I Kissed a Dog

chapter 41

After an arduous debate with my current roommate, it was decided that we would stick to the course of action Deb and I had concocted, with the secret shaft serving as an alternative plan or emergency exit should we need it.

I somehow doubted we’d make it back to our quarters alive, if Plan A failed.

More likely, we’d be burned alive in the great bonfire Deb had boasted about. A spectacle blatant enough to strike fear in the hearts of every creature present, and one that would squelch any rebellion forming in Jazmine’s ranks.

After returning the grate to the duct’s entrance, Connie repositioned the dresser to its original place. If something went wrong later, we’d make every effort to meet here and exit together.

After hours of anxious waiting, Dillon entered with two bowls of pasta and two tan uniforms like I’d seen the women upstairs wearing. It seemed Deb had completed the first part of our scheme ¯ getting Jazmine to approve an invite to the bonfire. Being trapped all this time had increased my desire for freedom. I couldn’t wait to breathe in the night air.

What I wanted, far more than fresh air, was to wrap my arms around Zane and forget everything but the warmth of his lips on mine.

Noticing my faraway gaze, Connie snapped her fingers. “Hey, daydream later. We’ve got a prison riot to instigate.” She replaced her jogging suit with the perfectly creased uniform.

“That’s one sexy ensemble,” I joked, attempting to silence the fear gnawing in my gut, making eating impossible.

“The Mistress wouldn’t want her harem looking hotter than she does.” Connie smirked. She looked thoughtful before unbuttoning her shirt enough to reveal an ample eyeful of cleavage.

She’d managed to make herself look sexy in a basic uniform. Dillon would appreciate her efforts even if Jazmine didn’t.

Rather than worrying about my appearance, I took special care to gather the items necessary for cracking the case and proving my innocence. Wrapping Jazmine’s wig snuggly around my right calf, I stretched the sock up to my knee, securing the hairpiece.

The kakis pants were wide-legged, providing enough space for me to move with ease. I adjusted the cell phone in my bra and slid Joshua’s sketches into my back pocket, eager to get on with the big event.

In a few short hours I’d be one of two things: Dead or Alive.

At least we didn’t have to wait long before Dillon reappeared with my least-favorite escort, Mr. Tall and Rude. I trooped after my captors, Connie at my side, providing a hint of security.

The air of anticipation in the compound was palpable. Women dashed from their classrooms intent on reaching the great outdoors. I couldn’t blame them. I felt like running too.

I scanned the hallways. The number of mutant guards had increased. I decided it was time to let Connie in on the full extent of my silent communication capabilities.

Hey, don’t panic and don’t look at me. I’m speaking to you telepathically.

Chloe? Despite my warning she glanced my direction. Thankfully, in the bustle no one seemed to notice.

None other. I don’t have time to explain how I do this.

O-k-a-y, she agreed sounding somewhat reluctant.

Where did all these extra guards come from? This is going to make it difficult for me to do my mating magic.

Can you talk like this to anyone? She asked.

Anyone who is of the animal persuasion.

Does Deb know? Connie sounded wary.

We’d reached what had to have been the school’s cafeteria/gym. Neat piles of clothing were stacked throughout the room. Changing room? I asked Connie silently.

Yes. And you didn’t answer my question.

She knew about some of my abilities, enough to know I could reach out to Zane following the mating ceremony and with any luck contact a vampire friend.

We were guided though doors that opened to reveal what could have been a picture book scene under different circumstances.

Dillon steered Connie into the night, leaving me to admire my surroundings with my favorite sidekick, who for the moment was intent on standing at my side.

An expansive, grassy field, freshly mowed, stretched past an old playground. The forest beckoned in the distance. The summer sky was clear, and the stars spread seductively overhead, the moon their master. A bonfire popped and crackled, shooting sparks upward, surrounded by women in uniforms.

As evidenced by the discarded clothing, others, already in mutant form, romped through the field, remaining inside the ring of armed guards. Their ranks expanded to cover at least half a mile in all four directions. Anyone attempting a mad dash to freedom would be executed.

The gun-totting watchmen were a serious reminder that this was no high school, homecoming bonfire. This was a way, granted, a pretty cool one, to further manipulate those in servitude to The Mistress.

So absorbed by my surroundings, I jumped when a heated hand clamped around my arm. “Enjoying your little recess,” Jazmine purred. “Try not to be too frightened when everyone takes off their clothes and shows their inner beauty.”

Struggling to control any sarcastic rebuttal, I nodded, remembering Deb’s extensive efforts to convince Jazmine of my mutant phobia. It was show time, and I had a starring role to play. I wasn’t hoping for an Oscar, merely survival.

“They’re all going to turn into mutants?” I asked.

