
His right eyebrow arched sharply. “Even when that bully grows a set of fangs, some claws, and a tail?”



As long as the reward was Aiden holding me in his arms forever, I felt like I could take on the world, and win. “I’ll just have to grow a sharper set of fangs and claws myself, then, won’t I?”


Did I actually say that and sound excited about the transition? It must have been the pheromones or something he was putting off, but I felt almost ready and even a little excited to do it.


“You’re so sexy when you’re being aggressive,” he growled in my ear.


“That’s my line,” I chuckled. “Speaking of aggressive, how do you think you’ll stack up against Micah?”


He pulled back sharply and his eyes narrowed, creating a little crease between them. “Is that doubt I hear in your voice?”


“No. Not doubt. I would never doubt your ability. It’s just that I’ve never seen Micah fight. He could fight dirty, you know?” I said, hoping to backtrack a little. I didn’t want him thinking I was questioning his manhood or Alpha-hood. “I worry, okay? That’s my job as mate.” I stood on tiptoe and gave him a quick kiss on the nose.


Aiden tossed his head back and scoffed. “Micah’s strong, sure, but I am the true Alpha. He puffed out his chest. “I can take care of him.”


“Will you kill him?” I was still a little shaky on wolf politics, but it seemed fighting to the death was the way of things. Definitely not a selling point for anyone about to become one, but I guessed I would just have to get used to it.


“Don’t concern yourself with it.” He waved the thought away as if it were a fly, and then enveloped me in his strong arms. “We have more important things to consider. Because of the dissension in the pack and Micah’s challenge, I think we will have to have you turn sooner rather than later. Will you be okay with that?”


My stomach did a somersault. I leaned into his chest and listened to the drumbeat of his heart. After the almost-fight in the lobby, I knew I would have to do it sooner than we’d discussed, but I hadn’t expected him to say tonight. In the back of my mind there was the worry: would I die? But that seemed a moot point. I’d given my word, and whether now or in a few days, the outcome would still be the same. I gulped back the knot that had suddenly formed in my throat. “I guess now is as good a time as any. How do we go about doing this?”


He heaved a sigh. “There is really no easy way to do it, but I’ll try to make it as pleasant as I can.”


That wasn’t very reassuring.


He must have sensed my fear. He nudged me away from him and flashed a devilish grin. “First … I’ll need to tire your body out.”


“Is this something you do for all your new recruits?” I gave him a coquettish wink and softly bit my bottom lip.


He growled appreciatively. “Alphas get special treatment.”


That sent a thrill racing straight down to my core. He grabbed me with his muscly hands and pulled me up to him, crushing his lips into mine. I loved it when he got rough. He nudged me backwards as he feasted on my lips. I butted up against the bed and our momentum sent me toppling backward onto my back. Aiden remained upright and gazed down on me with hungry eyes.


I’d never feel self-conscious again if he promised to look at me like that forever. He nudged himself between my legs. “You have too many clothes on.”


Hearing him say that had a Pavlovian effect on my body, instantly making me wet.


“Well, you’re in charge here. Why don’t you remedy the situation?” Make it memorable, it could be our last. Even in the throes of passion, I still had that worry in the back of my mind.


“Always ordering me around. You were born to be an Alpha.” He pushed my legs aside and made quick work of removing my pants. I hadn’t worn underwear, and the eyebrow waggle he gave told me he approved. “You’ll have to help with the sweatshirt.”


I sat up and quickly yanked it over my head. Before the sweatshirt hit the floor, he buried his head in my chest. I giggled at the way his stubble tickled my nipples. He took the right one in his exquisitely warm mouth.


“That’s right, suck my tits, baby.” He knew what drove me wild. My nipples practically buzzed with sensitivity. He nipped and sucked, rolling my nipple into a tiny nub before moving to the left and repeating. “Don’t stop,” I panted. He could get me there with just that, but I didn’t want it to be a quickie kind of night. I reached out blindly, found the belt at his waist, and unlatched it. His button and zipper were no challenge for me. I was determined to find the prize.


And find it I did: hard and ready. I grasped him tightly and listened to the satisfied groan he let out.


I pumped him slowly, massaging every inch of his thick shaft to his mushroom head. He nipped harder, making me yelp. At that moment, pain and pleasure were the same: intense and primal sensations.


I moaned and gripped him harder, milking him.


Katie Salidas's books