Hot Blooded

“You little bitch,” Selene shrieked, trying in vain to get away. Magic twisted around us, black and gold, each fighting to conquer the other. I had to find a way to kill her immortality quickly. If I did that, she would belong to the Underworld. I believed her when she said she couldn’t die—physically. But if one part of her died, it might be enough for them to come and retrieve her.


I held her down as she struggled, my hand closing around her heart. Everything inside of her bucked. Danny growled and barked, agitated, pacing around Tyler, who was in the process of changing back to human. He was no longer red.


“I think this is what you are looking for now, Ma Reine,” Naomi called as she flung something into the air.


Before I could catch it, there was a tremendous roar and Rourke’s fist shot out. Claiming the prize he fell to his knees beside me. “Let me help you with that.” He reared up and plunged Naomi’s cross into Selene’s body, right into the hollow of her neck.


Selene gurgled, still fighting. “Never… going… to win.” Her body convulsed once and went completely still. All her power evaporated.


The room stilled completely, the sulfur smell leaking away.


“Jesus,” I breathed, wiping the back of my free hand along my forehead to get rid to the sweat. “I guess that is what we needed.” I didn’t relax my other hand for an instant. Her heart beat around my fist, blood pouring from her wounds in earnest now that her powers were null.


She was still awake, but just barely. “Get that thing out of me,” she moaned. “It will not kill me. Once I’m free, my powers will come back and I will finish you for good.”


Rourke had her arms pinned down at her sides and Naomi hovered over us. “Ma Reine,” she said. “You need to kill her now. Completely. We cannot keep the cross in her forever, and she is right: once we take it, she will heal within moments.”


“Now that her powers are null I can feel something else in her body,” I said. “There’s a pulse of something alive in here.” It was pushing her to heal, fighting off dying. I had to grasp hold of it and finish it for good. I glanced at Rourke, who was taking it all in with a frown. “Rourke, I need to take her immortality and try to shred it. I’m not sure what it will do to me, but if something happens, or if I look like I’m in some kind of a coma when I’m done, it’s okay. Find my brother. He’ll know how to wake me up.”


“I don’t like the sound of that,” Rourke growled. “Let’s take her apart in pieces first and keep the cross in her there. If she doesn’t have arms, she can’t fish it out.”


“Non,” Naomi said. “Eventually the body will decompose and the cross will fall out. Once it’s gone, I believe her body will begin to regenerate once again.”


“If I don’t try to kill what’s inside of her,” I added, “the demons won’t come to get her. If I kill her essence, I think they will come to retrieve her. This feels right to me.” My hand was still gruesomely stuck in her chest cavity, my magic testing her blood. My wolf paced, sensing all the magics, both hers and the new demon power. Both were null. The cross had done its job in full and it felt like a lucky break. Whoever had crafted it was a powerful supernatural in their own right. “Plus, I refuse to look over my shoulder every hundred years to see if she’s back.”


Selene’s lips opened and there was a shallow cackle. “I will haunt you forever, make no mistake. My vengeance will preserve me.” I had no doubt her revenge would be all consuming, but I had to hope the Underworld would put her under heavy guard and wouldn’t risk losing their biggest catch.


Tyler snarled as he walked up to us, looking ragged but alive. He was naked as he bent to grab up a shredded pillow to cover himself. “I hope the demons hook you up to a whipping post for eternity, you sadist. No punishment they can mete out will be enough.”


“The demons will have better uses for me, all them involving my whip, I’m sure.” Selene coughed. “I will be back for my revenge.”


I met my brother’s eyes as they sparked with emotion. “Jess,” Tyler said. “Do what you have to do to get rid of her. That’s my vote.”


Rourke growled, but stayed silent.


Danny was still in his wolf form and I knew how Naomi would vote. I closed my eyes and focused inwardly. I’d made my decision.


Thin strings of gold poured out of me slowly. I directed them into Selene. Her body began to arch against the intrusion, her eyes rolling back in her head. This isn’t going to be easy, I told my wolf. But I know we’re stronger. I sent my power into her body in a constant stream. It built on itself, doubling the energy. Power swirled around us, leaking out of her, engulfing me. It sizzled in my veins. My body began to get physically hot as the intensity built.


For a single brief moment I felt completely alone.


My gold devoured Selene’s entire body. In my mind I could see her immortality manifested in tiny red beacons. No surprise there. They bit at my energy, fighting my power. Underneath me, Selene bucked and moaned. I pushed back. We’re going to have to give her a blast of our power at the end, when everything is saturated.


I wasn’t sure when to do it, when it had covered her enough.