Legon Awakening

chapter Nineteen

The Precipice

“History repeats itself, or so I’ve been told. One could then ask the question, ‘If I have a perfect understanding of the past, can I see what lies ahead?’ I would be inclined to say yes, yet after all this time the future never fails to surprise me.”

-Conversations in the Garden

Sasha looked disquietedly at the looming mountains before them. There was a reason the Cornis Mountains had held back the Empire for years. They were known to be dangerous and easy to get lost in. At their base was brown grass and sage dotted with large rocks and yucca plants. The mountains rose steeply then, forced upwards by millennia of pressure. The land looked tortured as it gave way to the razor-like gray stone peaks. It would have been fitting to see vultures and ravens in the air, but there were none. There were, however, white figures dotting the side of the mountains. She stretched her neck to get a better view. Legon flashed the image from his eyes to her mind and she saw mountain goats as if they were no more than fifty yards away. They spoke to each other in their heads.

“That’s incredible,” she remarked.

“I know it is. Here, you can look around if you want.”

She felt an odd sensation as her mind not only joined his but took over much of the control of his body. Conversely, he was controlling hers. She felt what he was doing in her body but it was a separated feeling, almost like when you touch your arm after it falls asleep. The feeling of remoteness soon dissipated as she took in her surroundings through Legon’s eyes.

She could see the world in much more detail than she normally could. She saw the peaks in a new light. They were gray rock, yes, but they were also covered in lichen and there were birds flying high above them. She heard the goats too, jumping from rock to rock in the far distance. She was inundated with smells and feelings as well. His mind spoke to hers.

“Look, if I concentrate on an area my eyes will zoom closer to it, like a seeing glass.”

As he spoke he focused on the goats and her view rushed forward until she was viewing them as if like they were no more than a few feet away. Before, his field of vision had been much like hers, albeit more clear and detailed. Now she understood the true depth of his sight. He could focus on something and bring it closer. Perhaps this was something that she could do as well. She asked him to do it a few more times, paying close attention to what he was doing. He was using his mind to magnify the image, so in theory she could do the same.

She realized that she had done it before, as had all of them. Whenever you worked on something small, you got tunnel vision and the object took up your entire field of view. But could she do it consciously? She tried returning to her body. She focused on an area just ahead of them where the hill rose and the single path began. She focused her mind on it like Legon did, but it was natural for him. Her vision became a blur and he tried to help her. He took control and after a moment her sight narrowed but was still unfocused. He tried something closer and it worked.

“I wonder why it didn’t work as well in my head.” Sasha said

Legon replied, “I don’t know. Let’s see if Arkin knows anything about it.”

They broadened their connection to the rest of the group and told them of their attempts.

“Wow, you can do that?” Keither said aloud.

“I knew Iumenta and Elves could see well, but this is amazing,” Sara said after seeing the view from Legon’s eyes.

None of the rest of them could connect as deeply as Legon and Sasha could to each other, so they were not able to take control of his body, but they could still view the world through him.

“Arkin, you have incredible aim with the bow. Do you do anything?” Keither asked.

“Yes, I do, but I am using magic most of the time to make my eyes better. However, I do know what you are talking about. When you focus on something that’s close to you, your eyes are already taking in all of the detail that you see through Legon’s eyes. Your mind just discards stuff as it takes in the information.”

“So we see the same as Elves,” Sara said, looking unconvinced.

“No, not at all. Their eyes are much, much stronger than ours and are able to take the extra detail. It’s not that they are smarter than us, but that their sensory centers are far more advanced. Now, Legon can see far away because he is getting more of the image. When you do it Sasha, your eyes can’t see as much, so the image is blurry.”

That made sense to her but she still had questions. “Arkin, can you augment this with magic to get a better result?”

“I don’t know. I suppose so, but I’m not an Elf.”

She laughed. “Come on, you know everything.”

Now it was his turn to laugh. “Ok, I know that up to this point I have been a teacher and mentor to you all and I hope to always be that. But please understand that I have taught the basics. All of Legon and Sasha’s training up to this point was in fact directed by the Elves and I had to constantly contact them for help.”

Legon interrupted. “Wait a moment. You have been able to talk to the Elves from Salmont? That’s too far.”

