I Kissed a Dog

chapter 28

I felt his presence well before I opened my eyes and saw him silhouetted by the window.

Several perplexing thoughts wound through the sleep-clouded maze in my mind. First: I was alone in the bedroom with a mystery intruder. Second and third: Darkness had replaced daylight, and there was no evidence indicating Zane was close enough to rescue me. But in spite of such glaring danger, I wasn’t afraid, although I should’ve been trembling in terror.

My visitor stood unmoving like a statue, hinting at his supernatural status. I didn’t know any human that could remain so still for what felt like so long.

Before I could ponder further, the shadow moved closer, so fluidly it was difficult to register until he was standing over the bed, gazing down at me with pale blue eyes.

Rather than speak, he dropped into a crouch, his face now level with mine. I found myself drawn into the pools of blue, lost in their depths. Even Zane’s eyes didn’t have this effect on me. My little inner voice, the one I tried heed whenever it spoke up, told me to look away, but I couldn’t tear my eyes from his.

His icy hand brushed my hair away from my neck. He twisted his fingers through my curls and leaned closer. When his lips brushed mine, I sighed. He rose suddenly and pulled me up, clutching me close. I swallowed hard, anticipating his next move.

“You smell so delicious, Chloe. I have been unable to keep you from my thoughts. Never can I recall such an exquisite woman.” He leaned in to nuzzle my neck, pulling my hair back and sending jolts of anticipation through every nerve in my body.

When the prick came, my knees buckled. My head swam. I knew on some level he was taking my blood, and not for the first time. I should have been furious, but instead I was enraptured. My body was alive, on fire. An unexpected series of spasms tore through me and I rocked my pelvis against him, riding wave after wave of near excruciating pleasure. My body continued to shudder as he drank what felt like every last drop of my essence.

When I thought I might pass out, he pulled away, but leaned in again to lick my neck. “More,” I heard myself beg, still pressing myself against him.

A low chuckle vibrated deep in his chest. “Believe me, I want so much more.”

“How long have you been watching me?” I purred, still enthralled by whatever spell he’d cast over me.

“Always, Chloe. You are my destiny. Leave the wolf and come with me. He cannot protect you from the dangers ahead. Neither can he provide you such pleasures.” His finger traced my jaw line and trailed down my neck.

Despite his silky caress, my head was clearing. I took a step back, and then another, allowing myself the luxury of visually devouring my vampire suitor.

As in Vegas, he was clad in black. Leather pants, boots, a black T-shirt, a stylish leather jacket, and the same necklace and emblem resting over his chest. His spiky black hair left his angled face in full view.

Seeing my appraisal, his half smile stretched into a full grin. Just the sight of his fangs sent another shiver of excitement down my inner thighs. It took every ounce of self-control I had left, which wasn’t much, not to slip back into his arms.

“You want me as much as I do you,” he stated with simple sincerity. “Will you join me?”

Fighting that part of me that wanted to do exactly as he requested, I took another careful step away. “I’m mated to Zane now.” I didn’t say married because I suspected that particular term wouldn’t have quite the same impact as its supernatural translation.

“Have you accepted the dog’s mark?” His eyes flashed dangerously.

I’d forgotten all about that part of the ritual. I had to officially accept Zane as my mate. I wasn’t even sure how to do that. Did I have to lift my leg and mark him as mine?

“I can see you haven’t. That is good. You are too wise a woman to do such a despicable thing. You deserve a great deal more than he can give you. I can give you forever.”

Forever …? I wasn’t even sure I could deal with tomorrow. Instead of its desired effect, the forever idea only served to sever any remaining doubt. “I think you better go. The guys will be back soon.” I hoped I was right, because the look in his eyes was no longer one of passion. I hated to imagine the pain his fangs could inflict. I had a feeling that pleasure and pain were closely aligned in the mind of a vampire.

Valamir reached inside his coat and pulled out a shiny, round object. “I believe your friend was looking for this?” He extended what had to be the fourth coin.

Hoping I appeared calmer than I felt, I reached out my hand.

Instead of stepping toward me, he flashed. I didn’t know what else to call it. One second he was standing a few feet away and the next his face was an inch from mine. He lifted my chin with his finger, his eyes boring into mine. He twirled and twisted the coin between his fingers.

“I am willing to play along for awhile longer. You have something I want.” He dipped his mouth to mine and kissed me. Without meaning to, I found myself kissing him back. He smelled like leather, spices, and something utterly foreign but absolutely delicious.

I realized in that moment that everything about this vampire was designed to tempt and torture me — his smell, his taste, his kisses, his amazing looks, all of it. He was like a drug. And if I wasn’t careful, I’d become hopelessly addicted to him, mated to Zane or not.

