Land of Shadows

She went on about her life in Denark as they sat at the table. About how she lived with her uncle because her father had passed away due to illness. Eric of course described how his situation was similar. About his mother being gone and living alone with his father. Again, he felt completely at ease with her. He chuckled to himself, wondering if this is how Jacob felt half the time, with his constant success with girls. That in turn reminded him: He wanted to introduce Jacob to Aena. He might run into his father as well. Now he was really starting to wonder where he was.


The two of them swept out into the streets and took off for Jacob’s home. Walking with his arm around her, he felt a little awkward. Everyone they passed shot him a sly smile as they said hello. It was still a small town and everyone knew everyone else’s business. Aena didn’t seem to mind the attention at all as she returned each greeting with one of her own. This included a huge flashy smile coupled with her putting her head on Eric’s shoulder to make sure there was no misunderstanding. They were indeed a couple.


It seemed as though everyone was out today, due mostly to cleaning up the streets after the celebration. Folks were picking up streamers and taking down decorations. One man was even going to each street lantern and changing the shades back to white. Seeing all this actually made Eric feel a bit guilty that he wasn’t helping out, but he knew there was not much he could do about it now.


They finally approached a brown wooden house with a stone base, much the same as all the other homes in town. As they started walking up the stone walkway, a short, plump woman peeked out from around the side of a bush. Wearing a white bonnet and matching apron, Jacob’s mom shouted, “He is in the back, Eric.” She immediately went back to trimming the bush without another word.


Eric waved in her direction even though she was no longer looking at him and walked around to the back of the house. Sure enough, there was his friend, working his quarterstaff in wicked circles around his body. Eric and his companion just stood by for a moment, trying not to disturb Jacob’s concentration.


It seemed as if he knew they were there, even though he didn’t look. Keeping his eyes straight ahead, he began picking up the pace of his forms. He began launching devastating thrusts in the air, mixed in with smooth, traditional forms. Following that display, he snapped hard at individual leaves on the branches right above his head. As each one came fluttering down, he snapped them several times from different angles, which kept them aloft for a minute or so.


Eric decided to clear his throat loudly to make his presence obvious and to stop the showboating. “Oh, I didn’t see you guys there,” Jacob said coyly, breathing heavily yet still twirling the staff.


“Oh, I’m sure you didn’t,” Eric said sarcastically. “Jacob, I’d like you to meet someone. Aena, this is Jacob. Jacob, Aena.”


Jacob walked over to her and seized her hand boldly. He then planted a long kiss on the back of her hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said smoothly while holding her hand a bit longer than what would be considered friendly before reluctantly letting it go.


She smiled and gave a quick curtsy before hastily retreating back to Eric. She placed her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around him snugly, apparently sending a signal to the smooth talker.


Jacob seemed a little rattled by the gesture. Eric had never seen his friend lose composure so quickly, even if only for a second. Jacob usually seemed to get what he wanted and was now a bit out of his comfort zone. “I remember you from last night,” Eric’s best friend said, quickly gaining his confidence once again.


“I remember you as well,” Aena replied, still cuddled up to Eric, rubbing circles around his chest. “I enjoyed the celebration last night.” She eyed Eric up and down. “If there is one thing I can give this town, it’s that you guys sure know how to have fun.”


The three of them stood in Jacob’s yard for a time, talking and laughing. Jacob had to admit, he had not seen Eric this happy in quite some time. It was good to see him a little more carefree than usual. As they looked to the west, the darkening sky warned of a storm. They said their goodbyes and Jacob went back inside.


“Common, let’s go back to the house,” Eric said, looking up at the sky. “We have a little while yet, but I think it’s really going to come down.” He took Aena by the arm and away they went. Dad has got to be back by now.




The afternoon patrol sent out by Lord Pike was doing its usual rounds. Five men in black leather armor with the orange sunset on each chest piece walked casually along the predetermined route. Of course, the pattern was changed daily. It was hard to remain cautious when threats were so rare these days. The effectiveness of the patrols had scattered most of the undesirable creatures into hiding. Some just moved on to greener pastures. Towns that had less defense were simply more susceptible, therefore a better target. Not that Bryer had a large militia—they didn’t, but they were well-organized and consistent.


Jeff Gunzel's books