Ice Kissed

Omte Only slightly more populous than the Skojare, the Omte tribe of trolls are known to be rude and somewhat ill tempered. Unlike the other tribes, Omte tend to be less attractive in appearance, and along with the Vittra, they are the only tribes known to have hobgoblins in their population.


Ondarike The capital city of the Vittra. The King and the Queen, along with the majority of the powerful Vittra, live within the palace there. It is located in northern Colorado.


?verste In times of war, the ?verste is the officer in charge of commanding the solders. The ?verste does not decide any battle plans, but instead receives orders from the King or the Chancellor.


Persuasion A mild form of mind control. The ability to cause another person to act a certain way based on thoughts.


Psychokinesis Blanket term for the production or control of motion, especially in inanimate and remote objects, purportedly by the exercise of psychic powers. This can include mind control, precognition, telekinesis, biological healing, teleportation, and transmutation.


Rektor The Kanin in charge of trackers. The Rektor works with new recruits, helps with placement, and generally works to keep the trackers organized and functioning.


Skojare An aquatic tribe of trolls that is nearly extinct. They require large amounts of fresh water to survive, and one-third of their population possess gills so they are able to breathe underwater. Once plentiful, only about five thousand Skojare are left on the entire planet.


Storvatten The capital city and largest city of the Skojare, located in southern Ontario, Canada, on Lake Superior.


Ton?ren In the Skojare society, a time when teenagers seek to explore the human world and escape the isolation of Storvatten. Most teens return home within a few weeks.


Tracker Members of troll society who are specifically trained to track down changelings and bring them home. Trackers have no paranormal abilities, other than an affinity with their particular changeling. They are able to sense danger to their charge and can determine the distance between themselves and their changeling. The lowest members of troll society, other than m?nsklig.


Tralla horse A powerful draft horse, larger than a Shire horse or a Clydesdale, originating in Scandinavia and only known to be bred by the Kanin. They are usually used for show, such as in parades or during celebrations.


Trylle Beautiful trolls with powers of psychokinesis whose use of the practice of exchanging changelings is a cornerstone of their society. Like all trolls, they are ill tempered and cunning, and often selfish. Once plentiful, their numbers and abilities are fading, but they are still one of the largest tribes of trolls. They are considered peaceful.


Vittra A more violent faction of trolls whose powers lie in physical strength and longevity, although some mild psychokinesis is not unheard of. They also suffer from frequent infertility. While Vittra are generally beautiful in appearance, more than fifty percent of their offspring are born as hobgoblins. They are one of the only troll tribes to have hobgoblins in their population, along with the Omte.






Biaelse Family Tree




Strinne Family Tree








?lskade Abbott—Al-skah-duh Ab-bot Baltsar Thorne—Baltsar Thorn Bayle Lundeen—Bail Lundeen Bodil Elak—Boh-deel Eee-luck Bryn Aven—Brin A-ven Cyrano Moen—Sear-uh-no Moe-en Doldastam—Dole-dah-stam Eldvatten—Elld-vah-ten Evert Strinne—Ever-t Strin F?rening—Fure-ning Fulatr?sk—Fool-uh-trassk Gotland rabbit—Gotland Helge Ot?ck—Hel-ga Oo-tech H?gdragen—Hug-dragon Iskyla—Iss-key-la Iver Aven—Iv-er A-ven Juni Sk?ld—Joon-y Sh-weld Kanin—cannon Lake Isolera—Lake Ice-oh-lar-uh Linnea Biaelse—Lin-nay-uh Bee–yellsa Lisbet Ahlstrom—Liz-bet All-strum Ludlow Svartalf—Lud-loe Svare-toff lysa—lie-sa M?ne—Moe-nay Markis—marquee Marksinna—mark-iss-eena Mikko Biaelse—Mick-o Bee–yellsa Mina Strinne—Mee-na Strin Modi & Magni—Mow-dee & Mahg-nee Naima Abbott—Na-eema Ab-bot Omte—oo-m-tuh ?verste—Ur-ve-sh-ter Ridley Dresden—Rid-lee Drez-den Runa Aven—Rue-na A-ven Skojare—sko-yar-uh Storvatten—Store-vot-en ton?ren—toe-no-ren Tilda Moller—Till-duh Maul-er Tralla horse—trahl-uh Trylle—trill Ulla Tulin—Oo-lah Two-lin Viktor D?lig—Victor Dough-leg Vita—Vee-tah Vittra—vit-rah









AMANDA HOCKING is the author of the New York Times bestselling Trylle trilogy, the Watersong series, and six additional self-published novels. She made international headlines by selling more than a million copies of her self-published books, primarily in e-book format. She lives in Minnesota, where she’s at work on the next book in the Kanin Chronicles series. You can sign up for email updates here.