Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

Javan cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve never been in this place before.”



“Elijah told me you’ve never brought a woman back to your house.” Her arms dropped and her shoulders sagged. “You don’t have to worry, Javan. I’ll not be returning here. I know we only had the one night.”


Her words were just penetrating the fog in his brain when she turned around. “Wait,” he called.


“I’m not angry. I wanted you to know that I’m not like some Nephilim,” she said, continuing toward the door.


Javan rushed to her, grabbing her arm and turning her to face him. “I never said you were.”


“You don’t have to. I heard Frank today, and I know what I read in that book yesterday. The Nephilim have that reputation because of the actions of a few. That’s not me.”


“I know.”


Her lips lifted in a small smile. “ should probably remind you that we didn’t use any sort of protection.”


The idea of her belly swelling with his child made the room spin. Javan wanted it so badly he could taste it. Never before had he cared about having a child of his own. But that was before Naomi entered his life.


“It was just one night,” she said with a forced laugh. “I’m sure it’ll all be fine. The odds of me getting pregnant after one night are slim.”


Javan’s hand on her arm tightened as he pulled her even closer. “I was scheduled to go to the Harem soon.”


“Oh.” Her gaze darted away.


“I didn’t tell you that to hurt you, Naomi. I tell you so you’ll understand that when I say you came as a surprise to me that I truly mean it.” He smiled when her blue eyes returned to his face. “Last night was heaven. I would like to say that I was strong enough to stop touching you, but the truth is I can’t get enough of you. Even now, it’s all I can do not to tear those clothes off you and carry you to my bed.”


Her confused and wary look let him know he was going about this badly.


Javan grasped both of her arms in his hands and drew in a steadying breath. “I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but I can’t keep my hands off you. Even as I made love to you for the ninth and tenth and eleventh times, I couldn’t stop.”


Naomi’s mouth parted in surprise.


“I can see from your expression that you know exactly what that means.” Javan forced himself to drop his arms to his sides. “There is something between us. I know you feel it. No one can make love as we did and not feel something strong and deep.”


She brought her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes.


Javan hurried to finish speaking. “I ask nothing of you except to allow me to win your heart. You’re good for me, Naomi, and I’d like to think I’m good for you. We could have something special.”


“Incubi don’t take a Nephilim as theirs.”


“It’s done. Not often, but it’s done. I want you as my mate, my wife. I want us to bring children into this world together. I want to share everything with you.”


Naomi was shaking. Javan’s words echoed through her head. Was it all real? Did she want him so badly that she was creating all of this in her mind?


“I love you.”


Her head lifted, her eyes swinging to him. “You...can’t.”


“I can.” He smiled, his lips curving upward. “I’ve loved you from the moment Elijah showed me your portfolio. Give me a chance, Naomi. Please. I need you.”


“I have to know. Is it because I might be carrying your child?”


“It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with you. Can’t you see I’m crazy about you?” he implored.


Naomi had been too afraid to hope. But how would she ever know what could be if she didn’t take a chance?


“There is something between us,” she admitted. “Something strong and steady. Ever since I woke up this morning I’ve dreaded the time I was going to have to walk out of here and leave you behind.”


“What are you saying?”


She laughed and put her hand on his chest. “I’m saying that I want to stay. That I want to be yours.”


“You understand that you’re immortal now, right?”


Naomi waved away his words. “It’s nice because I’ll get to be with you, but it’s nothing I knew could be mine before yesterday.”


“You do realize that you hold my life in your hands? If you don’t allow me in your bed, I die.”


She smiled and reached down to cup his cock that quickly grew hard in her hand. “Then I suppose you better take me to bed.”


Naomi let out a shriek of laughter as he lifted her in his arms and carried her out of the library. They passed Elijah in the hall, grinning at them.


She gave Elijah a thumbs up as she realized she had somehow found happiness from looking into her sister’s murder. Fate worked in mysterious ways.










Masters of Seduction (Book 7)




Lara Adrian's books