Hot Blooded

“Dammit all to hell.” I realized I hadn’t seen or heard from Ray in too long. My face dropped. “Naomi, he took Ray. He had to have taken him. He needed blood to heal.”



Before she could answer, Selene gave a huge gasp and with one hand ripped the spell dart out of her body, her irises bright red. “Now you all will die.”


Then she popped out of existence.












“Oh, my love, did you miss me?” Selene cackled from right behind Rourke, popping back into this plane again exactly like the winged devils had done. I wasn’t familiar with how teleportation worked, but I knew it was extremely rare and usually connected with the Underworld. Something to do with having one foot in both worlds, because transferring your body mass like that was tricky.


I blinked once and Rourke and Selene were on the ground in front of me, locked in battle.


His body began to morph as I watched, golden fur sprouting along his powerful arms. “You will answer for your deeds,” Rourke yelled, his voice full of malice. “Do you hear me? You will die a final death this time!” Blood poured from Selene’s lips as she grinned up at him. He smashed his fist into her neck just as she dematerialized. Rourke stood, fuming. “She’s going to be hard to catch,” he snarled, “and all I want to do is crush the life out of her.”


Now that we knew she could pop in and out, Selene was going to play with us like a kitten batting a ball.


Energy swirled around the cavern, bouncing off the walls. She was clearly enjoying her new lot in life as an Underworld whore. We all knew she couldn’t die no matter what we did to her now, and I had a sinking feeling that her final encore had always been to blow the mountain up like she had threatened earlier. Even if she was lost to the explosion, she wouldn’t die.


“We’re going to have to surround her,” I murmured to Rourke. “If we all come at her at the same time we might have a chance.” Tyler and Danny had gone back-to-back, each of them on high alert. Tyler clutched the pickax once again. “I’ve beaten all her magic so far, so it won’t hold me for long, if at all. If I can get her down without succumbing to her magic, I might be able to keep her in place long enough to do some damage.”


“Jess,” Tyler said. “Danny and I need to shift. There’s no way we can do this without a wolf counterattack. You bring her down; we rip her up.”


“Sounds good to me,” I replied.


They both dropped immediately and began to change into their wolf forms. It wouldn’t take them more than a minute.


“I can hear you,” Selene snapped from above us in an alcove. “You think you can best me by cornering me? Think again.” She twisted her wrist.


The spell hit me fully in the chest.


Her lines entered my body and left just as quickly, but the impact flung me backward. The only thing I registered before I hit the wall was Rourke’s frustrated snarl.


Selene gave a wicked shriek and I watched in horror as she materialized right next to him. “Rourke! Look out!” I yelled as I scrambled to stand. She touched a single glowing red finger to his torso and he spasmed once and crashed to the ground.


I had to get to her before she popped out of sight again.


This is all you. We sprang in a blur.


My wolf latched on to her neck and I snarled through the canines in my mouth, biting deeply into her, taking great joy in tearing her pristine flesh. She tried to pop away from me, her magic swirling around us, prodding my skin. I caught hold of it, my gold strands winding their way into her magic. I wove my power through her energy and synched it tight like a noose. “How does it feel now?” I roared, releasing her neck, blood dripping down my chin.


“You are not stronger than I am,” Selene spat, her mouth already moving; magic quivered at her fingertips. “I will always have my spells.”


“No, you really won’t.” I smashed my fist into Selene’s mouth. Her jaw cracked, stopping her spell in its tracks, blood racing down the side of her face. “You are not going to win this time. You’re reign is over. Do you hear me?”


She spit blood out of her mouth, her jaw completely healed. “Is that so, mongrel?”


The room shook with power.