“For one man, yes, but I checked in at the same time every week, and when I did I would connect to someone who was in range and then they with another and so on. In this fashion you can span any distance and talk in someone’s mind like we do.”

The implications were astounding to Sasha. Up to this point she was amazed by their apparently limited abilities. But to communicate across that much space was unimaginable.

Arkin went on. “I had to be precise about my time, but you get the idea. Anyway, they told me everything that I needed to do with you, and as time went on I needed less and less help. But still, the core of my training is in combat and concealment. Magic is a vast subject, but I’m sure you can ask another Venefica that specializes in this topic.”

Sasha made a mental note to do so and continued to experiment in her mind. She knew that Arkin was limited, as were all people, and in a way it was a comfort to have finally found some of those limits. In another way she was saddened. Arkin had always been a hero to her. Nothing could stop or stump him, but this was unfair to expect of anyone. She began to admire him more for his ability to recognize when he was lacking and go to another for help. That was the true mark of a wise man, and a hero.

* * * * *

Arkin sat forward in the saddle as Phaedra started up the steep goat path. They rode in a line with him in the lead and then alternating pack mules and riders, with Sasha brining up the tail. She was by far the best with the horses and if there were problems he wanted an experienced rider at the back to help the others along.

Soon the rocky hill to their left gave way to a space in the rock. A deep fissure that not even a goat could jump ran next to the path. They wound along, climbing all the time. It was slower than Arkin remembered and there was moisture in the normally parched air.

After three hours they could no longer see the great rolling hills of the Empire. They were deep in the mountains, which were unforgiving. There was a certain amount of fear coming from all but Legon, whose superior senses would be a comfort in these lands. For Arkin, he felt no fear. He had grown up in Manton, which was surrounded by these peaks. He had played in them as a boy and hunted rams with his father here. No, these mountains were not his enemies, but his friends. He felt a drop of rain on his brow and contemplated stopping for the night. The rocks became slick in the rain and mudslides were commonplace.

After a while the rain came harder. Arkin searched his memory for a resting place; one was close if he wasn’t mistaken. The path was leveling onto a rock ledge, and against the wall of the mountain was an opening. To the untrained eye it looked to be a small alcove, but he saw the sanctuary within.

“We will rest here tonight,” Arkin said over his shoulder to the others.

“Why? The rain isn’t that bad,” Sara protested.

“Not yet, but I promise it will be, and the lightning will be as well. Come. This may not look it, but it’s a large cave.”

There were caves all throughout the Cornis Mountains. These were once the only true strongholds of humanity. He dismounted and walked Phaedra through the low entrance. As he was shrouded with darkness he produced a light showing the high ceiling and long cavern that he’d known was here. He heard the intake of air as each entered.

“How big is this?” Keither asked.

“It’s large. There will be chambers where the horses can stay and others where we can.”

He looked to the entrance. The rock was shaped in a way that didn’t allow the rain to enter the cave but that allowed the smoke to float out. This refuge of man dawned back to the time when dragons came to be. This particular cave had thousands of years of history.

Humans had been the first to separate themselves from the other races. He didn’t know for what reason their ancestors had done this, but he knew they had. Man lived in the desolate lands long before the Iumenta. When the Elves and Iumenta had split they were already much more advanced than man, but still they didn’t attempt to inhabit this land. After the Great War men still lived here and as they adopted Iumenta and Elven technology, these caves had changed in form and function.

He walked to the wall and ran his fingers along it, feeling the history. If they went deep into the cave there would be paintings on the walls from primitive man. Up here at the opening there were signs of more modern times, when these caves had been communities and guard posts. He became aware of the others’ silence. They were listening to his thoughts, at first waiting for instruction and now taking in their heritage.

“Even you have a place here, Legon. You are the only Elf alive that can claim these mountains as home,” Arkin explained

The rain was roaring outside. A great curtain of water covered the entrance as sheets of lightning ran across the sky. If one listened they could hear the rocks shifting as dirt turned to slippery mud. Arkin exhaled, relaxing. The rain would cover their tracks and no one would enter this area. They were safe, perhaps safer than they would be in the Elven capital.

The rain was making things cold, and Arkin could soon see his own breath. Farther into the cave was a world in itself; it refused the control of the outside, and while it was cool here, the inner chambers would be warmer than the cold rain and wind that now drove at them.

