Keep Me Safe: A Slow Burn Novel (Slow Burn Novels)

He smoothed her hair back, framing her face in his hands. His eyes were such a rich shade of blue that it felt as though she were drowning in an ocean. They were warm with love but there was also a trace of fear. For her. That he would lose her.

“I’m afraid of losing you too,” she whispered. “Don’t you see? You worry about me and what happens if I fall back into his hands, but I worry that you or Tori or one of your brothers and even Dane and Eliza will pay the ultimate price for offering me protection. He’s ruthless and unfeeling. Murder and death amuse him. He’s convinced of his superiority and that’s why I’ve become an obsession with him. Because he didn’t best me, and I got too close to him. He considers that the ultimate insult.”

“Unbelievable,” Eliza said, incredulity in her voice. “You pegged him. You were word for word what his FBI profile came back with.”

“We need to get this sketch to the police and media,” Dane said. “The sooner we’re able to warn the public and heighten awareness of the fact a serial killer has taken up temporary residence in the Houston metropolitan area the sooner we can bring him to justice. Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’s taken down before he chooses his next victim.”

“Get on it then,” Caleb said. “I’m taking Ramie up so she can rest until her headache is better.”


“IS this where I say sorry, honey, I’ve got a headache?” Ramie asked in a drowsy tone.

She yawned widely, her jaw popping with her effort before settling her cheek back onto Caleb’s bare chest, nuzzling sleepily into his arms. He laughed softly, his hand roaming up and down the slender arch of her body.

Her skin was baby soft, like the finest silk. He was thoroughly enjoying the simple pleasure of touching her, of having her in his arms and in his bed. He turned his head just enough that his lips pressed against the hairline of her forehead.

“I’ll let you get away with it. This time,” he said in amusement.

It suddenly struck him that for the space of a few stolen moments all was quiet. Peaceful. No intrusions from the outside world. Intimacy surrounded them, enfolding them both in its gentle embrace.

“How is the head?” he asked as he trailed his fingers through the curls spilling over her shoulder. “Better yet?”

She yawned again and nodded, her cheek rubbing up and down his chest.

He liked her here in his arms all warm and sweet and contented. This was where she belonged whether she readily acknowledged it or not. He could be a patient man when the reward was worth it, and Ramie’s heart and trust were absolutely worth any amount of patience he was forced to exert in his quest to seal their newly formed relationship.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Ramie?” he asked in a quiet tone.

She went absolutely still next to him. Not even a breath escaped her. He resumed his idle caress up and down her body in an effort to ease the sudden tension.

“Yes. No?. . .” she trailed off and then expelled a long breath. “Yes, damn it. Well, that isn’t exactly true. I’m not a complete idiot. I don’t want to do it but I have no choice. I have to do it and there’s the difference.”

“You’re a courageous, selfless woman,” he said. And he meant every word.

She made a sound of disgust. “What’s with calling me brave all of a sudden? Eliza said the same ridiculous thing earlier. Do I look like someone who is fearless? I’m terrified,” she said, her voice rising an octave.

He attempted to soothe her agitation by stroking her with his hand, allowing it to glide over her slight curves, but she was already worked up over his words.

“There is nothing brave or courageous or even special about me,” she said bluntly.

Her words weren’t spoken with emotion in an obvious effort to get him to argue his point. It was a matter-of-fact statement, one that she truly believed of herself. He only wished she saw what he saw.

Maya Banks's books