In His Keeping (Slow Burn #2)

Ari went rigid against Beau, and he immediately gathered her closer, even as his complete attention was focused on his man. His hand ran up and down her arm in a caress meant to soothe, but it only agitated Ari because now she had a knot in her stomach the size of a softball.

“So the question is why?” Eliza said, half turning in her seat to look at Zack. “Why lay off when they’ve been balls to the wall in their effort to get to Ari. They have her parents, and the sooner they bring her in, the sooner they can use her parents to manipulate her into doing whatever they want. Because they know, just like we all know, that there is nothing Ari wouldn’t do to protect her parents.”

Ari’s mouth popped open at Eliza’s very calm, matter-of-fact assessment of Ari’s character. She didn’t know the other woman. Her association had been limited to only a few minutes here and there and they’d certainly never even spoken directly to each other.

Eliza picked up on Ari’s surprise and she smiled warmly at Ari. “Girl, it’s obvious how much you love them. It’s equally obvious that you’re intensely loyal to the people you love. It’s not a stretch to think you’d do anything in the world if it meant keeping them safe. I’m a people watcher, Ari. I sit back and I observe. And I pride myself on being absolutely correct in my first impression and my assessment of a person’s character. The only thing I see when I look at you is a woman with strong convictions. Perhaps a bit na?ve and too trusting. Who sees or rather chooses to see only the good in people. And when it comes to the people you love, you can be a fierce badass, powers or no.”

Heat crept into Ari’s cheeks and she ducked her head, flattered and a little floored by the admiration she heard in the other woman’s recitation of her impression of Ari. Well, and she was one hundred percent accurate. So what could Ari say? Thank you? It seemed an absurd response given the woman wasn’t giving her a compliment but rather a simple report on her assessment.

But she did lift her head and gift Eliza with a smile and a nod of acknowledgment.

Beau’s arm tightened around her, and he smiled at her obvious befuddlement. He leaned in close to her ear, so only she would hear.

“She’s right you know. She only left out a few things. Like how beautiful you are when your eyes are glazed with passion. How perfect your breasts and the ultra-soft petals that surround your * opening. A * that belongs to me. Do you know what it does to me to know that I’m the only man who’s ever touched you deep inside your body? That I and only I am the one you gave such a very precious gift to?”

She blushed to the roots of her hair, heat singeing her cheeks and neck. God, she hoped no one was looking her way at this very moment, because they’d know exactly the kinds of things Beau was whispering in her ear.

Damn the fact that her face always broadcasted her thoughts, her feelings, her mood and her emotions. She was, for all practical purposes, a walking billboard.

She elbowed him fiercely in the ribs even if she was absurdly thrilled with his words. “Stop it,” she hissed. “You’re embarrassing me!”

He chuckled low. “Later, I’ll show you. Remind you with my body instead of my words.”

Her breathing sped up and heat traveled to other parts of her body, most especially her breasts, now heavy and aching, and between her legs where her clit pulsed and throbbed painfully.

“You are so going to pay for this,” she vowed.

His grin was slow and an example of pure male arrogance and utter satisfaction. “I look forward to every minute of your revenge.”

She breathed an audible sigh of relief when they pulled into the driveway of Beau’s home. Her thoughts immediately shifted and focused on the two lovies in her lap. She absently stroked the tattered and worn fur. They showed their age, but she’d always taken care to ensure they didn’t fall apart. They simply meant too much to her. Why she connected so deeply to these two items when she was a mere baby she never knew. But even now, when she saw them, touched them or even just thought about them, she was filled with instant warmth and love.

She scrambled out of the vehicle on Zack’s side since he was the first out, ignoring Beau’s outstretched hand to assist her out. She was simmering with impatience, eager to get the objects to Ramie as quickly as possible so she could glean whatever information she was able.

She set a brisk pace, even keeping up with Dane’s long, determined stride, leaving the others to follow. Beau didn’t bother issuing a protest, because he had to know how important this was to her. To finally take a proactive step in finding her parents.

Maya Banks's books