Night Pleasures (Dark Hunter Series – Book 3)

Amanda moaned as she felt a warm, strong hand sliding over her bare stomach to her hip. Instinctively, she turned into the caress, her body instantly on fire with need.


Kyrian rolled her over, onto her back, and captured her lips with his. Her head swam at the contact. At the feel of all his strength and power. Never in her life had she felt anything better than his tongue on hers. Or his exquisitely hard body sinuously sliding against her.


She burned even more. His kiss was fierce and hot, yet strangely tender. Closing her eyes, she breathed in the spicy scent of his skin and tasted the heat of his mouth. She ran her hands through the silk of his golden hair, delighting in the way the waves curled around her fingers.


He pulled back and stared down at her with a powerful hunger that made her burn as those gorgeous muscles of his shoulders bunched and flexed under her hands. "I will have you," he said fiercely, his voice possessive.


"And I will have you," she said, smiling as she wrapped her legs around his narrow hips.


His devilish, fanged smile took her breath. With her cradled in his arms, he rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him. Amanda bit her lip as she stared down at his handsome face while she felt his hard, masculine body between her thighs.


Needfully, she rubbed herself against his long, hard shaft. He growled in response to her caress. He swept a famished look over her, then reached up and cupped her breasts in his warm hands. She covered his hands with her own as he squeezed them gently.


"I could stare at you all night," he whispered.


She could definitely relate because nothing would please her more than watching him move around naked for the rest of eternity. That walk… that body…


It was more than a mere mortal woman could handle. He lifted his hips, sending her forward. Amanda caught herself with her arms. She leaned over him, her hair falling around her face to form a dark canopy over them.


"Now that's what I want." Kyrian reached up to cup her face and pulled her lips to his. His mouth teased hers as he gently sucked her bottom lip between his teeth. Amanda moaned at the contact as he trailed his hand from her breast down her side and to the center of her body. "And this is what I want most." He plunged two fingers inside her.


Amanda hissed in pleasure as his fingers teased her relentlessly. In and out and around they swirled, making a hot fire to consume her. He pulled back from her lips. "Now tell me what you want."


"You," she breathed.


"Then you shall have me." Kyrian moved his hands to her hips and pressed her body toward his erection. Biting her lip expectantly, she longed to feel him inside her. To have his fullness stretch her body while they shared the most intimate of experiences. She felt the tip of his shaft pressing against her core.


Just as she was sure he'd slide inside, the alarm clock went off. Amanda came awake with a start. Dazed, she glanced around the unfamiliar room and it took a full minute before she remembered she was asleep in the nursery at Grace's house.


It had all been a dream?


But it had seemed so real. She swore she could still feel Kyrian's hands on her body, his breath against her neck.


"Oh, it's so not fair," she groused as she got out of bed and turned off the alarm clock. It had just been getting really good. How could it have been just a dream? Just a dream of mysterious stranger who hid pain behind sarcastic quips and of eyes so dark and deadly they captivated her?


Trying her best to forget the intensity of her subconscious, Amanda wrapped Grace's thick robe around her, then headed for the bathroom.


"Where did it come from?" Grace asked.


Amanda paused in the hallway as she heard Grace and Julian talking below. "I assume Kyrian left it," Julian said.


Yawning, Amanda went downstairs and found the two of them in the living room surrounded by shopping bags and boxes. Julian was already dressed for work in a pair of khakis and a sweater. Grace wore a blue maternity nightgown while Niklos pulled and shredded paper from a sack beside her.


"What's all this?" Amanda asked.


Julian shrugged.


"You're right," Grace said as she found a note in one bag. "They're from Kyrian." She read the note and laughed. "All it says is, 'Thanks for the Band-Aid.'" She handed the note to Julian.


Julian let out an exaggerated breath as he read the note. "It was customary in our time to bring gifts whenever you visited a friend. But I mean, damn, we didn't leave this many." He ran a hand through his hair as he surveyed the mountain of gifts. "Kyrian was always generous, but… damn," he repeated. "I guess he came back last night and dropped them off while we were sleeping."


Amanda was amazed. It looked like Christmas… at the Rockefellers'. She watched as Grace pulled out dozens of toys for the twins. Dolls for Vanessa, building blocks for Niklos. A train and a toy horse.


Grace pulled a small box out of one bag. "This one's for you," she said, handing it to Julian. Julian opened the box, then paled.


Grace looked over and gasped. "It's your general's ring." They exchanged a stunned look.