Land of Shadows

It was unclear how long she had been awake, but it was clear she had been watching him for some time. With messy blonde hair flared out around her face and stunning green eyes fixated on Eric, a goddess would be jealous of her beauty. She sat up slowly with a long stretch. “Good morning sweetie,” she said in groggy morning voice.


“Good morning beautiful,” he replied in a voice that was in no better shape as he leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead. “You hungry Aena? We can go downstairs. I’ll make you something.”


Smiling with her eyes fully opened now, she rolled onto her back and gave another long, hard stretch that rivaled his. Interlocking her fingers behind her head as she turned to face him again, she finally replied, “No, I think I’ll make something for you. I’m a pretty good cook, you know.” With that, she pulled back the sheets and sprung from the bed completely naked. Making absolutely no effort to cover herself, she began picking up her clothes, which were all over the room.


Eric could feel the heat rising in his face. Not only because she was so bold about showing off her body, but also because watching her pick up her garments from around the room reminded him of how they were passionately removed and thrown about in the first place.


Eric had certainly been with other girls before, but none of them made him feel the way Aena did. The way she talked, the way she moved, and those lovely eyes. But it wasn’t just her beauty. She made Eric feel comfortable and confident, something he rarely was around other girls. She just had an effect on him, and it felt right.


Aena put on her undergarments and white dress, followed by the black hooded robe. She walked out of the room and headed downstairs without waiting for Eric. He just grinned and shook his head as he climbed from the bed and walked to the washbowl on his dresser. After splashing his face a bit, he got dressed and headed downstairs as well. Before he even got to the bottom step, aromas drifting from the kitchen promised of a treat.


“Dad, are you home?” he called out, suddenly a little embarrassed he had not checked already. He didn’t bring girls home very often, and here she was taking over the kitchen! But hearing no reply helped him relax a bit. Eric figured he was just out and about somewhere, which was just as well.


As Eric peeked into the kitchen, there was Aena cooking eggs with fresh vegetables over the oil cooker. She had removed her black cloak and was now wearing the apron that was usually hanging on the closet door. She smiled lightly without looking at Eric, but enough to show she knew he was there. Eric slinked up behind her, sliding his hands around her waist like a snake wrapping around its prey, but in the process knocked a wooden spoon from the counter next to them. However, it never hit the floor, as Aena snatched it in mid-air with surprising speed.


“Whoa, nice hands!” he said as he tightened the hug around her waist. At first she looked as if a bad thought had just occurred to her. Her face was tight as she slammed the spoon down back on the counter. Then her smile returned as she said, “See, sugar, you don’t want to mess with me.”


The two of them sat down and ate together at the table, engaging in small talk as they continued to enjoy each other’s company. “So where are you from, Aena? I’ve never seen you around here before. Do you live on one of nearby farms, or did you travel farther than that for Sanctas?”


She set down her fork and folded her hands on the table. “I traveled from Denark. It’s only a short distance...and besides,” there was a long pause as she flashed her green eyes at him, “I was able to spend a night with the blacksmith of Bryer.” Eric smiled at the comment and had to look away as he pretended something on the wall had caught his eye.


Regaining his composure somewhat, yet still fidgeting with his fork, he replied, “Do you need a ride back or anything? I have my horse tied up out back. She’s strong and able to...say, where is your horse? How did you get here in the first place?”


She raised her eyebrows and shrugged a bit, then she smoothly replied, “My uncle brought me. I told him to come back in a few days. I have money, and finding an inn would have been no problem. Besides, it looks as though I’ve fallen in with the most handsome man in Bryer and didn’t need an inn.” That made Eric more than a little uncomfortable, and his cheeks felt like fire. Lucky for him, she seemed to think it was cute, as she continued making such comments just to try to make him blush again.


Jeff Gunzel's books