Jazmine tossed her head back and roared with what I considered unladylike laughter. “Why, of course they are. Don’t worry, though, I’ll protect you from the wolf monsters.” Her grip tightened on my arm. “Won’t you join me at my table?”

She didn’t wait for my answer, instead prodding me to an elevated platform that featured a table set up for six, and a good-sized podium.

What I hadn’t counted on was her wanting to hold my hand all night. How the hell was I going to do my moon mating ritual with her stuck to my side?

Deb, Connie, can you both hear me? I’d blasted more than one enemy at a time with my mind powers, but had never mentally spoken with more than one animal at time.

My head tingled, energy thrumming through my body. Again, something unpredictable was happening. I suspected my powers extended beyond anything I’d ever imagined. Talking to two or two hundred wouldn’t be an issue.

I can hear you. Loud and clear, Deb answered.

Me too! Connie confirmed. Dear God, she’s got you cornered.

I saw Connie watching from about twenty feet away.

It appears I’m her hot date for the evening. I need you to create a distraction. It has to last long enough for me to seal the mating.

You’ll know when, Deb assured.

I hoped they could pull it off, because right now the air duct was looking like the better option.

“Entertainment! Start the entertainment!” Jazmine barked through a handheld microphone. “You’ll love this,” she whispered to me.

Awkward didn’t begin to cover how I felt seated like a pagan god atop a created dais. Jazmine, dressed like a queen, was presiding over her loyal subjects. I wanted to vomit. How had Zane ever found anything appealing about her?

A low growl rumbled at the bottom of our platform. Martin’s German Shepherd glared up.

The despicable dog that’d caused my coma-catastrophe reminded me of Martin’s dog; I mentally screamed into the shepherd’s head, I hate you! Then to make sure the beast knew I meant business, I slammed a vision of me shaving off all his luscious fur into his doggy mind. The growl turned into a yelp, and he fled into the crowd.

“Dog? Jazmine …” Martin whined from below.

I swallowed a snort when I realized the dog’s name was Dog.

“I don’t care about your damn dog, Martin. Get the entertainment started,” Jazmine ordered.

I stifled my laughter. Martin was an idiot. He was the one man on Logan’s board stupid enough to fall into the clutches of someone like Jazmine. How together they managed this growing empire was beyond my comprehension. I was still missing something, or more accurately, someone.

Alcuin. He was the traitor. He had to be.

Before I could contemplate further a woman screamed, “Oh no, you don’t! I like him! He’s mine!”

The other voices subsided as the altercation accelerated. With grace, Jazmine dropped to the ground, slinking toward the distraction. My distraction!

I crept down the stairs, hoping the commotion would serve its purpose.

Dillon roared, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t belong to anyone, and not either of you.” Ouch! I knew Connie wouldn’t like that shocking proclamation regardless of the reason. Dillon sounded like he meant every word.

The yelling escalated as I headed the opposite direction. As planned, everyone was drawn to the potential dogfight, the animal part of them unable to resist the impending bloodshed.

I found a dark corner by the school, blocked from view by a shield of overgrown Emerald Green Arborvitaes, or as some referred to them, “Instant Privacy” trees. I slipped between them and ducked, praying their promise of privacy would apply to me. There wasn’t much time remaining. The girls could only argue so long before a full-fledged fight was expected.

“Tonight, as I look upon this amazing moon …” I stalled. This was ridiculous. I was talking to the moon. How would proclaiming my love for Zane under a full moon bind us together? The whole idea was absurd. Why am I thinking about this now? These don’t feel like my thoughts. This isn’t me.

“Mating with a werewolf is not in your best interest, my beauty.”

Turning, I faced the voice’s soothing source. I knew right then who’d been planting the confusing thoughts. Damn it! I’d wanted to talk with Valamir, but not until after I’d completed the mating ceremony, and not now when I was on a life or death time schedule.

“You!” I snapped. “I’ve been held hostage for days and you choose now to ride in on your white stallion. And who are you to tell me who or what I can mate with?” I was beyond tired of being bossed around. I didn’t care if the delectable man towering over me had two very pointy teeth. I was saying my bit before he or someone else tore me to pieces.

“You should watch your tone, my dear. I may lust for you and your blood, but I do not take kindly to disrespect.” He glowered, arms crossed.

“Go ahead! Do me a favor. At least I’ll have a moment of ecstasy while you’re sucking me dry. Go on! Bite me!” I took a very dangerous step forward and tilted my neck in submission.

He shrugged, fangs extended. “I think I will have a bite, since you’re offering.”

Warmth pooled in my belly and spread down my thighs as his teeth sank in. This wasn’t what I wanted, was it? Death by vampire? No. I’d simply challenged the wrong foe ¯ one older, stronger, and ultimately sexier.

My eyelids fluttered shut and I allowed myself to drift away, floating on waves of pleasure and pain.

Dying in his arms made death seem delightful.

Carol van Atta's books