


Warrick’s face compressed in concern. “Shite. Con will have your head.”


“Let him take it,” Rhys said as he started toward the garage. “I’d welcome it right now.”


That wasn’t completely true. He wasn’t ready to let go of Lily. And that was the kicker. Rhys feared he would never be ready to let go.


“Is she your mate?” Warrick asked as they reached the garage.


Rhys was surprised Warrick followed. Warrick preferred to be on his own. Then again, each one of them wanted Ulrik to end his war. Rhys grabbed his keys off the hook. He didn’t utter a word until he was behind the wheel of his red Jaguar F-type. He left the top up and started the engine.


“Maybe,” he finally answered. Was being in love the same as knowing she was his mate? Rhys had a feeling it was.


Warrick got into the car and buckled his seat belt. He gave a shake of his head. “You’re certainly acting like she is. Why no’ just take her?”


Rhys jerked his head to Warrick. “You mean like I’ve done countless other women? Lily isna like them. She’s a forever kind.” He paused and took a deep breath, letting himself calm. “And I’m no’ acting like she’s my mate.”


“Aye, my friend, you are. Make her yours.”


“I’d disappoint her, and that would kill me more surely than what Ulrik has done to me.”


Rhys put the car in reverse and backed out of the garage. Once cleared, he shifted into first and drove away from Dreagan.


“Several Kings have already been to see Ulrik,” Warrick said after a long stretch of miles in silence.


Rhys gripped the wheel with both hands. “Perhaps. Then again, none of them had been hit with dragon and Dark Fae magic combined.”


“He’ll never admit to doing it.”


“I think he will. I think he’s waiting for me to confront him.”


Warrick frowned. “Why do you say that?”


“Ulrik tried to recruit Tristan. It wasna long after that when I was struck with that evil mix of magic. The only one stupid enough to mix dragon magic with a Dark Fae is Ulrik. He targeted me for a purpose. He knows I’ll go to him and demand to know his reasoning.”


“I’m no’ sure it’s a good idea. I’m no’ saying I wouldna be thinking the same, but why get that close to Ulrik? He’s proven he can no’ be trusted.”


Rhys threw him a dark look. “Con can no’ be trusted either, and yet we all put our faith in him.” Rhys could feel Warrick’s gaze on him, studying and watching. “Spit it out, Warrick.”


“Are you going to side with Ulrik?”


Now that was a question that hadn’t entered his mind until Warrick posed it. It would get Rhys inside Ulrik’s group and could end up helping the Kings. Then again, Ulrik wasn’t that stupid.




Warrick rested his elbow on the door and rubbed his hand over the stubble on his chin. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.


Rhys glanced at him the same instant Con’s voice sounded in his head, a connection every Dragon King had.




Rhys ignored the King of Kings’ call, realizing Warrick had heard him as well. Pressing his foot to the accelerator, Rhys drove faster toward Perth.


“You’re no’ going to answer Con?” Warrick asked.


Rhys shrugged. “Why? All he’ll do is tell us to return.”


Donna Grant's books