He was aware of the group’s collective interest in this place and those like it, but he was tired and pushed the feelings from his mind. He walked to a chamber. There were enough chambers here for each traveler to have their own, but he knew that the others would probably sleep together at the cave entrance. He didn’t blame them. The cave was just another vulnerable hiding spot to them, and perhaps their concerns were right. But never mind that now. He sat, leaning against the cold hard stone wall, and extinguished his emerald ball of light.

* * * * *

Sara sat on her bedroll at the entrance to the cave, her knees under her chin. This was a cold place to her, yet it felt like home somehow. The rain was loud outside, but after traveling the first few feet into the cave the sound became muffled and distant.

Legon searched in their packs and procured a small loaf of bread, passing it to her. “Give Sasha my portion.”

Their supplies were light and this was the last bit of bread they had. Now it would be up to Legon and Arkin to kill animals for food. They were close to the Precipice, Sara knew, but with this weather and their luck, there was no guarantee that they would be in friendly company soon.

“Legon,” Sara said.

“I am stronger than you. I do not need it.”

Sara nodded. She knew he was stronger than she was. She broke the bread into three pieces. Arkin had retired for the night, and after last night’s meal said he would rather eat the dirt of the field than more stale bread. She knew there was another reason for his distaste for eating this bread, though. They had found it with some other food on a table in one of the huts from the now burned co-op. It was she who said to take it. She knew that there was death in that place, so why save food for the dead?

Sasha was off exploring the cave, but Sara would save her portion. It was just her and Keither now. She handed a piece to him.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

She looked at him sternly. “Just because Legon didn’t…”

“I am not trying to emulate him, but while he is strong with character and has the body of an Elf, I have the fat for three. Doing without is just as much good for me as eating my ration is for you.”

He smiled at her then, and she saw that it wasn’t a bad attitude that precipitated this but rather a genuine concern for her. She ate the stale bread. She undid her water skin to drink. “Dang it,” she thought.

“Keither, may I borrow some water from you? I’m out.”

“Sure, let me get my water skin for you.”

He walked off and then returned. “It’s empty.”

“Well, that won’t do now will it.”

An idea came to her and she took both skins to the entrance.

“It will take you all night to fill those, you know,” Keither said warmly.

That wasn’t her plan. She concentrated on the magic in her mind, seeing the water coming down in sheets outside. She held one of the skins in the deluge and released the spell.

“Auga.” She used just the name for water and let her intent do the work. The water formed together, falling as a stream about three inches wide. It took almost no energy but she felt her spell slipping as her mind did. She held the skins, filling them. When they were full she walked back to Keither.

“Nice,” he said smiling at her.

* * * * *

Sasha rested in a chamber deep enough in the cave that all sound from the outside world was blocked off. The room was an oval about ten feet across and fifteen feet wide. The chamber wasn’t tall, only going up six feet or so, and she saw signs of tool marks on the ceiling and walls. This place was not part of the original cave. The floor was flat. She knelt, planning on taking advantage of their rest for some training. She accessed Arkin’s memory, thumbing through it like a book, looking for the desired subject. He didn’t resist and had encouraged them to do this. Anything that he didn’t want them to know was blocked off. She soon found what she wanted. Arkin didn’t have much in the way of training on it, but she still took in what he had.

The principle was called the Pronos. She reviewed what he knew of it and began. The Jezeer was vast, and even with the training they had been given, she knew that it was a subject that they hadn’t even begun to tap into. The Jezeer was about the body, mind, and voice, about ways of thinking, acting, and even moving, but the principle or practice she wanted now was that of perspective. She was able to change her sight today and that had to be part of the Jezeer. She looked at the Pronos. In essence, it was changing the world around you, if only in your mind. You could project your mind’s eye onto your surroundings. The mind still saw the real world and noted it, keeping you aware of your environment, but your eyes and senses saw what you wanted. This room was a good place to try this out. It was isolated and when she stopped the light spell the darkness was almost palpable. She disconnected from the network, calming herself.

This first attempt was to be simplistic. She was going to keep her eyes open and select a color, then see the color in her surroundings. After that she would attempt to make other images with her open eyes.

