Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye

Chapter Eighteen

“What?” Collena asked as she and Isabella reclined in a hot tub, on the property of Collena’s spacious mansion on Saint Charles Avenue. “They want you and Alesandro Roma to what?”

“Get together,” Isabella said as she closed her eyes and allowed the hot water to massage her tired, achy muscles.

“No, I don’t even want you talking to him. Why would they think Lucifer meant you two? You barely know him.”

If Collena only knew how much she did know Alesandro, or dreamed about him. “How should I know? Maybe there is some truth in it. I’m against everything he stands for.”

“So, let’s say the two of you are the chosen ones. What are you supposed to do…talk?”

“Nothing is that easy,” Isabella said. “Lucifer did not specifically say what we are supposed to do but we’re dealing with a devil here. I suppose we have to perform some kind of monumental fête together, like stay in the same room together for twenty-four hours without killing each other.”

Isabella opened her eyes, as Collena climbed out of the water and walked over to a chair to put on a robe. If she was into women, Collena would be a perfect candidate with her muscular tanned body and great breasts.

“You’re not taking this seriously,” Collena replied, flopping down in a chair and retrieving a frosty glass of iced tea.

Isabella sighed and stepped out the water, aware that she had Collena’s full attention. Collena, on the other hand was very much into women. The woman’s eyes never left her body until she had donned her own robe and sat down. Another woman, checking her out did not bother Isabella, as long as they did not expect her to reciprocate.

“I am taking this seriously and I really don’t have a choice. If I have to get along with Alesandro to save the world, I’ll try my best.”

“So, when are the two of you meeting with Lucifer?”

“Tonight after dusk,” Isabella answered. “Alesandro has already arranged the meeting.”

“When and where?” Collena asked, sipping her tea.

“Alesandro’s place, around ten.”

Collena stopped sipping. “Alone?”

“I’ll be armed,” Isabella assured her.

“You know that’s not what I’m referring to. What if he tries something…you know sexually?”

“Nothing is going to happen,” Isabella assured her again. “We’ll be too busy with the second part of the puzzle.”

“Second part?” Collena asked.

Isabella nodded. “There has to be a second part. If Alesandro and I are the players, then there must be something else we have to do to actually stop the destruction which has already begun.”

“I understand,” Collena said. She rubbed her chin. “It has to be something big. Something mind-blowing.”

Isabella shuddered. Anytime alone with Alesandro would be mind-blowing.

“You seem nervous all of a sudden,” Collena said, staring at her across the table.

“Not really. I’ve been alone with a man before.”

“I’m not talking about a man, Isabella. You are going to be alone in a mansion with Alesandro Roma.”

* * * *

“Miss Denning is here to see you, Mister Mayor,” Torrey said to Malcolm, who’d returned from a meeting with the city council.

“Send her in.”

The next he knew Isabella Denning stood in his office, dressed in a black pantsuit with a high collar and a white dressed shirt that made her look all business.

“Please sit down,” he told her, offering her a seat. “Would you care for some coffee or tea?”

“No thanks,” Isabella said. “This is not a social visit. I came bearing bad news.”

Malcolm settled down in a chair at his desk. “What could you possibly tell me that is so dire?”

“This world is about to come to an end.”

He had not expected that. “What? When?” he asked, knowing anything she said could be taken as the truth.

“In two days,” Isabella replied. “I’m sorry. I know you weren’t expecting this but I got it from a very reliable source.”

Malcolm leaned forward in his chair trying not to show fear. “Why don’t you start from the beginning and tell me everything.”

It took twenty minutes.


Isabella nodded. “I told you things go on in this town that could curl your hair.”

“How can we prevent this? Can you find two such creatures?”

Isabella shrugged. “Anything is possible if we have enough time, which we don’t.”

Malcolm leaned back in his chair. “I thought we might have a second dance before I die,” he joked. “I would have moved a little quicker if I knew I was going to die before I kissed you.”

Isabella rose, walked over to him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She smelled like sunshine and everything good in the world. Her lips touched his, sending the most spectacular feelings through his body.

“I will do all I can,” Isabella whispered breathlessly against his lips. She straightened up and moved away from him.

His body had hardened to a full arousal. “Please do. Please save the world.”

Isabella walked toward the door. “I’ll do my best,” she said before disappearing out of his office.

“Damn,” Malcolm said adjusting his pants to alleviate his discomfort. “It cannot end like this.”

* * * *

“What do you mean the world is going to end in two days?” Oliver asked Malcolm as he and the Chief of Police attended a private meeting with the mayor.

“Isabella Denning came here earlier and told me everything. So, you can call off your investigations. Apparently all the things happening were caused by a demon more powerful than either of you can imagine.”

“What creature?” Anthony asked. “I’ve never met a creature I can’t handle with a revolver.”

“Try Lucifer,” Malcolm replied, watching the smile disappear from Anthony’s face.

“A devil?”

Malcolm nodded. “Apparently he decided that he’s tired of this corrupt world and wants to destroy it.” He filled them in on what else Isabella told him. “Do you think she can stop this?”

Oliver nodded. “If anyone can, Isabella can.”

“You have a lot of faith in her,” Malcolm replied. “Why? She’s only a woman.”

“Because she’s our last and best hope,” Oliver said. “Isabella is not just a woman. There’s more to her than what you’ve seen.”

Malcolm chuckled. “I’ve figured that out. She’s a strong young woman with some amazing preternatural powers.”

“She’s more than that,” Oliver replied. “But you need to find it out for yourself.”

“If I’m alive long enough,” Malcolm said. “How do I begin to prepare everyone for this in case she fails?”

He was not looking forward to meeting with the governor or the President of the United States and giving them the bad news. The results would be disastrous. There would be mass pandemonium.

“I think I won’t make a formal announcement,” Malcolm finally told the other two men. “Why send the world into a panic before anything happens? Let them go on with their lives in complete ignorance.”

Anthony nodded in agreement. “What good will it do anyway?”

Oliver agreed with him. “I have faith in Isabella. She will come through for the world and humanity as she’s always done.”

Malcolm hoped he was right. “I think I’ll head over to church when I leave here this evening.”

“Why?” Anthony asked.

“I think the world needs all the help it can get.”