Hot Blooded

His mouth opened to reveal long, sharp canines dripping with blood. “Finally,” he hissed. “I get to witness your end. I’ve wanted to do this since the first time I laid eyes on you standing in front of my Queen, cocky and insolent, showing no respect to anyone. You deserve to die! You can bring nothing but madness to the supernatural race.”



“You bastard,” I raged. “You set your sister up. You knew you were bringing her to her death. Admit it! You broke a sacred blood-bond, and you’re going to rot for it. I’m going to make sure you do.” I lunged before he could give me one of his pissy retorts. I grabbed him around the neck before he knew I’d moved a muscle, infusing power into my arms as I went, my body reacting in pure fury. My hands pulsed, my nails sharpening to long razors, power flowing out of the points that bit deeply into his neck. Blood poured out of the wounds. My wolf gnashed her teeth at him, fully engaged with me now.


Eamon gurgled, scraping his hands against my forearms in an effort to loosen my hold. “You… will not… win…” He coughed.


“Oh, yeah,” I snarled right next to his ear. “Do you know how many times I’ve heard that in the last few weeks? You picked the wrong side, asshole. And I hate traitors.” I hauled him up like he weighed nothing, shook him hard, and brought my arms back, tossing him into the rock wall again. He smashed into it like a bullet, collapsing in another flurry of rocks.


Selene’s voice grated into the air, her composure slipping by the minute. “Eamon is a fool, has always been a fool. As well as a weakling. I will enjoy watching him die.” She tossed her head back with delight. “Then I will kill you.”


Eamon stopped in his tracks at his mistress’s words, looking confused. “I have faithfully served you for over four hundred years.” He gaped. “I have gone behind my Queen’s back repeatedly and have betrayed my sister willingly. You said we’d finally be together forever, as we should be.”


Eamon had fallen for his keeper. Naomi had said they had forged no bonds, but it seemed Eamon had indeed forged a big one. Selene had manipulated him for centuries, dangling her reward of eternal love. Only she never meant to make good on her deal, because she was a horrid masochist who could only ever love herself.


“Eamon,” I said, “I hate to break it to you, but your Goddess has never loved you. Not even a little bit. I don’t think she’s ever even liked you. You’ve been her messenger and slave for all these centuries for absolutely nothing. It’s time to break the cycle. You can make amends to your sister if you help me defeat Selene now. It’s your only chance for salvation.”


Eamon’s face went full vamp. His cheeks slid as his canines sprang from behind his thin lips. A vicious snarl hissed out of his elongated throat. “This is your fault,” he accused. “If you die, things will go back to the way they once were.”


I sidestepped him with ease, his confusion and emotions making him erratic. Even though Eamon was old, it was almost like he was a child, having never had the chance to grow up and be a man.


Selene cackled again, enjoying the show.


Time to mix things up.


Eamon turned and wheeled at me again. My body bent down in a crouch, concentrating on his movements. When he was within my grasp, I snatched him up around the middle, my body pivoting in a full circle, my feet anchoring me steadily. Once I gathered the momentum I needed, I tossed him as hard as I could. He flew through the air.


The moment he hit his target it was game on.












Selene’s shriek was satisfying, but hearing her hit the ground with an ooof was priceless. I wasted no time. I headed straight for Rourke, my wolf pushing us forward fast. Selene hadn’t expected Eamon to land in her lap, but I’d thrown him with more speed than even I knew I had. It would occupy her for a few precious seconds while I tried to free my mate.


“Get off of me,” she snarled, tossing Eamon off her in one fierce kick. He smashed against a far wall.


I shimmied up the cavern wall in a blur, using my claws and speed. Once Selene was done with Eamon, she would track me, but I hoped I made myself a hard target. I neared the alcove at the top and ducked into it, running along the top. If I could lower him down and take the pins out, he could regenerate enough to heal those wounds. He had to. I eyed the chains as I ran. They were silver. It was going to burn like hell, but it didn’t matter.


I launched myself in the air, leaping the distance onto the chains.


Rocks above my head exploded with incredible force. “Get away from him,” Selene shouted. “You cannot save him! He’s under my spell and the chains are enchanted. He will never wake for you.” I kept moving. “Stop!” There was a delicious hint of desperation in her voice.