* * * * *

Legon felt Sasha leaving the network in pursuit of the Pronos. It was a worthy endeavor and he knew why she did it. Life was perspective. If you changed that you changed reality. He had been walking the cave and rejoined Sara and Keither. He wondered if Keither gave up his ration. He sat next to them, leaning on the wall. Both were asleep but still sitting up. He reached with his mind, out looking for anything intelligent to link with and found it in the form of goats in the area. He settled back into the waking sleep. It was going to be good to get to the Precipice. Maybe there he could get a real night’s sleep.

The sun was peeking over the mountains when Sasha’s presence roused him from the waking sleep. The rain had stopped in the night and the air smelled clean and fresh. From a rams perspective he could see the sky was relatively clear. Sasha looked tired and somewhat disappointed.

“Were you at it all night?” Legon asked

“Yes, and I didn’t get far. I’m afraid this part of my training will require patience. How did you sleep?”

He chuckled. “I didn’t really. Come sit with me, you are tired.”

She plopped down next to him and he placed his arm around her, bringing her close. They would leave soon but she had a little time to sleep. This was to be a big day; she had been foolish to pursue the Pronos last night. But could he blame her?

She was already asleep and he accessed her unconscious mind. Since she was not opposed to this when awake her unconscious mind didn’t resist. He transfused energy into her body. She would have protested, but she was asleep and needed it. When Arkin eventually came to wake them she looked up, blinking rapidly.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yeah I feel good. Wow, you always said that power naps were good but I guess I didn’t believe you.”

She got up and they prepared to leave. It was only going to take two or three hours today to make it out of the highlands, and there was excitement in the group as they loaded up. As they left their cave and hideout, the excitement soon faded with the hot sun and treacherous terrain that seemed to bother even the mules. By midday, however, the path started down a steep hill and soon a valley was in the distance. The land was improving as well; there were now short trees and grass around.

Legon heard the sound of running water. The path met up with a stream, which they followed down into a surprisingly green valley. The turf was short here but still green despite the heat. He saw irrigation canals, telling him that the greenery was not native to this area. They met up with what must have been the main road into the valley, and he realized that this was not where the Precipice was. This valley was more like an antechamber for its larger brother.

They approached a corner of the valley with large cliffs on either side that left only room for the road and stream to pass. Warmth blossomed in his chest as they entered the main valley. It was vast, and at the far end was a set of buildings, most looking like they were made of wood. To the right of the buildings was a stone fortress with four towers and to the left was a large dome-shaped hill. It was covered in green turf and looked out of place. It was a perfect half circle on the horizon, almost as if it was manmade, and Legon wondered how it came to be that way. The road they were on meandered around the valley, which seemed to be barren of farms and houses. He asked Arkin why this was.

“There is base housing for those whose families are here but they’re to the rear of the valley so those families can safely leave to Manton in case of emergency.”

“Shouldn’t there be guards or something?” Sara asked.

“Our arrival is expected, and from what I hear exercises are going on today. But there were guard posts in the canyon that you didn’t see. I’m sure we will be joined soon. Also, keep in mind that this is a large valley and most activity takes place on the other end.”

As if in response to this, Legon heard the sound of horses trotting along in the distance. Three men wearing wooden armor approached them. They didn’t look unkind in the least bit, and after their past experiences, Legon was expecting a bit more of a hostile welcome.

“Are you Arkin’s party?” the leader asked.

“Yes we are, we seek asylum fo-”

“We know. You have no need for formality. We’ve been expecting you. I assume you got caught in the rain?” the man asked.

“Yes, we did,” was Arkin’s reply.

“Well I’m glad your lot is all right. Shall we go? The boss wants to meet up with you before you go talk to the Elves.”

Arkin gestured with his hand and they followed the men. They skirted along the hill and gradually they saw more and more people. While there were no farms here, Legon saw people herding sheep and cattle. Indeed, it had appeared to be an empty place until they reached the hill; now it was just as busy as any town. They saw a large wooden building that Legon figured was the barracks. Behind the hill were neat rows of cottages with little yards and fences.

The men leading them seemed to enjoy giving them a tour on their way in, explaining that the cottages were for soldiers with families. Instead of staying in the barracks, the wives and children could live on base with them. This was also good because it provided a civilian staff to help run the base, from cooking and cleaning to tending the livestock.

