Landed Wings

chapter 24: FANTASY


We leave the building without incident and head back to what is now our home.

“Mocha! We have to talk.”

“We do nothing but talk.”

Wow, that hurts, what’s his problem?

“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but I have some

questions about the gala.”

He makes a face and plops on to the couch.

“How will I know who the person is? The one I’m supposed to get to talk to me?”

“I’ll point him out to you.”

“So you have permission to be there?”

“I don’t need permission Ash, I’m wing trained and



“What would you be doing Mocha? If you weren’t doing this?”

“I can’t imagine not doing this.”

“Mocha, you don’t want to spend your whole life fighting, right?”

“No it’s just…well I never thought about doing something else. What would you do?”

“That’s easy. I would tour the world and sing. All my favorite songs…I would be famous, but I would disguise myself when I sang. You know, so I could still go to the Sky market and such without being bothered by crowds of people. You know, you could come with me. We could tour and you would be like my manager.”

“I don’t think so, Ash.” He says it so quietly, I almost don’t hear him.

“Why wouldn’t you come with me?”

“I don’t…I don’t know how to live up there Ash. I’ve lived on the ground my whole life. I use my feet more than I use my wings. Flying all the time is unimaginable to me.”

“I could teach you.”

“Ash…I’m being serious, no more fantasy. Think about what you’re doing here, if it’s really right for you. If you ever feel tired or lonely, or realize it’s not worth it to you, I want you to go. I want you to do what’s best for you.”

I don’t know how I should feel about what he just said. I fall back on the couch. I am feeling pretty tired. But before I go to sleep, I have one last question for Mocha.

“Why do they need mentally enhanced kids, Mocha? What are they going to do with them?”

He is silent for a bit. I don’t think he had thought about that before.

“I don’t know Ash. I never thought about that. Maybe that’s what you’re supposed to find out from, you know.”

“What is his name? Why does no one call him by name?”

He looks at me, and his face looks hard and angry.

“Because he’s the worst one. Worse then Cocoa. No one

mentions him by name.”

“That’s silly. He’s not going to pop up if you say is name, so just tell me.”

Even though he knows what I am saying is true, he still

hesitates to tell me.

“His name is…Frost Gaelid.”

“See, that’s not that scary.”

I think for a moment.

“Okay, maybe the Frost part…and whose name is “Frost”?”

“No idea, Ash. Must have had weird parents.”

“White wings?”



“I know right? It’s so ironic, it’s not even funny.”

“It’s a little funny.”

“A tiny bit.”

“A small amount.”

“A minuscule measure.”

“A miniature portion.”

“A bit of amusement.”

“A…hmmm…a slight quantity.”

“Small in extent.”

“Already used small.”

“Shoot…uh diminutive in extent.”

“A wee sum of fun.”

“Teensy summation of hilarity.”


“Oh, we’re just doing one word now?”


“Alright, uh infinitesimal.”







“It counts.”

“Fine…ummm, a tad.”

Mocha thought for a few seconds and I could feel him wracking his brains for more answers. He gave a frustrated sigh and I knew I had won.

“I’m out of words. You win Ash.”

“I always win.”

“You do not.”

“Yeah I do. I won your dare earlier.”

“We already discussed this.”

“I’m tired. I’m going to bed.”

“Will you sing me a lullaby?”

“You’re joking, right?”

“I was, but if you want to, I won’t stop you…”

“I don’t know any lullabies.”

“Then just sing another song. I never get tired of your voice Ash.”

I turn off the lights and smile, but he can’t see it in the dark.

“The way you wear your hat…the way you sip your tea…the memry’ of all that…no, no, they can’t take that away from me…”

He falls asleep so quickly. I can never fall asleep that fast. I can’t sleep so I go outside. I didn’t say anything to Mocha, but of course I’m nervous and scared. So many things could go wrong. What if I’m not ready? What if I blow my cover? What if my mother is there? What if I don’t get the information? I am afraid of failure. And Friday is only two days away. So, so many things could go wrong. So many things. I don’t really know what I’m doing or even why I’m doing it. I need to think. I sneak out to the same field I came down on my first visit, take off, open my wings and fly. The night air is cold – it was inching towards the cold season and the nights are getting chiller every day. Still, it feels good to fly again. I am flying around when I spot a man walking out of an alley. I quickly race in the opposite direction, back home to Mocha. I touch down and fold my wings in, breathing heavily. What if he had seen me? I am not ready, no way am I ready. I was almost seen by some LandBound who would have told Sky Patrol. I need to be more careful. I don’t want to do Friday anymore. I’ll be walking into a raptor’s nest. And I don’t want to get pecked. I walk back into our little house, my heart still racing with adrenaline. I’m not ready and the gala is just a couple of days away. I want to wake Mocha and tell him I want out, but I instead I wrap myself in my wings and sleep.

Skylhur Tranqille's books