Iron Dominance

Opened them to find no one had noticed. Even Theo ignored her—occupied with talking to a guard about his weapon. Thank the Lord. Her * was so wet her pubic hair must be sodden. If she’d been alone, she would have put her hand down there. The ache subsided. She stood very still, careful not to set it off.


A breeze riffled her hair, drying the thin film of sweat on her cheek. She watched the men practicing in the prone position with the rifles spitting out shots at a slow pace. A puff of dust flew off the distant straw-backed targets whenever a projectile hit the mark.


She gnawed on her lip and resisted interfering.


At Theo’s suggestion, Dankyo sent the guards off on a training run.


Theo turned to her, put a hand to her back. “Come. We’re all going into the indoor range.”


She didn’t like the sound of this at all.


The indoor range was deserted. At ten, twenty, and fifty yards, there were circular targets. While Dankyo waited at the door—legs shoulder-width apart, hands by his sides, and a bland expression on his face, Theo led her along to the ten-yard line. She stepped slowly, trying not to set off the little engine.


Theo leaned back onto the wall and gathered her to him so she stood between his legs.


Something—the evenness of his brows, the line of his mouth, something told her bad news was coming. “Are you about to tell me something I don’t want to hear?”


“Yes. This is the true punishment.”


She narrowed her eyes.


He rearranged some hair above her eyes. “The paddle—that I meant. You do have to mend your ways.”


“I will—I mean I have.”


“Good, but there’s one other problem—you and Dankyo. Shh. Wait.” He put his finger across her lips. “He’s my second in command. You don’t respect or trust him, and he doesn’t trust you, though I know he has a very healthy respect for your skills.” He gripped her with his thighs.


“You are going to bend over and let him smack you once on your bottom.”


She felt blood pour into her cheeks and down her neck. “No!” She shot a look at Dankyo. “No! Never. The man hates me.”


“You are going to do it, because I know you, and I know him, and this will work.”


She shook her head, looking down. “No. Don’t ask this. Please.”


“Claire. Do you know what would have happened to any of the guards if they had done what you did? Struck a fellow guard, endangered others, disobeyed a direct order? You’d be whipped in public. Discharged from the house guard.”


“I’m not a house guard.” She looked imploringly at Theo.


“No. You’re not. You’re my mistress, and you’re a deadly weapon all rolled into one. And I love you for it. But I can’t have you here if you disrespect Dankyo. What is your answer?”


“I don’t know. This feels”—she swallowed—“sexual, not like discipline.” “I can’t have you here?” No. Oh, hell, no. This was an order, really. She couldn’t stay with Theo if she didn’t say yes.


“In a way. It’s a dominance thing. A little like with you and me.” He cupped her chin. “And I know Dankyo. This will settle you into the pecking order.”


“You think? What if he says no?”


“I doubt it. Let’s see.” He set her on her feet then walked to Dankyo.


She chewed her lip. Did I say, yes? Oh, hell and heavens and frick. Dankyo is going to smack my bottom. Only once, though. Once…isn’t that bad. No underwear. Frick again.


The two of them strolled back to her. She could see in the way Dankyo looked at her that he’d said yes. No smugness there; that was good. Curiosity? She pulled herself up straighter, taller, and returned Dankyo’s appraisal.


Theo studied them both. “Let’s get this done. After this, I expect both of you to be civil to each other. I expect you, Claire, to respect Dankyo as my leading officer and head of security. And, Dankyo, I expect you to trust that Claire is who she says she is and can be trusted. Yes?”


Dankyo inclined his head. Theo looked at her, raised his eyebrows.


“Yes,” she said a tad hoarsely. Though, of course, a little voice spoke up. You’re not that, though—not who you say you are.


“Turn around, dear. Put your hands on your knees.”


She shut her eyes once, opened them, then turned and bent over with her hands braced on her knees. When Theo gently folded up her dress and bared her bottom, she flinched. She had her knees tight together. There was nothing to see, just bottom. Dankyo wouldn’t get much joy from that, would he?


For the first time Dankyo said something. “One hit only, sir, with the flat of my hand?”


“Yes. Not too hard.”


“Of course, sir. May I say something, sir?”


“Yes. What is it?”


“Thank you, sir.”


Thank you? Oh that was smug!


He hit her, palm slamming down, and it hurt like blazes.


“Uh!” Eyes watering, she couldn’t help saying, with a touch of annoyance, “Done?”


Cari Silverwood's books