There was a small town center that they rode by, closing in on the four-towered building. Somehow it seemed too small to Legon, but he wasn’t sure why. It just didn’t look like it could fit all of the men that must live in the Precipice.

They approached the gates and dismounted. There were two men standing at either entrance of the building. They didn’t seem to notice them walk by. Instead of being led into a courtyard like he expected, the entrance led to a staircase and halls. This was more like a business center than a fortress, he thought. Sasha shared his disquiet, wondering at the capability of the human resistance.

The ceiling was high and above them was a chandelier made of ram horns. The interior was dark wood with a scratchy looking rug on the floor that the soldiers wiped their feet on. Arkin sent a mental message saying that this was an entrance rug and that you were to wipe your feet on it to avoid dirtying the rest of the building. They drug their feet obediently, losing any filth from the road.

As they reached the top of the staircase they entered another small hall, at the end of which were two large double doors with three men standing guard. Up to this point he had only seen wooden armor, but these men had the expensive chainmail and plate armor.

The guards opened the doors and their escorts gestured for them to go inside. The room was large and dark, lit only by a granite fireplace on the right side of the room. On either side of it were two bronze fish whose tails wound toward the fire, reflecting the light across their bodies. Above the fireplace was a green banner. In the center of it was the powder blue outline of a triangle. On the triangle was a fish in the same color, its head and tail curving up. This banner was not Iumenta or Elf; this was for one of the few great human houses that were left. There were rumored to be only five outside of the Queen’s control.

Legon looked to his left, glancing over a desk and noticing two figures stooped over a table with a map on it. One had shoulder-length brown hair; the other’s hair was long and silver. The one with the brown hair had an average build; he held up a hand telling them to wait. The other with the silver was thinner, and Legon suspected he was an Elf.

They turned to look at the visitors. Legon’s suspicions were confirmed as the silver- haired man looked at them. Legon was surprised at just how young the Elf looked, not appearing to be more than twenty five. His face was thin with a good jaw line, a small nose, and almond-shaped eyes that matched the silvery gray of his hair. He looked like an artist’s masterpiece. Legon fought to keep from smiling as he became aware of the mental chattering going on between Sasha and Sara. Legon heard the girls’ hearts race. He knew the other Elf could hear this as well, and that Sara and Sasha would be mortified if they knew Elves could hear that well. He decided not to tell them now.

The human spoke. “Welcome. My name is Enrich, representative of house Posein. This is Mantic. He is our Elven liaison.”

Mantic bowed his head and focused his view on Legon, just the hint of a smile at his lips. Up to this point Legon hadn’t been worried about the Elves. They were the good guys, after all. But still, he hadn’t met one before and he wasn’t sure what to do or how to act. He knew almost nothing about their culture—his culture now.

Mantic spoke. “Legon, you will have many questions, I’m sure. We have only a few things to attend to here and then you will be taken to see the Elves and be given quarters there. In fact, we would like to offer our hospitality to your whole party.”

Legon felt a nudge from Arkin’s mind telling him that he was supposed to answer.

“Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to meeting others of my kind.” That felt awkward.

Mantic gave a deep sigh and smiled at him. “You remind me of your father…and mother. I am sorry that you have been away from us. House Evindass still mourns his loss.”

“House Evindass?” Legon asked, feeling dumb.

Mantic looked surprised but then recovered. “You haven’t been told?”

“Oh, I know I’m supposed to be the Everser Vald if that’s what you mean.” He knew it wasn’t, but better to look uninformed then just ignorant.

Arkin spoke. “No, he doesn’t. It was not my place to tell him.”

Mantic nodded. “Thank you for your discretion, Arkin. Legon, I am sure that you are aware that there were once great houses that ruled over the humans?”


“Well, that same system still applies to the Elves. House Evindass is one of our great houses, one of the twelve ruling houses. And you are the heir to that house.”

Sasha showed her amazement and disbelief. “Legon is noble?”

Mantic turned his gaze to her. “I am assuming you are Sasha, and yes he is. As his sister, you are as well.”

“But he was adopted, and I’m human.” Sasha said.

“And you share a connection stronger than family, and in adopting him he did the same for you. Our people will treat you accordingly.”