He pulled away, leaving my chest heaving. A part of me wanted to tell him off, but the words wouldn’t come. He’d literally kissed me quiet. How could I claim to love Zane when I was so easily diverted by the vampire?

“I will have you. You will be mine. To show you how much you already mean to me, here is what you were looking for, I believe.” He took my hand in his and pressed the coin in. “Your vampire friend arrived too late. A mutant had already retrieved it. I disposed of the beast and kept your trinket safe.”

“Uh, thank you,” I whispered. “Do you know what these coins mean? And who the cloaked creatures are?”

“I know many things. Things that I would be willing to reveal should you choose me.” He shrugged. “Until then …” He leaned over and kissed my cheek, then vanished in his trademark glittery swirl.

I collapsed back on the bed. How in the world would I explain this one? For someone who hated secrets, I was sure keeping a list of my own. Visualizing myself telling Zane the truth about everything seemed impossible. I could see it now …

Honey, I was making out with that strange, really ancient vampire, and he gave me the coin because he wants me to leave you and go with him. He rocked my world without even making it to third base.

Like that would go over well. I’d have to leave the coin behind somewhere Zane would find it when I was in Portland. I didn’t want to hold up the search because of my own issues. I needed to get out of town now. I needed to think.

There were some major decisions that needed deciding.

Remarkably, I was exhausted, probably due to my impromptu blood donation, expelled sexual energy, and my dazed condition. I slid the coin under the mattress on my side of the bed. It would be safe there until I figured out what to do with it.

Where are you? I sent my question to Zane.

Letting my princess sleep. We’re all out in the barn, chatting with our new partners.

Partners? How did that happen?

Go back to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.

Goodnight, I said, relieved I wouldn’t have to face him tonight. Werewolves could stay up for days without sleep, yet another of the many major differences between us.

Flipping onto my side, I realized the window was still open. Not such a good idea. I couldn’t handle anymore late night visitors.

Wishing I could flash myself to the window or shut it with my mind wasn’t going to get the job done. I’d have to get up and do it with my own two, very human hands.

“If you’re going to come in through my window, you could at least be polite and shut it on your way out,” I said to no one in particular as I reached up to pull the framed, glass pane down.

A familiar, but unexpected, ghostly face appeared. “I think we need to talk,” Alcuin said, looking none too pleased. “By the way, you reek.”

“Sorry I’m not up to your smelling standards.” I was borderline furious that all the damn supernatural men, who didn’t need any sleep, kept interrupting mine.

“Come on in. Everyone else does.” I wished right then for a giant eraser that would erase the last hour in one big swipe.

Alcuin slipped into the room’s one chair. “Vampires are very aware of each other.”

I faced him with my arms crossed, deciding to remain standing in hopes I looked somewhat authoritative. “No. I didn’t know. I’ve been aware of your world for one week now. My entire life has been turned upside down, and I’ve got werewolf and vampire suitors vying for my attention. I got married when I was drunker than a …”

“Slow down, Doll. I am well aware of your supernatural overload. I’ve suggested to Zane more than once that he take you to Europe or somewhere far away from here for a month, but he feels too obligated to his pack and their problems.”

I was surprised by Alcuin’s revelation. I also remembered my earlier desire to talk with him about Valamir. That heart to heart was taking place here and now whether I was ready for it or not.

I decided to spill every detail of my three encounters with Valamir, well, most of the details. I didn’t go so far to tell how attracted I was to him or about my erotic experience. From the way Alcuin was watching me, I assumed he already knew. He was, after all, a bloodsucker. Well aware of vampire tactics and tastes, and the potential human responses.

“He brought you the coin?”

Surprised he didn’t have more to say, I nodded and retrieved relic from its hiding place. “How do I explain this to Zane?”

Ignoring my question, Alcuin flipped the coin over in his palm, examining it. “I wonder if your vampire admirer could translate these sigils. It’s is not my area of expertise.”

I had a feeling that Valamir was privy to lots of useful information. Getting him to divulge that information without signing over my soul, and my blood supply, was the problem.

“Sorry to change the subject, but what’s all this ‘you’re mine’ stuff?” I needed to know why my scent was so appealing to Valamir and Zane.

Alcuin stopped rolling the coin and studied my face. “You are quite attractive. And you do smell intoxicating. I detected your unique fragrance that first time we met.

As a rule, vampires can find pleasure feeding from a wide range of donors. On occasion, a specific human catches our fancy. Kind of like a choice dish at your favorite restaurant.”

“So I’m a good meal?”

He looked at a loss for words. “It’s difficult to explain. We want only to feed from that one special person. I’ve never experienced it. Not all vampires do. Just like werewolves, and even humans, not everyone finds their own favorite flavor. When we do, we want to hang on, permanently, if possible. I guess the question is: who is your favorite flavor, Chloe?”

I found, much to my dismay, I couldn’t answer.

Carol van Atta's books