Landed Wings

chapter 18: MEETING


Mocha took me to the meeting. There are less people than I thought there would be. But there are enough. Cappuccino, Rose, Custard (no lie - her name was Custard), Nutmeg, Ginger, Sienna, Copper, Scarlet, Razzmatazz, (she goes by Razz), Jet, Sloe, Sepia, and Diamond. There are more girls than guys, and I am surprised at that to. Cappuccino, Copper, Jet, and Sepia are the only guys. I am amazed again to see faces I know. Some of them are pretty famous VWP members. Since they are obviously double agents, they are taking a big risk. I have to wonder though, if they are double agents, how does anyone know which side they’re really on? They are all gathered in the amphitheater of an abandoned building. I look around, but there isn’t much to it. It’s just a very run down building. I look at Mocha and he shrugs. Everyone introduces themselves by stating their name and age and then we get down to business. I am the youngest member at seventeen. Ginger is the oldest member at forty-two. They talk about missions, who is going where, and updates. Most of it I don’t understand, but what I catch is serious – serious enough to make me wonder why they trust me to be here. They are penetrating deeper and deeper into the inner circle of the VWP and are on the verge of a breakthrough. Ginger is clearly the leader here and decides who is going to speak.

“Jet, give us an update.”

“The third chair member of VWP has a video of a torture of a rebel’s six year old child on videotape. I had been asked to go to the chair member’s house for a private meeting. The chair member feels he can trust me with some of the secrets of the organization.”

Jet hesitates and looks at me. They all know who my mother is. Maybe they don’t trust me as much as I thought.

“Jet, say what you have to say. If it’s important the group has to know. I won’t give you away.”

He nods. Many of the other members give approving nods.

“The person performing the torture was the head of the VWP, Cocoa Faelid.”

It is what I was expecting, but worse then I thought even my mother capable of. I won’t cry, not in front of these people.

“He gave me the videotape because, as I said, he trusts me. He wants to take over the organization. He also revealed some other useful information, such as security plans. He also mentioned that the video was not the last. He had others as well, on other members.”

Ginger stands up as Jet sits down.

“Good work Jet. Razz?”

And the meeting continued like that. Even though Mocha had warned me, I wasn’t prepared. I wasn’t prepared at all for the horror stories the other members brought. Finally, the meeting came to an end. I was emotionally and mentally exhausted.


“Just Ash, please.”

“We’ve come up with your assignment. Mocha told us that you are a wonderful singer. There is a charity gala event this Friday for VWP members exclusively. We want you to book the

singing gig. You’re going to be wired, so everything said to you will be recorded. There is a member of the VWP who has so far managed to escape being found with anything incriminating. We also know that he has a fondness for beautiful women.”

I feel Mocha stiffen beside me.

“If Jet isn’t able to get the secrets and intel he was promised, then it will be your job to get something out of him.”

While my mind is still trying to process what Ginger is

saying, Mocha stands up.

“With all due respect Ginger, Ash is a newcomer. She hasn’t had any training, hasn’t done any RECON, and doesn’t know what we are looking for. She hasn’t been trained in manipulation, or any of the things we were all taught before being put in the field.”

“We’re running out of time Mocha. And she doesn’t need

training. The more naturally she can act, the better. You know that as well as I do.”

Mocha is wasting his time. I’ve already decided to do this.

“How will we keep my mother…Cocoa from finding out who I am?”

“We’ve decided that you will go in under a different name, and in disguise. Your wings and hair will be dyed red.”

“The second she hears my voice, she’ll know it’s me.”

“We are attempting to make sure that she doesn’t attend the event. We will send a message from a reliable source about your being seen with Mocha in the far east.”

“And if she comes anyway?”

“Then act. Pretend you don’t know her. She’s not the one you need to deceive and she won’t know our plan. And Ash…follow any whims or thoughts you have during the event.”

I’m puzzled by that. What could she possibly mean? Mocha looks sick. He’s clearly not happy about any of this. He grabs my hand in an abrupt protective gesture. I stare at him. What am I here for if not to help?

“It sounds like you had this all planned out. When did you go behind my back to plan this?”

“You’re just proving the decision not to tell you right by

getting angry and irrational Mocha.”

