Lost In Time (Blue Bloods Novel)

Maggie Stanford was a sixteen-year-old Blue Blood who disappeared from the home of Admiral and Mrs. Thomas Vanderbilt during the 1870 Patrician Ball; foul play was suspected. Miss Stanford was the daughter of Mrs. and Mr. Tiberius Stanford of Newport, Rhode Island, the founder of Stanford Oil. Maggie was engaged at the time of her disappearance to Alfred, Lord Burlington, Earl of Devonshire.

Maggie was a patient at St. Dymphna Asylum, in Newport, for suicidal tendencies, delusions, and nightmares. The Red Blood doctors thought she was schizophrenic, but it is my belief that her symptoms were a sign of Corruption. Maggie tried to kill herself by drowning, but failed.

Lawrence: I think this is the clue. I think Maggie was Allegra’s missing girl—Please come see me as soon as you are able to come to the Repository.

The Committee notes that this document was dated the day of the Silver Blood attack that killed Warden Dupont.

From Dr. Patricia Hazard’s examination files on Bliss Llewellyn:

—Patient reports having blackouts and nightmares since Transformation.

—Patient sees a crimson-eyed beast and a man in a white suit who calls her “daughter.”

—Patient’s parents have been told of situation. Senator Llwellyn promises to look into it.

—So far, no update from Senator Llewellyn on patient’s mental health.

Reprinted from a journal found in the Llewellyn’s storage unit:

Venators report it is Bliss Llwellyn’s handwriting, but again, this is still unverified.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. What can I do? He’s in me. Father. Visitor. I’m part of him. I can’t get rid of him—he’s in my mind, he can hear everything and he takes over— during the blackouts—that’s what I’ve come to understand—I am him. He is me. I did it—I killed Dylan and so many others. I want to die. I am dead already. He’ll come back soon—I have to go—he can’t find out I can . . .

It is the Repository’s conclusion that Bliss believed her “visitor” and the “father” she speaks of was none other than Lucifer, the Dark Prince himself. If so, it would explain why every trace of her birth was extinguished/manipulated in the House of Records.

During the attack at the Cathedral (for more information see Repository Record #404: The Van Alen Legacy), an eyewitness reports that Bliss took a blade from her bouquet, a “shard of glass that shone like gold fire” and plunged it into her chest. It is our belief that this was in fact the archangel Michael’s sword, which has been missing for over a year. Bliss disappeared from view and has not been seen since; however, the Venators believe that she is still alive.

From the Venator report upon the visit to a studio apartment leased to one Jane Murray, who has since disappeared:

All signs point to a visit by Gabrielle. It is our belief that Allegra, once awakened, acknowledged Bliss as her own and gave her a new name: Lupus Theliel, Wolfsbane. The glom memory shows that while there were definitely three people in the room, only two were vampires; the other glom signature is distinctly human. We were also able to piece together a message that we believe was from Gabrielle: Find the Hounds of Hell. The demon fighters. Bring them back to the fold.

Bliss Llewellyn is a puzzle. She should never have been born, and her survival is a mystery. Lawrence Van Alen believed that Allegra’s firstborn would be the death of the Blue Bloods, which is why he called for her destruction upon her birth. It remains to be seen whether Lawrence will be proven right in this matter.

Current Status: Missing. Location unknown. Believed to be searching for the “Hounds of Hell.”


Malakai, the Steward

Birth Name: Augustus Forsyth Llewellyn Origin: November 14, 1959, New York, New York Known Past Lives: Tiberius Stanford (Newport), William Brewster (Plymouth), Duc Patrizio de Medici (Florence), Naevius Macro (Rome) Bondmate: BobiAnne Llewellyn Assigned Human Conduit: Loel Salomon (recused from service, 1981) List of Human Familiars: Tierney Scott (1973–1977), Evelyn Smith (1978–1983), Glory Cason-Thrash (1985–1987), Samantha King (1986–1992), Margot Pearson (1993–1999), Ashley Wells (1998–2002) Physical Characteristics:

Hair: Brown, speckled with gray Eyes: Brown

Melissa de la Cruz's books