Masters of Seduction Volume 2 (Masters of Seduction #5-8)

He’d given it a half-hearted try, which had done nothing.


The door to the library cracked open. Elijah came in carrying a tray without looking at Javan. After Elijah set the tray down, he retrieved the one that was untouched from the night before. Elijah left without a word, the door closing softly behind him.


“Do I smell food?” Naomi asked with her eyes still closed.


Javan smiled. “I suppose that means you’re hungry?”


“Starving, actually.” Her eyes opened and she smiled up at him.


Javan’s heart was seized. This woman was his. All he could de was pray she gave him a chance to earn her love. “Morning.”


“Morning.” She turned her head and yawned before she sat up. “How did we get on the couch?”


Javan loved how the morning sun filtered through her golden locks. “I put us here.”


Naomi’s blue eyes slid to him. “It was quite a night.”


“Yes, it was.”


“I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”


Javan felt his chest expand. “Neither have I.”


A blond brow rose as she looked at him skeptically. “Really?”


“Really.” Javan sat up and smoothed a lock of hair away from her face. “Naomi, there’s something I must talk to you about.”


“Can you talk and eat at the same time? Because if I sit here any longer, I’m going to start gnawing on the couch.”


Javan laughed and nodded. They rose from the sofa with Naomi wrapping a blanket under her arms and tucking the end. She didn’t wait on him as she hurried to the food and grabbed a piece of sausage to stuff in her mouth.


He put on his pants, but didn’t fasten them. Naomi had already taken a seat at the table when Javan reached it. He dished food onto his plate, wondering how to broach the subject of their joining.


Javan moved his plate and saw an envelope. He pulled it out and opened it to find Elijah’s handwriting with a single name written on the sheet of paper.


“What’s that?” Naomi asked.


He handed it to her. “The name of your sister’s killer.”


She took it from him and read the name as she finished chewing and swallowing her food. “Are you sure?”


“Elijah is never wrong. After breakfast, you can shower and change, and we’ll go pay him a visit.”


“Is he is part of your family?”


Javan shook his head, relieved that the murderer was from another House.


“Will you turn him over to the police?”


“No. We have our own brand of justice.”


She wiped her mouth with the napkin and drank some orange juice. “Would you mind if we go now?”


“Not at all. I’ll show you to the room you can use.”


They walked from the library. Javan decided it would be better not to bring up their bond now. Naomi needed closure regarding her sister. Perhaps after, he could bring it up.


He was prepared to do whatever it took to woo her. All he had thought about was holding Naomi in his arms.


He stopped next to a door and opened it. “I asked Elijah to pick up a few things for you.”


“Did you know I was going to be spending the night?” she asked with a little smile.


“I’d hoped, but I asked it of Elijah a few hours ago.”


Her blue eyes grew round. “Did you sleep at all?”


“Not really.” Javan closed the distance and drew her against him. He gave her a soft kiss. “I was too busy making love to you.”


“You’ve thought of everything, it seems.”


Not even close, but she didn’t need to know that. “Take your time. When you’re ready, you’ll find Elijah waiting for you out here.”


Javan walked away from her with difficulty. His strides lengthened as he focused on the one thing he could control—bringing Rebecca’s killer to justice.









Naomi stood in front of the full-length mirror looking over herself. Everything she could possibly need, from scented soap to makeup to clothes, was available.


She couldn’t decide if she should be offended that he had everything there for his female guests, or flattered that the makeup was all new and the clothes—also new—fit to perfection.


The thick-heeled brown booties looked great with the faded denim, but it was the light pink short-sleeved tee beneath the thin charcoal gray cardigan that hung to her hips that she loved the most.


It was one of those T-shirts that women searched their entire lives for. It had a semi-fitted shape, but was fluid enough to appear sexy. Now if only she had one of every color.


Naomi’s smile faded as she remembered where she was going. She walked from the room and found Elijah standing in the hallway just as Javan had said he would be.


“Ready?” he asked and started down the hall.


She followed him for several steps. “Thank you for the clothes and other things.”


“It was my pleasure.”


“Is it something you do often? You know, buying clothes for women?” She really wished she hadn’t asked that, especially when Elijah halted and turned to look at her.


Lara Adrian's books