Mantic paused for a moment to look the group over. This wasn’t how they had planned on doing this, and it was obvious. From the lines under Enrich’s eyes Legon figured they had waited through the night, hoping for the storm to lift and their guests to arrive.

He decided to break the tension by changing the subject. “This is a very nice, ah, base that you have here.”

Enrich smiled. “Thank you. We like it. We are sorry, this was not supposed to…well, we sent your welcoming party home to get some rest about an hour before you arrived.”

Sara laughed, cutting the mood. “Well it’s good to see the world is still working the way it’s supposed to.”

* * * * *

Keither just wasn’t surprised by this information. Legon had to be something special. He had turned into an Elf for crying out loud, so why not be noble as well? There wasn’t anything all that amazing about the Elf either, though Keither was a little perturbed by how taken Sara was with him. He had a weak connection with the others so he didn’t think she knew what he was thinking. They were exchanging small talk now, waiting just long enough to leave without being impolite. He couldn’t help himself.

“Excuse me, but is that a map?”

Enrich looked at him, puzzled. “Yes, why?” Then he corrected. “You haven’t seen a full one before, have you?”

“No, just of the empire. The Queen doesn’t allow anything else,” Keither said.

“Hoelaria is no Queen. She is just a regent as she well knows.”

There was defiant anger in Enrich’s voice and Keither thought he heard him mutter something about a usurping whore as well. Talk like that got you executed back home, but now…

“Sorry, yes. The usurping whore won’t let us see maps,” Keither said.

Enrich laughed heartily. Keither wasn’t trying to be funny; he just wanted to see the map.

“I like you. Ah, let’s see, you must be Keither, right?” Enrich asked.

“How did you know my name?”

“Arkin’s reports. Yes, you can see the map if you like.”

Keither stepped up to the table and pried at the map. It wasn’t a map of all Airmelia like he thought but only of the immediate area. Manton was just southwest of them at the end of a fjord. To the northeast was a line indicating where the border was and the main road that led here. From Manton there were roads leading all over the place, some moving to the Elves lands and others just south leading off the map.

Mantic spoke. “Keither, Arkin says that you have a good mind. May we get a demonstration?”

This was a bit of a shock. An Elf wanted to test him? Keither would understand if Mantic wanted to see what Legon could do, but him? What benefit would that be?

“Ah, ok. Sure,” Keither agreed.

Mantic walked to the map and lifted it, revealing another one underneath. This one was a broader view of the land and he saw more cities, many running along the border to the Elves.

“What do you see?” Mantic asked.

“Well, I see a lot of cities and towns along the border with the Elves, and I see that all of those roads lead back to Manton and other cities. All of the other cities are in the usual spots; rivers, lakes, big bodies of water. But the ones on the border are situated with Elven dots on the map.”

“And what does this tell you?” Mantic pressed.

“That the human resistance relies on a lot of supplies from the Elves. No surprise. This land must be hard to farm, mine, and defend.” Did he say too much with the last part?

Mantic looked at Arkin. “You are right about this one. Who is in charge of him?”

Who was in charge of him? Were they asking who was going to take responsibility for him? Had he screwed up? To his horror, Legon spoke.

“I am, and he is a good man.”

“We see that. Do not worry, we would like his opinion. Keither, if you were Hoelaria, or more important her chief warlord Parkas, what would you do with a large part of your military on the border?” Mantic asked.

Surely they knew the answer. This was another test. He looked at the map.

“I would hit the Precipice, and hit it hard.”

“And why is that?” Enrich asked

“Well, look at it. From here you could go south and sever the connection the humans have with the Elves. Then you could slowly kill off the human resistance in this part and weaken the Elves by making them protect another border.”

Arkin smiled at him and Enrich spoke. “That’s what we think they’re going to do, but we don’t know when. We have been bringing forces north in preparation but it’s been a nightmare taking care of them. Keither, when we have more time we will talk about your possible futures here if you want them. Thank you.”

With that, the conversation ended as fast as it had begun. Mantic looked at them. “We will go to the Elves now and you can eat, rest, and have healers look at you. Someone will also show you around.”

Mantic gestured out of the room. Keither didn’t feel himself begin to walk as Enrich’s words repeated in his head: “Your possible futures here.”

Nicholas Taylor's books