
No pain registered on Micah’s face. His jaw tightened and his eyes rose to meet Aiden’s. “She’s not worthy of that title, and neither are you. Everyone knows it, even your brother.”



I don’t know what the hell I’d done to him to deserve his ire, but Micah really had it in for me. Deep down I knew he was just grasping for anything that might give credit to his challenge. He wanted to be the Alpha and would take down anyone in his way to gain the title.


“And when I’m Alpha, I’ll put that bitch down,” Micah added with a devilish grin.


That was crossing the line. Call me a bitch, hate me, whatever. Threaten my life and it’s on. “I’ll be the first in line to spit on your dead body after Aiden kills you.”


“You won’t be alive to do it.” Diana lunged at me.


Brady grabbed hold of her and jerked back. “You touch her and I’ll kill you myself.”


Diana snarled but did not fight Brady’s hold.


“Let’s do this right now,” Aiden responded, towering over Micah on the floor. “Why stand on ceremony? He wants action, I’ll give it to him. You and Diana are witnesses.”


“Enough!” Brady shouted. “Let him go, brother. Micah’s made a formal challenge. It will be dealt with in the proper manner. Do you accept?”


Maybe it was all the anger and testosterone in the air, I don’t know, but even I was feeling the need to fight something.


“Not now, brother. The pack must witness. You know this. Let Micah go.” Brady, still holding Diana at bay, stepped in between Aiden and Micah.


Aiden’s muscles tensed, but he gave in to his brother and backed off. “Assemble the pack tomorrow. You have twenty-four hours.” He turned and stalked away.






Chapter 6




Grumbling under his breath, Aiden stormed into the bedroom, muscles tensed, teeth grinding, a low rumbling growl slowly working its way up his throat. If he wasn’t in such a foul mood, I’d be pretty turned on. He was a drop-dead gorgeous man in a happy mood, but when riled up, he put off a sexy masculine mojo that I couldn’t resist. It had to be his animal magnetism at work. I had to put those thoughts in my mental to-do list for later. Now it was time to concentrate on getting ready to rumble with the would-be usurpers.


“I should have seen this.” Aiden slammed his fist into the dresser. “I’ve been so distracted.”


“You’ve been hard at work building the pack back to full force.”


“Only to have Micah attempt to take it out from under me. And to use my own brother.”


“Why would Brady listen to him?” That was the part that must have bothered him the most. Brady was his fraternal twin. They were inseparable. That this Micah could sway him must have really struck a nerve. Only a night before, Brady had pushed me so hard to make the change to ensure his brother the title. “Brady wants you as the Alpha, I just know it. There has to be some underlying issue we’re not seeing.”


“Brady just wants to make sure that he is not the one to have to shoulder that responsibility.” His low tone did not mask the seething anger beneath. “I’ll deal with him later.”


Brother against brother. That was a fight I did not want to see. Aiden would probably win, but at what cost? Werewolves, it seemed, were a very physical and violent bunch. I wasn’t sure how I would cope with this need to physically deal with every issue. It was a very unappealing side effect to becoming one of them. I hadn’t even turned, and I was already set to take on Diana.


“And don’t you get any ideas about fighting with Diana,” Aiden said matter-of-factly, as if he had the ability to read my thoughts.


“Thanks, baby, but I’m not hiding behind you. If she wants a fight with me, she’ll get one. I can hold my own...” I wasn’t going for cocky, but that’s the way the words came out.


“She’ll rip you apart.”


That brought me crashing back to reality. Yes, I was probably a little outmatched. She’d been a wolf longer than I had, but once I transitioned we’d be on even ground. At least, I hoped so. “I think you’re underestimating me just a little here.” I tried to keep the worry from my voice, but I doubted I was really doing a good job of it. I was sure Aiden could smell any fear I might have.


“I don’t mean to say you’re weak.” Some of the anger had diminished from his voice. “It’s just … you’re human. Even if you transitioned tonight, you’d still be weak for a little while. That means no matter how good, you’d be in no condition to fight.”


“I’ll just have to wait until I am in condition, and then teach her some manners.”


For a moment, he stared at me as if confused, and then pride warmed his gaze. He closed the gap between us and cupped my face in his strong hands. “How can anyone say you were not born to be an Alpha?”


“You act like I’m doing something special.” Now it was my turn to look confused. “I’m not going to back down to a bully.”


Katie Salidas's books