Ginger is calm and cool in the storm of Mocha’s anger.

“It’s her first day! She’s seventeen!”

“I see you avoid the obvious fact. That she can help and that fact that she’s here means she wants to. You started working for us at age eleven, Mocha. Or have you forgotten?”

“I didn’t have a choice. You can’t see what I saw and have a choice.”

Everyone is quiet for a second, and I realize that Ginger

probably had known Mocha’s mother.

“Everyone here has their cross to bear Mocha. You don’t own that. I have to make the necessary decisions to bring down the VWP once and for all. I make no apologies for that. This meeting is adjourned.”

He doesn’t respond, he just looks ahead but his hand

tightened in mine. We leave to start walking towards our place. We have a two mile walk ahead of us – times like these I really wish we could just fly there, it would be so much faster and easier. Living down here is so much harder than I had ever imagined. Oh well, I guess we have time to talk.

“Mocha don’t be mad.”

He turns around so quickly that I can’t help but take a step back. That savage look is still in his eyes. His eyes are a dark coffee color now.

“Cocoa is not stupid. Even if she does believe the message, she will just send someone out. She’s the head of the VWP, she will be at the charity gala and I know that she won’t be fooled by some hair and wing dye.”

“Mocha. I want to do this. I need you to trust me. Trust me. I have wanted to do something for a while now. I don’t really have to fool her, do I? Even if she recognizes me, she can’t say anything because she doesn’t know what I’ll say or do. She’ll have to go along because she is the head of VWP.”

Mocha sighs.


He sighs again.

“I’ll be fine. Will you be there? You know, as moral support?”

He smiles.

“Nothing could keep me away Ash.”

“Good. And…if anything goes wrong…you’ll be there to “help”, right?”

Mocha knows what I’m really asking.

“I won’t leave you Ash.”


As soon as Ash falls asleep, I call Ginger.


“Hello Mocha. I was expecting your call. You did great today. And I could tell that Ashlynn had no idea.”

I am quiet. Too quiet. I know Ginger knows what I am feeling.

“You weren’t acting. All that happened today, you felt. Is that what you are telling me? That you have lost control of the situation?”


“Are you going to fix it?”

“There is only one way to fix it, Ginger. Just one. And it won’t be pleasant. It will be painful. For both of us.”

“I know, Mocha.”

“I’ll have to break my mind from hers. Totally disconnect it.”

“And suffer the effects.”

“I know - possible reduction of mind abilities and probable memory loss of all events that took place during the joining.”

“You also know Mocha, there is another way.”

I don’t want to think about it. It throws another monkey wrench into my plans.

“I know, If…if I become closer to her, than the break will not be as serious and there will be no memory loss.”

“So why are we having this conversation? You know what you need to do Mocha, what’s the problem?”

“I didn’t say there was a problem. It’s just, I might not be able to do it.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning I may not want to.”

Ginger is silent.

“I don’t see why that’s a problem. You don’t have to leave when this is over.”

“I realize that you don’t understand, don’t see, or get why I feel like my choice is being taken away from me. I want to leave. I’ve spent my whole life fighting, wanting revenge. I want a chance to leave, start fresh and be normal.”

“Then your wanting to leave should be stronger than whatever attachment you feel.”

“Ginger, I want you to promise me that you’ll pull me out if


“Do you foresee yourself needing to be pulled out?”


“Then no, I won’t promise. Your mind is already giving you excuses to ignore logic and reason and fall into Ashlynn’s waiting arms just like you were programmed to.”

I snarl into the phone.

“I don’t fall into anyone’s arms.”

“Then handle this yourself. I’ve already told you. I’m not your shield anymore.”


“And Mocha. Don’t call me anymore. Her connection to you is growing. If she ever overhears you, the illusion we’ve created is shattered. Right now, we’ve got lives banking on that illusion never faltering.”

“Don’t treat me like I don’t understand the risks, Ginger. This was your decision, remember? You created this risk without telling me why. Why do we need Ash? She is a weak link and that weakness worries me. What happens if your plan fails?”

At first, I don’t get a response and just when I am about to

repeat my question, I hear Ginger speak.

“It won’t. I never leave anything to chance.”

Skylhur Tranqille's books