Lost In Time (Blue Bloods Novel)

Blood bound to her cycle brother, Jack, Mimi has been observed to exhibit frustration, desperation, and rage at her twin’s increasing (alleged) obsession with Schuyler Van Alen. Mimi was the prime suspect of the Venator investigation in the attack at the Repository and the murder of Warden Priscilla Dupont. She was cleared at a blood trial when Venator Martin was shown to have called the Silver Blood.

Mimi’s frivolous fa?ade obscures the fact that Azreal is one of history’s most fearsome hunters of Silver Blood spawn. As the Committee’s newest minted Venator, she is a talented Truth Seeker and joined the team that found the remains of Jordan Llewellyn in Brazil. During this tenure she was rumored to have conducted an intimate affair with her commanding officer, Venator Martin. However, the veracity of this gossip is doubtful, as upon her return to New York, Mimi took no time in enthusiastically planning her bonding to Jack. When her father resigned from the Conclave, Mimi claimed the family seat and serves as her family’s voice on the council.

Mimi survived the attack at the cathedral, but her brother’s sudden disappearance and rumored liaison with Schuyler Van Alen has compelled her to call for his execution, as proscribed by the Code of the Vampires. The punishment for breaking a heavenly promise is eternal death. The Castigatio Mortis can only be called for by the bondmate. While Charles Force did not call for this punishment on Allegra Van Alen, Mimi has no qualms in her decision. She has been overheard saying, “If I ever see Jack again, I’m going to kill him.”

Current Status: Conclave elder. Venator emerita.


Michael, Pure of Heart, the Valiant, Prince of the Angels, Supreme Commander of the Lord’s Armies, Archangel of the Light

Birth Name: Charles Edgar Van Alen

Origin: August 24, 1969, New York, New York (Blue Bloods: Repository Record #101 lists his age as sixty. This is incorrect and possibly the result of Charles’s hair going prematurely silver.)

Known Past Lives: Myles Standish (Plymouth), Cassius (Rome), Menes (Egypt)

Bondmate: Allegra Van Alen (broken)

Cycle Wife: Trinity Burden

Assigned Human Conduit: Virgil Hazard-Perry (recused from service by CF, 1990)

List of Human Familiars: Georgina Guest (1987–1988), Susan King (1989–1991), Charlotte Pittman (1992–1995), Desiree Hutch (1991–1994), Sidney Cohen (1995–1999), Aspeth Heimann (2000–2003), Gina Dupont (2003–2006), current human familiar unknown

Physical Characteristics:

Hair: Silver (formerly black)

Eyes: Gray

Height: 5’10”

Charles Force is the latest reincarnation of Michael, the Blue Bloods’ leader since time immemorial. In this cycle he divested his share of the Van Alen trust to build a new multimedia company. His Force News Network spans the globe and wields an incomparable influence upon every aspect of human interaction, from news to politics to sports to entertainment. He serves on the board of several Fortune 500 companies and was instrumental in the election of Forsyth Llewellyn to the U.S. Senate. As Regis, he expanded the funding for the New York Blood Bank for medical research on blood-borne diseases; founded the New York Institute for Policy Research, a conservative think tank; and is known as a major donor to the Republican Party.

Educated at Endicott Academy, Harvard College, and Harvard Business School, Charles Force’s life has been marred by the inexplicable breaking of the bond between himself and his twin sister, Allegra Van Alen. All reports of their early life together indicated that they were ready and willing to commit to their union, as they have for centuries past, until the jarring and unfortunate decision on Allegra’s part to elope with her human familiar, Stephen Chase.

After Allegra broke their bond, Charles engaged in a human marriage with Trinity Burden (Sandalphon), who lost her bondmate in the Great War. In 1990, he petitioned the House of Records to allow him to call up the spirits of Azrael and Abbadon as his twin children, Mimi and Jack Force.

Charles Force recently won a custody battle in the Red Blood courts that allowed him to overturn Cordelia Van Alen’s petition to make Schuyler Van Alen an emancipated minor. For a time, Schuyler Van Alen was fostered in his home.

After he was deposed as Regis, Charles withdrew from Blue Blood life, and was reported to spend his days locked in his study. After Lawrence’s alleged death, Charles disappeared but was sighted at the Bal des Vampires at the H?tel Lambert. If Venator reports are to be believed, he was last seen locked in a furious battle with the demon Leviathan and was lost when the Silver Blood released the subvertio.

Current Status: Missing. Believed to be lost in the White Darkness.


Sandalphon, The Angel of Silence

Birth Name: Trinity Amelia Burden Origin: February 11, 1971, New York, New York Known Past Lives: Janice Adelaide (Melbourne), Sorina Sedlak (Prague), Claudia Caepionis (Rome) Bondmate: Salgiel (deceased)

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