Iron Dominance

She heard herself moan as if from a distance. Theo rose from the bed—then came the scrape of timber as he pulled out a drawer. Her bound legs slowly flopped out to each side. She left herself exposed but didn’t care. Cool air caressed her * like the lightest of tongues.


She squinted and saw him holding something fat and long—shaped like a cannon shell with a blunt point. The rear half was gold-sheened metal and black seams, with the front half glass. Inside, clockwork cogs slowly ticked over. A miniature blue spark of voltaic energy fizzed across the internal workings like a tiny lightning storm. Theo dropped the thing onto the bed. She tugged; the chain clinked. Nothing gave.


Eek. Is that one of Henry’s inventions?


“This first.” He sat beside her and held a black blindfold out. Those gray eyes inches away gazed at her as he turned it in his hands, showing it to her. “I’m going to put this on you. It will make you concentrate on only the things you should be thinking about. As long as you trust me?” He canted his head, raised his eyebrows, waited.


This was the time to say no if she wished to. Here she was, still tied up, and he asked if she trusted him? After everything today? She licked her lips, nodded, despite the tightness in her throat.


Blackness descended as the blindfold was wrapped about her head and tied. Now there was only sound and sensation and the smell of sweat and arousal. The straps on her thighs were removed; then he pulled her ankles apart and attached them to something. She couldn’t bring her legs together. What had he done? This seemed increasingly…odd and unnerving.


“That’s a bar that holds your legs apart,” Theo murmured in his smooth, deep voice. He slicked a finger along her slippery cleft. “It keeps you wide open so I can see everything. I could swim down here, Claire.”


She opened her mouth, then tried to move her legs in. The ankle cuffs stretched taut. Oh. Yes. She imagined him looking at her and heated again, felt her lips down there swell a little more.


Something soft and warm covered her clit. His tongue. “Mmm.” She wriggled as much as the restraints allowed. His tongue curled over her, flicking momentarily over the hood, then away again.


“Don’t get all quiet on me will you, Claire? I think it’s time to use one of Henry’s devices.”


Now that alarmed her. After his last device… Something buzzed—a mechanical sort of buzzing. She yanked on the wrist chain. No. Solid. She couldn’t move her arms more than a few inches. The wondering, the anticipation of the unknown when she could do nothing to stop him, pumped her excitement higher.


Theo tweaked her nipple. A spike of pain jolted her. The buzzing approached, and…magic. The most incredible pleasure engulfed her clit. Unceasing, startling, microscopic tremors. She squealed, arched her neck, and thrust up her groin. “More! Please!” The buzzing stopped.


“You’re forgetting something, dear,” he said sternly. Which of these would you like?” He gripped her nipple, squeezed hard. “This?”


“No!” Forgetting something? What? Sir? Dammit, this wasn’t a parade ground! Yet… He pinched harder. “Oh! Sir! More of the other, sir! Not that. Please.”


Something hard nuzzled her vagina. The buzzing again, assaulting her with overwhelming pleasure, turning her mind to mush. It stopped.


“This then?”


“Yes! Sir!”


“Good.” It started again, and this time he also descended on one nipple with his mouth.


“Unh!” Nothing mattered except that. She strained, her mound pressing, grinding against it. In seconds, she came. Her body, shuddering as the device buzzed at her, consuming her, eating her up in a storm of racking spasms that kept on and on and on. And stopped. She twitched and tried to gather her sanity. What…was…that?


While she lay there breathing like a steam engine gone wild, Theo manipulated her body—sliding something beneath her, attaching straps about her stomach and chest, anchoring her ankles.


She cleared her throat. Slow. Calm. “What was that? Sir.” Even behind the blindfold, her eyes were shut. Remembering. Would she ever be free of the pulsations of that thing? And what was he up to? Surely he’d let her go now.


He walked up until she heard him next to her head, and he stroked her cheek, kissed her lips. His larger mouth enclosed hers, and meekly, she let him open her with his hard tongue, then roughly toy with her lips and tongue. She wondered if he meant to suck the life from her. Any more of these devices, and she’d be unable to walk for days. Her core clamped down, tight. She wanted something inside her.


“That,” he said, finally answering her question, “is what Henry calls a reciprocating sexual probe.”


“What does it do?” she asked, her voice coming out low and ragged. Damn, she’d forgotten again. “Sir.”


“It vibrates. You. And ever so nicely.” Ample amusement colored his words.


“Then perhaps,” she said sarcastically, “you should call it a vibrator.”


“Hmm. I’ll tell him that. But first, your cheekiness gets punished.” He pinched both nipples, hard.


Cari Silverwood's books