Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Chapter Nineteen

Darkness came too quickly. Isabella looked down at her outfit as she drove through the gates of Alesandro’s mansion after she’d cleared security. Why am I wearing a dress? Normally he’d seen her in pants, T-shirts, and boots but today she wore a form-fitting dress, heels, and she’d styled her hair in a French knot. It wasn’t like she was on a date.

The mansion never failed to impress her. It was set up at the end of Lake Shore Drive overlooking Lake Ponchatrain. The driveway was lined with palm trees imported in from Florida, well-maintained lawns, and a waterfall garden made from marble.

The mansion itself had five or six bedrooms, a huge kitchen, two or three bathrooms, a large entertainment room, a library and other rooms, all manned by day and night crew. Isabella guessed Alesandro sent the night crew home to keep them safe from Lucifer.

Isabella drove up to the parking lot, parked her car, got out, and walked up to the front door. Normally the place would be swarming with guards. Apparently Alesandro didn’t see her as a threat. Stupid man. She was armed with a weapon on every part of her body.

Isabella rang the doorbell.

Alesandro answered and stared her up and down slowly. “A dress? I’m flattered.”

“Don’t be,” Isabella said entering. “I felt like dressing up for Lucifer.”

The loud hiss behind her back meant she’d said the wrong thing. The door closed and locked soundly behind them. He thinks he has the advantage.

“Your ass looks phenomenal in that dress.”

Isabella spun around to face him.

“The boobage aren’t bad either. You should wear dresses more often. Your body was made for them.” He stepped towards her.

“I’m packing,” she informed him.

“I’ve already checked them out,” he said, bragging about his amazing vision. “There will be no need for weapons tonight.” He took her arm and led her through the ceramic tiled foyer past the formal parlor with the white baby grand piano, past the fully equipped kitchen to the formal dining room.

The table was set for two. Isabella noted a hot chocolate fountain. Chocolate worked as an aphrodisiac on the vampires from the Otherworld. It was why she mostly stayed away from the sweet confection. Someone took the liberty of preparing all of her favorite foods…Gumbo, Jambalaya, and bread pudding. These particular vampires could eat food because they were born vampires and not created by a bite.

“I thought we’d eat before Lucifer arrives,” Alesandro replied.

There was no way she was going to say no to Gumbo. “Great idea.”

Alesandro helped her into a seat and then began to serve her.

“This is a first…you serving me.”

“I’d move Heaven and Earth for you,” Alesandro told, her sliding into the seat across from her.

“I’d prefer it if you to stop the destruction of Earth.” She picked up her spoon.

“Why?” Alesandro asked. “I thought you were ready to die.”

Isabella didn’t answer. She ate the Gumbo without fear of being poisoned. Alesandro didn’t want her dead, this much she knew. He wouldn’t stoop to poisoning her either because it would tamper with her blood…the liquid delight he hoped to sample.

“Give my compliments to the chef,” Isabella said when she finished eating. She gazed over at Alesandro, admiring the way the black clothing brought out the paleness of his skin. She sighed. There were surely worst things than being adored by a Roman prince.

“I’ll tell her,” Alesandro said, getting up to clear their plates away. He was being surprisingly good. He returned to the table with two mugs of chocolate. “Let’s retire to the parlor.” He handed her a mug and led her down the hall.

He’d done some redecorating, Isabella noticed. The parlor used to be done in beige and brown, now it was romantically set in red and Victorian white. The furniture was French Provincial and a large chandelier hung from the high cathedral ceiling.

Isabella sat down on the sofa and Alesandro sat down next to her. She watched him sip from the mug and found it fascinating to watch his eyes deepen in color. Normally that spelled trouble, but not this time, unless it meant her body was in danger.

Isabella sipped the chocolate and the warmth spread throughout her entire nervous system.

“Do you know that your eyes change colors?” Alesandro asked her.

“Yes,” Isabella replied looking deeply into his. “I find it most discerning.”

“I find it very sexy,” Alesandro told her. “They turn silver, meaning you’re warming up towards me.”

“Or it means that I’m about to lob your head from your shoulders.”

Alesandro wrinkled up his nose in distaste. “Here you are thinking about violence when I’m trying to romance you.”

Isabella giggled, which was most uncharacteristic of her. “I’m not here for romance. I’m here to talk to Lucifer who hopefully will be arriving shortly.”

“Spoil-sport. Are you afraid to be alone with me?”

Isabella sipped from her mug. “Yes. You’re being downright civil to me. I’ve been here about two hours and you haven’t tried to kill me.”

“Not tonight,” he confessed. “Maybe some other time.” He sipped his chocolate.

“Right back at you,” Isabella replied, noticing that he grew sexier with each sip.

The entire room shook.

“Our guest has arrived,” Alesandro announced.

Good, Isabella thought, needing something else to concentrate on instead of Alesandro’s bedroom eyes. The chocolate had already worked its way down to her erogenous zones and filled her mind with impure thoughts.

