Night Pleasures (Dark Hunter Series – Book 3)

"How did he get it?" Grace asked.


Amanda edged closer to take a look at the ring. Like Kyrian's, it had a sword of diamonds and emerald laurel leaves against a deep ruby background. "It looks like the one Kyrian wears. Except his has a crown on it."


Julian nodded. "His is marked with a royal seal while mine is strictly military."


Confused, Amanda looked up at him. "Royal?"


"Kyrian was a prince," he said simply."Sole heir to the throne of Thrace."


Amanda's mouth dropped. "The Romans crucified an heir? I didn't think they could do that."


Julian's jaw ticced. "Technically, they couldn't, but Kyrian's father disowned him the day he married Theone."


"Why?" Amanda asked.


"She was ahetaira." He saw the bemused scowl on her face and added, "They were lower-class women who were trained to be entertainers and companions for wealthy men."


"Ah," she said, easily seeing how that could make his family angry. "Was he looking for a companion when he met her?"


Julian shook his head. "Kyrian met her at a friend's party and was enchanted by her. He swore it was love at first sight. All of us tried to tell him she was only after his wealth, but he refused to listen."


Julian laughed bitterly. "He did that a lot back then. His father adored him, but when Alkis found out Kyrian had broken his engagement to the Macedonian princess so that he could marry Theone, he was incensed. Alkis told him that a king couldn't rule with a whore by his side. They argued, and finally, Kyrian rode out of his father's palace, straight to Theone and married her within the hour. When Alkis found out, he told Kyrian he was dead to him."


Her chest tightened at his words as sympathetic pain sliced through her heart. "So, he gave up everything for her?"


Julian nodded grimly. "The worst part is, Kyrian was never unfaithful to her. Neither one of you really appreciates what an accomplishment that was. In our day, there was no such thing as monogamy. It was completely unheard of for a man to be faithful to his wife, especially one of Kyrian's heritage and wealth. But once Kyrian married Theone, he never wanted anyone else. Never even looked at another woman."


Julian's eyes flashed angrily. "He really did live and die for her."


Amanda's heart ached for Kyrian. The pain he must still have over it. Grace handed Amanda three bags that held gift-wrapped boxes. "These are for you."


Amanda opened the largest box to find a thickly woven designer coatdress. She ran her hand over the soft, navy blue silk. She'd never felt anything like it. Looking in the bags, she found shoes, and other boxes marked with the Victoria 's Secret logo. Blushing, she didn't dare open those around Julian and Grace. Not unless she wanted to die of embarrassment.


"How did he know my size?" she asked as she checked the tags on the dress. Julian shrugged. Amanda paused as she found a note addressed to her. The handwriting was elegant and crisp.


Sorry about your sweater. Thanks for being such a good sport.




Amanda smiled, even though a tiny part of her was hurt by the fact he still refused to use his real name with her. No doubt it was his way of keeping a distance between them.


So be it. He had a right to his privacy. A right to live his dangerous immortal life without any kind of close entanglements with humans. If he wanted to remain Hunter to her, she would respect that.


Still, after all they had gone through last night…In her heart, it didn't matter what name he used. She knew the truth of him. Gathering her gifts, she headed back up the stairs to get ready for work, but what she really wanted to do was thank Hunter for his kindness.


After her shower, Amanda opened all her gifts to find a treasure of naughty lingerie. Hunter had bought her blue silk stockings with a matching garter belt. She'd never before owned or worn one, and it took her several minutes to figure out how to operate it. A matching silk bra and thong completed the outfit.


"Hmm…" For a man wanting to keep his distance, he certainly made some very personal choices for her. But then, he was nothing if not an enigma.


Amanda bit her lip as she reached for her dress. She felt so incredibly feminine and soft wearing her new lingerie, and a tiny shiver went up her spine as she thought about the fact that Hunter's hands had touched them.


It was incredibly erotic knowing his hand had probably traced the delicate lace of the thong that now rested intimately between her thighs. That his hand had touched inside the cup that cradled her breast.