Lucifer appeared before them in a smaller, more human form. The wings were gone and he wore a pair of tan colored pants and a light brown turtleneck. His long black hair was shorter, more current for the time and quite manly. The total package stole her breath away and made Alesandro look at her very suspiciously.

“Would you care for something to eat or drink?” Alesandro asked Lucifer.

“No, I’m good, but it looks like the two of you are enjoying each other’s company.”

“He has his moments,” Isabella replied.

Lucifer chuckled as he walked around the parlor. “You’ve done something different with this room. I like it.”

How well do these two know each other?

“We go way back,” Lucifer answered. “Long before you were born. I told you I am responsible for his creation.”

“I thought you joked,” Isabella replied.

“No, I’m afraid not,” Lucifer said.

“You read her thoughts?” Alesandro asked.

The demon nodded. “She left herself wide open.”

Alesandro reached over and removed the mug from her hand and put it aside his on the end table.

“Yes, Alesandro and I used to have grand old times pilfering villages, deflowering virgins, and basically painting the town red.” He sighed. “Life back then was so simple.” He grew silent. “Have the two of you solved the puzzled yet?”

“We’re here together aren’t we?” Isabella answered.

Lucifer chuckled. “That’s true, and the two of you seem to be getting along. Both of you are much smarter than I imagined. I thought you wouldn’t figure it out until the last moment, if ever.” He gazed over at them.

“Should I feel insulted that you and everyone else in the world consider me the top evil?” Alesandro asked.

“I thought you’d be pleased to know this,” Lucifer said. “Granted you’ve been quite good since you’ve been in the mortal world, give or take a couple of slips.”

“Didn’t surprise me,” Isabella said, feeling a little looser than normal. Maybe she should not have drunk all of her chocolate. Right now both Alesandro and Lucifer were looking pretty good.

“It didn’t surprise you that he’s pure evil and you know you are considered as good as grits?”

Isabella chuckled giddily. “The evil part is no surprise. I knew from the get-go Alesandro sat way up there on the food chain. But I don’t think I’m so good. I’ve done things, killed a lot of vampires and demons, and even slew a few dragons.”

“All in the name of justice,” Lucifer told her. “You won’t kill a bug; you love this world and respect your elders. And you’re still a…”

“Don’t say it,” Isabella warned.

“She’s a what?” Alesandro asked.

“Never mind,” Lucifer said. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

Isabella shook her head to disagree with him. “Not if I can help it.”

“Are you sure?” Lucifer asked. “I created your father too. The mood is set.” Lucifer lit a fire in the hearth by snapping his fingers.

“Nice,” Alesandro replied.

“What’s the second part of the puzzle?” Isabella asked suddenly coming to her senses.

Lucifer snapped his fingers and put a mug of chocolate back into hers and Alesandro’s hands. “Haven’t figured it out yet? You and Alesandro have to...”

“No,” Isabella said, reading the demon’s mind.

“We have to do what?” Alesandro asked as he sipped his chocolate. “How come she can read your mind?”

“Interesting,” Lucifer said. “For the answer to your question: you and Isabella have to mate like bunnies.”

Alesandro nearly dropped his mug. “What? You’re kidding?”

“I’m afraid not,” Lucifer said, dimming the lights.

“She hates me.”

“Not my problem,” Lucifer replied. “You asked me what it would take to end the destruction of this world and this is it. You and the slayer have to spend the night together making love like there’s no tomorrow.”He laughed again. “Which will be true if you don’t do it.”

“We have two more days,” Isabella protested.

“Changed my mind,” Lucifer told her.


“Because I’m a devil. I do this sort of thing.” He displayed a devastating smile and rose. “Now I’m going to leave the two of you alone and go find Baron Samedi and Kubol and have some fun with them. You have until dawn. Screw or die. That is the only way to save the world.” Lucifer snapped his fingers and disappeared.

“Shit,” Isabella said. “I knew something like this was going to happen.”

“I didn’t,” Alesandro replied unloosening his tie. “But I think I like it.”

Isabella frowned. “You would.”

“It makes perfect sense. Lucifer orchestrated this little scenario from the beginning,” Alesandro explained. “I knew there must be a reason your powers suddenly went wonky, and you let a vampire catch you off-guard. Mine haven’t been one-hundred percent either, because there’s no way Daton could have caused you pain and I not feel it. He must be f*cking with Darius too, so we can’t feel things through the link.”

“Let’s not mention the Soul Gatherer attacking me at Lincoln House,” Isabella added. “You didn’t show up there either...or for the attack by Adjatay’s people.”

He took her mug and placed it next to the others on the table. He snapped his fingers and soft music started playing from hidden speakers in the house. He moved in closer.

Isabella scooted away from him.

“Don’t fight it, Bella. It’s for the good of the world.”

“Screw the world,” she said, rising to leave. She heard one more finger snap and then her clothes disappeared from her body.

“Shit. I forgot you can do that.”